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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:よろしくお願いします)

Should I Contribute Parts for a Goodbye Present?


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。partsとは何のことでしょうか? 下記の1のように「部分」でしょう。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=part  「(上役の退職の際に渡す記念品について、金でなく、何か物を、しかも)部分を(=一人が全部を担当するのではなく)分担して(あげることになった。)」 2。あと、最後の文はso~that構文に見えるのですが、soがありません。文法的にどうなっているのでしょうか?  so がありませんから、前半の結果、後半になる、と言う that でしょう。  心から何かをあげるふりをしたため、その結果、これが(私の本心と)職場で(この先も、そうだと)予期されるのが嫌だった。





  • 英語に翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    Ok I'm sorry for being like this to you. I know that it is weird and gross but I do want to try that with you because I trust you. I feel like the whole reason I want to do that with you is so you can beat my ex and show you are so much better than her. But if you really don't want to it is fine I can live without that←翻訳してくださいm(__)m

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    A woman I work with used to join me and a few others for drinks after work occasionally, and her company is fine enough. However, over the past six months due to a minor promotion, she has become insufferable. She is constantly ratting people out to our principal (I work at a school,) looking for ways to get those she doesn’t like in trouble, and even going as far as to make up things that aren’t true. None of this has been directed at me personally, so I have stayed out of it, while remaining sympathetic to my co-workers who are victims of her power trip. The root of this issue is the way the principal handles HR, but I’m not interested in speaking with her about that. My problem is that this woman is always asking me what I’m doing after work and trying to invite herself along with me and another friend I work with. We both feel uncomfortable socializing with her since we’re disgusted at her behavior, however, I don’t feel I can be direct with her since she has the ear of my boss. I don’t feel I can be direct with her since she has the ear of my boss.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • call them out

    I strongly dislike—or don’t fully trust—some of my husband’s friends and family. Although the family has accepted me with open arms, his father, the father’s side of the family, some of my husband’s friends, and their wives occasionally use cultural stereotypes. I’m the only person of color and the newest addition to the group; while I don’t want to be pegged as “the sensitive minority,” I also feel that my silence means acceptance of their words. My husband is totally accepting of others, never stereotypes anyone, and recognizes that these “joking” comments are offensive. But the one time I pushed him to respond to an offensive forwarded email, he dragged his feet, which was disappointing. I feel that since they’re his friends and family HE should be the one to say something, but I understand that he doesn’t want to get into an argument with people who raised him/whom he grew up with, and whom he loves. Is there a polite way to call them out on their words, or should I just leave this alone since 1) we don’t often see them and 2) they don’t say this stuff all of the time? call them out on their wordsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • benefits

    5 p.m. — Head to a store that has my hard-to-find soap and chocolate. Buy that, plus toiletries, and wine. After that, I grab a cauliflower curry bowl from a fast-casual place I love ($10.10). They don't have an app, which is annoying, because I like earning points and free food. I almost never visit fast-casual places that don't offer that, but I don't go to this one often and it's nearby. I take the bus home to eat dinner and drink wine before my friend with benefits arrives. I haven't seen him in a while. It's a really great set-up because I'm not interested in dating, and neither is he, and we are truly good friends. my friend with benefitsとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • とても分かりづらい英語ですが訳を助けてください!

    訳を見てほしいのですが、ちょっとわかりづらい英語で困ってます。おしえてください。ちなみに相手mの方はアメリカンなんですが英語がちょっと自己流な感じです・・・ 分けました。 (1) I told myself That I well send you a email before I go to sleep so you well know me alittle more. This email maybe long or not, I don't know right now LOL. But what I want to say is. Alot of time when I think I know the woman or girl I can see myself marring. 寝る前に君にメールを送るということを話したけどもう少し私がわかる。このメールが長いかそうじゃないかいまはわからない(笑)でも私が言いたいこと。。。?? 私が考える多くの時間は・・・・・・・??? (2)I have to hold back what I feel and what I really want to say. I don't want that girl or woman run away of me because she think that I'm moving to fast. It is just all of my friends but one are married. And they are happy. And there is me, fun, kind, caring, a joy to be around. But a little sad. But for the good news! I do hope that are that one person I do end up with. And yeah I well be happy. 私は・・・私の感じること私が本当に言いたいこと・・・??私から逃げる女の子はほしくない。なぜなら彼女は・・・・・れは私の友達でも一人だけ結婚してる。彼らは幸せだ。・・・・・でも少し悲しいでもいいニュースだ。・・・・

