No Objection - 和訳添削依頼

  • 主要人物の陳述書作成に関する最新の申立書を提出しました。異議がなければ即座に開始します。
  • 異議がある場合、被告は詳細な理由を提供する必要があります。
  • 質問文章の要点:主要人物の陳述書作成に関する申立書を提出し、異議がなければ開始することを要求しています。
  • ベストアンサー

和訳 no objection

和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします。 ※英文は少しい長いので最初の二つの文章を混ぜました。 I have enclosed an updated Motion with the names of the key people I would like to write statements for. If there is no objection I would like to start this as soon as possible. And if there is an objection, Defendant should provide the reason in detail. 主要人物の姓名を記した最新の申立書を添付する。意義がない場合、当方はこの数名の陳述書の作成に早急に取り掛かりたい。そして、異議がある場合、被告はその理由を詳細に明らかにすべきである。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

> そして、異議がある場合、 日本語で”そして”とすると、前の文(意義がない場合)の内容に続いて起こることに説明になり、ここでは自然ではありません。”そして”は削除して”もし”とするべきかと思います。 「もし意義がある場合、被告はその理由を詳細に提出するべきである。」



ありがとう!勉強になりました。。。日本語はいつも難しい :o)


  • 和訳

    以下の文は正しいのでしょうか? 意味もいまいち分かりません。(特にso as not to be able to hate itの部分が。。) 訳していただけると助かります。 There is the person whom I was able to come to like so as not to be able to hate it even if betrayed.

  • 至急和訳をお願いします!!2

    すいません。アメリカの親戚からメールが届いて、至急返信を返さなければいけなく、辞書を引いても、凄く難しい文構造で、中2の僕では解読不能です。 文は、 Hi there. Its your cousin from america Daniel. Is there anything special you would like to do this summer? Say like going to mount rushmore it is a symbol of freedom. In america. We would probable have to drive there it takes a long time like 13 hours or so. Another possibility is gong to an amusment park or a water park it all depends on what you would like to do. I think you will have a fun and great experience. 本当にあつかましくてすいません。 道か宜しくお願いします!

  • 和訳できますか?

    Perfectionism is siow death. (1)Ifeverything were to turn out just like I would want it to,just like I would plan for it to,then I would never experience anything new; my life would be an endless repetition of stale successes.(2)When I make a mistake I experience something unexpested. (1)の後ろと(2)の後ろの和訳お願いします。

  • 簡単に和訳をお願いします。

    I am the winning bidder and bid before I could confirm that the razor is authentic because I learned of the item as the auction was ending. Is the razor authentic and NOS? If not, I would like to withdraw my offer and cancel the transaction.

  • 和訳に直してもらえませんか?

    凄く長いんですが、翻訳機を使ってみたけどサッパリわからないです。 どなたかお願いします。 how are you i missed you ^_^ so what's new in your life i would like to know you better and be closer to you as a firend as a very good friend ^^ i hopes i am not impolite. if you allow me to know you better i will be very happy. i already have a friend from italy. she is like a sister for me now. i would like to make the same relation ship with some friends from japan. and may be one day we will be able to meet each other. ^_^ and share a very good coffee or tee. i would like to travel to japan some day. and i will be very happy if i can have lot of friends from there. as i did in france. where i spent 2 years for my studies. in Toulon côte d'azure. a very nice place just like okinawa. but okinawa is very beautiful too. ok i have to go back work. if you have any question about me i will be very happy to comunicate with you. very big kiss on your head and a very big hug ;) see you soon

  • 和訳お願いします。

    外国の方から落札された後この様なメールが来たのですが your service so far is above average when compared to the yahoo auction norm. If you are indeed sending the item as a gift, then an approptiate value would be US$49.99 which is I think closer to an actual item value if it were not so rare. The problem is if left undeclared that the price ranges from $40 to $400. ギフト付$49.99で申告して送ってと言っているのでしょうか?

  • 和訳して下さい!!

    和訳して下さい!! 1. Your vocabulary at age 45 is three times as great as when you graduated from college. At 60, your brain possess almost four times as much information as it did. 2. He is great senior to me in respect of service. 3. There is nothing would like better than a visit to the zoo. 4. The mob gathered round the car like so many files. 5. I must admit that my son is not much of a scholar.

  • ざっと和訳をお願いします

    I would like to know why you describe the razor width as 17.3 to 18. Is it because the razor is shorter at the heel and wider at the tip? This would mean that the edge is not perfectly straight.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Yes I know it is original, I'm always curious to see how keen a shaving edge others can achieve. There are local honing services here, but I do like to see what other professionals can achieve... If you can arrange it that would be great, if not It's not a big deal.

  • 簡単に和訳をお願いします

    I look forward to others like this one you may obtain and put up for sale. My question is Can you obtain a similar aged new unused Dovo "BERG GRAF" model? It is not as expensive as the Bergischer Lowe. It was the first straight razor I purchased many years ago and I still use it. I would like to purchase another new unused one. If you could obtain one.