• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をよろしくお願いします)


  • 私は10年間にわたる虐待的な結婚を経験しましたが、別れた後は同じ業界で働いているため、社交関係や仕事関係から距離を置く必要がありました。しかし、現在はとても健康で幸せです。
  • 最近、私は過去のつながりを少しずつ取り戻し始めています。再びつながりを築いていくことは、前向きなステップです。
  • 私は以前と同じ人々との関係を再構築することで、自分自身を成長させ、より充実した人生を送っています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 I’ve started to fold a few previous connections back into my life.の和訳をよろしくお願いします  (最近になって)以前のコネのいくつかを私の生活の中に折り込むことを始めた > 以前の知人たちとまた付き合い始めた。





その他の回答 (1)

  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

ちょっと自身がないのですが、foldは「折りたたむ」と言う意味ですが、本当に紙や道具などを折りたたむ時のほかは、unfold 「展開する、拡げる、おおっぴらにする」の方が良く使われます。unfoldが、友達がたくさんできて幅広く付き合いがあるようになることをイメージするとすると、fold back はその交友関係を小さく折りたたんで大事にしまい込むようなイメージで使っているのかなと思います。そのまえにhad to distance myself from both my social and professional circles とありますが、それが交友関係を幅広くunfoldした状態なのかなと思います。 そうすると、 「私は以前の付き合いを1つ2つと取り戻し始めました」と言うことになると思います。おおっぴらじゃなくクローズドなイメージがします。






  • 和訳出来る方 いらっしゃいますでしょうか?

    Willie Nelson & Julio Iglesias - To All The Girls I've Loved Before の歌詞を 和訳出来る方 いらっしゃいますでしょうか? 和訳サイトで変換したのですが 変な和訳になっちゃうので 宜しくお願いいたします To all the girls I've loved before Who travelled in and out my door I'm glad they came along I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before To all the girls I once caressed And may I say I've held the best For helping me to grow I owe a lot I know To all the girls I've loved before The winds of change are always blowing And every time I try to stay The winds of change continue blowing And they just carry me away To all the girls who shared my life Who now are someone else's wives I'm glad they came along I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before To all the girls who cared for me Who filled my nights with ecstasy They live within my heart I'll always be a part Of all the girls I've loved before The winds of change are always blowing And every time I try to stay The winds of change continue blowing And they just carry me away To all the girls we've loved before Who travelled in and out our doors We're glad they came along We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before To all the girls we've loved before Who travelled in and out our doors We're glad they came along We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before

  • 和訳希望です。

    Wondering where you've been all my life. I just started living. お願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I'm a newish stay-at-home mom finding it hard to connect with my spouse, my friends and my "old" life. I have no family support system and none of my friends have offered or shown any interest in helping with my little one. My whole life has turned upside down (not unexpected) but I guess it's my other relationships that have me surprised. I'm no longer invited to anything friend-wise and the few things I have been invited to were mere hours beforehand with no time to secure a sitter. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳(和訳)をお願いします

    "We've all bought this thing from the patriarchy hook, line, and sinker that we have to be busy and over performing,” she said. “I’d like to move into the next phase more from a place of discovery and gentleness. To let life unfold, as opposed to, ‘I’m not doing enough.’ “ 翻訳サイトを使っても意味がわかりません。 "私たちは皆、家父長制から、忙しく、過剰なパフォーマンスをしなければならない、というものを買ってきた。「私は、発見と優しさというところから次の段階に進みたい。私は十分なことをしていない』とは対照的に、人生の展開に身を任せたいのです」。"

  • よろしくお願いします

    So, recently I've started to crush on a guy who's in my friend group. We've already been shipped every single day, and we're good friends. We've already been shippedはどのような意味でしょうか?shipの意味に「~をくっつける[くっつけたがる・カップリングする]」とあるのですが、良くわかりません。よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳してもらえませんか?

    彼からのメッセージですが単語を調べてなんとなく理解したつもりですが、辞書翻訳だと変な日本語に…。 いまいちうまく話し言葉に訳せません。どなたか和訳していただけないでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。 I want to say thank you for everything. From the first time we met when we went to a karaoke I realized you are an extraordinary girl, you deserve only the best things in life. The more I know you, the more I want to give you children and a happy life. I will do my best to find a place in Switzerland to work and live.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I'm starting new phase in my life, I'm closing my past and starting a new journey in life. We have to take chances in life and I'm confident that my choice is correct. I left my night job because it was the same company my friend works at too this way the connection with her will be cut. Hopefully we can still be friends but I think she has closed the connection with me already. As for myself my health is improving with every passing day. The feelings I had for her are getting weaker so I believe my new journey will begin and this will bring closer to this chapter in my life. I'm sorry if I cause you any confusion with my e-mails but now I know how I really feel. You are very kind and understanding through this time in my life and I'm grateful for that. I hope that we can start again together. ほぼ理解していますが、内容が内容だけに確実にわかりたいのでお願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Recently, my husband decided to take a role in local politics. This requires a lot more socializing on his, and my, part. The problem is, I’ve always been terrifically bad at it. I try so hard, but always end up saying something offensive without realizing it. I’ve been like this my whole life. The social niceties and conventions that others seem to intuitively grasp are like learning a foreign language to me. 最後のセンテンスの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Steven and I dated for two years. The first year was wonderful. My family and my in-laws all accepted him. As year two began, he began to change. He stopped being attentive, and started to randomly go out by himself. We eventually broke up because he couldn't commit. At the beginning of our relationship, he didn't seem to have a problem with commitment. He took advantage of my life and of my children being secure with him. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I am a married mother with two children, both in high school. But I am in love with a man who is not my husband of 21 years. "Harry" is my first love, and he came back into my life unexpectedly. He is also married. Neither of us is passionate or loving toward our spouses anymore. We both feel that we are growing apart from them. I am waiting for my children to finish high school before I make any final move. My husband still seems to believe we can be a happy couple, but I don't agree. He is unaware of my affair, but I can tell that he feels that I'm growing more distant from him every day. An additional problem, however, is that Harry seems to go through fits and starts about leaving his large family for me. Harry seems to go through fits and starts about leaving his large family for me. の和訳をよろしくお願いします