  • よろしくお願いします

    My partner and I recently got engaged and have begun the wedding planning. While we both agree that we would prefer a low-key, inexpensive event, some amount of money is still going to be spent, and we are having trouble raising the funds on our own. I know that it is typical for the father of the bride to pay for the majority of the expenses, but being that there is no bride, this makes things more difficult. My fiancé’s parents are well off and very supportive, but my own parents, especially my father, are not as well off. My question is: How do I go about asking either parent for financial support for this wedding? If I want this wedding to go the way I’d like, I need some type of financial aid. Gay marriage is fairly new, so there doesn’t seem to be any precedent set for this. being that there is no brideの意味と用法について教えてください。あと、any precedent set for thisの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 埼玉大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    埼玉大学 自由英作文 2012                                                                                                         条件・ 世の中には、いろいろな先生がいます。さて、あなたの理想の先生について詳しく書きなさい。(120~150字)                                                                                                               Needless to say , teachers are required the ability of teachering , but I think that the                                                               communication skill is also important. Since a school is the place where we have to leran                                                                  Japanese or English and so on, teachers need to have a lot of knowledge about that, but I think                                                               a teacher who has the good communication skill is more interesting and friendly. I have an                                                                   experience supporting my idea. When I wes a junior high school student , I joined teniss club. One                                                               day, I had a match with a student of other school. I couldn't win the match , so I was disappointed,                                                              however , my teacher said to me "Don't give up and you can do it". This word helped me very                                                                 much. I think that it is important for teachers not only to teach their students but also to                                                                    communicate with them. (142字)                                                                                                                                                                      拙い文章ですが、文法面を中心にご指導いただけるとありがたいです。添削をお願いできる方がいなくて・・・。厳しいご指摘宜しくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    My husband of 28 years has been having long, intimate text conversations with his father's hospice nurse for several months while they both are caring for my dying father-in-law. My husband does this for hours every day. I have told them that I would like one of them to stop working with my father-in-law. Neither has been willing. His whole family is standing behind this relationship and feels the two of them are wonderful for each other and a new start would be great because both are in "loveless" marriages. It is clear to me that they want to be together. They have expressed deep love for each other and have been intimate. I am brokenhearted and want out. My marriage has always been stressful and occasionally abusive. We were hanging in there, but by a string. This just seals the deal. Today, one sister is going to ask the nurse to step down. 1 want outは「関わりたくない」でしょうか?あと、by a stringは「かろうじて」でしょうか? 2 This just seals the deal.の意味を教えてください。 3 step downは「身を引く」でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 英語が得意な方へ!

    英語が得意な方へ! 和訳お願いします。 Needless to say I have been very very busy. Not so much with my work (well not more than or times).. but with house hold chores. Cooking, cleaning, dishes, laundry ... living all by yourself is a lot of work ... I sympathize with all the women out there :) But help is on the way ... I'm planning to hire a cleaning lady so she can help me clean my house a couple of hours a week. And for the cooking ... I actually like to cook and I think I'm getting quite good at it. But my sister is a bit worried about me. She calls and asks me how I'm doing. And then I tell her what I prepared for diner ... and it turns out that everything I make is either a Japanese or Chinese dish ... or at least I try to. So my sister complains that I'm not from Belgium any more and that I don't cook real food ... hahaha. Then I need to remind her that in Japan and China there are many people eating this food and that they are very genki ... :)Oh well ... eating waffles every day is also not good. Oh speaking of waffles I was passing by one of these vans that sell waffles. And I thought I had to take a picture for (私の名前) :)Something else ... now that my ex wife has left I'm also rearranging some things in my finances. In short I need to set up a new company and I thought I of creating giving it a Japanese sounding name. People over here get totally confused when they hear it ... but I like that :). Do you know of a nice name? My doryo suggested "matsu" ... I kind of like it. What do you think? Do you have a nicer name? That new company will own my house and all my money and I will keep it for maybe the rest of my life. So if you find a name ... I'll probably think of you for the rest of my life ... hahaha No don't take it that seriously ... but I think you're good in finding names. Please let me know your opinion. Maybe you can see my last run: as you can see I still need a lot more training :( メールの相手、会社を興そうとしているのでしょうか?長文読んで下さりありがとうございます。

  • 自己紹介文について

    こんにちはww 高校1年の者です。 カテゴリーが分からなかったので、とりあえずここに書いてみました。 よろしくお願いしますo(_ _o) 明日英語の授業で自己紹介スピーチをします。 『because』『and』『but』『so』のどれかを入れて6文以上、と言うのが条件です。 そこで、翻訳サイト等を参考にして作った文の正誤のご指摘をお願いしたいのです。 (レベルとしては中学くらいです;) Hello. My name is ○○. Please call me ○○. I live in ○○. There are ○ people in my family. And I have ○○ dogs. I like to listen music. Also I think Japanese pops is cool. My favorite singer is especially ○○. Because they are very interesting. But I don't like comedian so much. Because I don't think that they are interesting. Thank you. 以上です。 おかしい所、他の表現の方が良い所、等ぜひ教えてくださいm(_ _)m