Being a person in my own right

  • Understand the meaning behind 'a person in my own right'
  • Dealing with the condescension of being addressed as someone's grandmother
  • Asserting one's identity as an individual with a job and hobbies
  • ベストアンサー

a person in my own right

The problem comes when dealing with the other grandmother, especially when others are in the vicinity. I don't know whether it's because I am older than she is or what, but she always addresses me as "Gramma Mary," as in, "Gramma Mary, what would you like to do today?" I find this condescending, disrespectful and rude. First of all, I am not her grandmother. Second, I am a person in my own right, with a job and hobbies. a person in my own rightはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 a person in my own rightはどのような意味でしょうか?  「私は私として(自分の職もあり趣味もある)自立している人物」である、(=誰々のおばあさんではない)  (まあ僕なんか子供の間では、僕の名前や職業では呼ばれずに甲のお父さん、と呼ばれていた訳で、そう目くじら立てて騒ぐことではなく、よくあることだと思います)





  • my own

    I have a room of my own. っという、‘my own’という言葉が入った英文をよく見るのですが、ownの意味は→「自分自身」ですよね? ownだけで「自分」ってことはハッキリ分かるのになぜ“my”を前につける必要があるのですか?又、この場合↑の文から“my”を取ってしまっても同じ意味ですか? 教えてください。

  • override my own worries

    I have an upcoming long-weekend visit with my spouse, my two siblings and their spouses. We haven't seen one another in years. I have gained a lot of weight in the interim, and I am very self-conscious. Should I just not mention it? What if they make snide comments? I have a long-term, binge-eating disorder that they don't know about. I don't want to be dreading this weekend, but I'm wringing my hands. Any advice? -- The Elephant in the Room Dear The Elephant in the Room: You might want to contact your siblings in advance to let them know that you have been wrestling with an eating disorder, and that you've gained weight over the years. Be transparent about this, and convey, very simply, "I'm pretty self-conscious about this, but I'm so excited about seeing all of you that I'm overriding my own worries. I'm overriding my own worriesは「心配を通り越して心配していない」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    What is the best way to deal with an older sister (56) who treats me, her little brother (46), like a 3-year-old? She has never stopped talking about me in the third person when I’m standing next to her. When I’m working with subtitles for my job on my laptop, I’m playing a game. talking about me in the third personとworking with subtitles for my jobはどのような意味でしょうか?third personはothersとどう違うのでしょうか?なぜtheが付いているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • pumped my own gas

    I have been widowed for 19 years and belong to a support group of women who go out to lunch once a month. Before I married my late husband, I was an independent businesswoman, cared for an elderly parent, paid my own bills, pumped my own gas, bought my own cars, etc. pumped my own gasとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • with my finger in the dam

    この日本語訳はどうなりますか?特に、「with my finger in the dam」 の部分が不明です。 I am not gonna be that little Dutch boy with my finger in the dam no more!

  • in the right

    I need counsel on how to deal with a persistently creepy colleague in the arts community who styles himself my “fan.” Happily, I don’t have to see him daily, but he sends me regular (unanswered!) emails and messages that make my skin crawl. Part of the trouble is that they aren’t exactly creepy stalker emails; he is trying to make it seem like an ongoing, two-sided conversation and an appeal to our shared artistic interests—and there are people in our circle who seem fine with him. Recently, he has begun to use my professional achievements as pretexts to make contact and seems to be trying to force a response. For instance, after congratulating me in person for a promotion in a sexist way, he sent me a lengthy email explaining why he was perfectly in the right. in the rightは単にrightと言うのとは何が違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • in-person ticket lottery

    I moved to the NYC area three years ago, and since then, I have immensely enjoyed the Broadway theater scene. I enter online and in-person ticket lotteries every day—my husband and I don’t have a large budget for entertainment, but I’ve gotten pretty lucky and seen some blockbuster shows. in-person ticket lotteriesはdどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • in my corner

    This irrational urge of mine comes from an incredibly selfish place, I know that much. I want someone in my corner. I love my dad so much, but he’s moving on with his life in a way that I’m not fully a part of. I know that much.は「それくらいのことは分かっている」みたいな感じでしょうか?in my cornerの意味もよろしくお願いします

  • in mind か in my mind ?

    I found it very difficult to write what I had in( my )mind. この文章のときmyは必要ですか? どっちでもいいですか? 解説お願いいたします。

  • own の有無の違い

    「昨日、自分の部屋で本を読んだ」は、次のどちらが正しいのでしょうか? 特にownの有無で、どのようにニュアンスが変わるのか、わかりません。 Yesterday I read the book in my own room. Yesterday I read the book in my room.