• ベストアンサー

和訳 verbal language


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9778/12183)

>The above paragraph is the actual present day legal procedure used in Japan for minor crimes in verbal language. >上記の段落は、口頭で書かれた軽犯罪用に現在日本で実際に用いられている法的手続きである。 *the actual present day legal procedure used in Japan for minor crimes:「現在日本で軽犯罪用に用いられている法的手続き」。 *in verbal language:「口語体で書かれた」。 ⇒上記の段落は、現在日本で軽犯罪用に用いられている、口語体で書かれた法的手続きである。



I thought the Japanese was wrong because of the way the sentence was separated... my mistake. I feel bad now... Hey, thanks for clearing this up - you are priceless !! :o)


  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! In naming the order he founded, Francis deliberately chose a word commonly used in his day to refer to the lower strata of society: Minores (or Friars Minor, Minorites), which carried pejorative connotations of dependency and legal incapacity. The impoverishment of the mendicant friar extended even to the loss of his name: Franciscans and Dominicans both used the names of their heavenly patrons and were identifiable only by the additional mention of their native towns. The friar lost himself in the anonymous crowd of the poor.

  • 和訳 hitojichi shihou

    外国人です。。。私の和訳はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします。 Hitojichi Shihou (the hostage procedure) is the standard procedure used in Japan, pre-indictment and after to force confessions, by threatening suspects with an inducement “of release” if they confess, and detention (a form of torture, a hardship) if they don't. And it goes to the extreme, suspects accused of minor crimes that don't warrant jail time, are kept in detention for 6 months to a year if they insist on their innocence. And if they (falsely) confess, then they are released. 「人質司法」とは、自白を強制するために起訴前やその後の日本で用いられているの標準手続きであり、被疑者が自白した場合に「釈放」の誘導を脅迫し、自白しなければ勾留(拷問の一形式)する。そして、懲役を求刑しない軽犯罪で公訴された被疑者は、無罪を主張すれば6ヶ月から1年間勾留されているという極端な状況に陥る。そして、もし被疑者が(虚偽の)自白したら、釈放される。

  • 英語の和訳なのですが、、、

    学生なんですけど英語が苦手で なかなか和訳できません だから教えてください 題名:Written Language 内容: Children between the ages of two and five are able to acquire a spoken language without much help. Parents may help by correcting mistakes, but children learn to speak mostly by listening to the people around them. They imitate the sounds that they have heard. On the other hand, writing systems must be taught. In Japan for example, children learn how to read and write kanji, hiragana, and katakana for a number of years. They have teachers and textbooks to help them. Speech is a very efficient method of communication. No tools are needed. The sounds that are used are made with the lungs, throat, tongue and mouth. Speech is also very quick. Speaking a sentence is much faster than writing it down. Needless to say, speech also has limitations. To begin with, once a sound is made, it disappers forever, so communication is limited to that particular time and place. Ideas that are passed on from person to person must be remembered and repeated precisely. Also, since spoken words are stored only in the minds of the listener, what is spoken can be forgotten or remembered incorrectly. With written language, however, a writer can carefully create sentences that communicate his or her ideas precisely. Once the words are written down, they can be read by anyone who can read that language. 結構長いですがよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 先ほどと同じ段落ですが、中間部分となりますので 内容が中途半端だと思います。 続きからと続きへといった感じですが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Sometimes to those out of reach, who can see as far above you as a remote star in the distant universe, and yet are also flesh and blood. Such a love can seem utterly one sided to begin with, you idealize someone who has enchanted you. Someone who may be far above you but is not worthy, or who has many faults and shortcomings. You endure a lot and demand very little in return for the sake of love, because you love deeply, quietly and unconditionally. You suffer more for love, you sacrifice more, than others have to. You wait a long time in uncertainty.

  • 和訳 by the court

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします(外国人です) Transcripts used for judgement on appeal for cases like Plaintiff's are extremely primitive, with no actual transcript of any of the dialogue spoken in court. The transcripts are instead a summary of the testimony given, written dangerously in “first person” with a “presumption of guilt”, using Defendants' own words in accordance to their own “personal interpretation”of what was said. 原告のような判決の上訴のために使用される公判調書は極めて原始的であり、法廷で話されている対話のいずれかの実際の記録がない。記録の代わりに、与えられた証言の要約であり、被告自身の言葉を使って被告の「個人的解釈」に従って「推定有罪」し「一人称」で危険に書かれている。

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。

    Scientific investigation is not only used to advance science - sometimes scientific procedures are used to investigate a crime or to provide evidence in a criminal trial. This application of scientific methods for legal use is the fast-growing area known as "forensics." For example, when DNA, blood, a fingerprint, hair, or other tissue is found at a crime scene, investigators can often match the sample to the person from whom it came. Now we have learned that DNA samples that are found at the crime scene may be able to give us information about a person's eye color. As exciting as this development is, we should keep in mind that matching DNA from a sample to a suspect is still not very accurate. In fact, the most important use of DNA samples may be to eliminate people from suspicion. It is not possible to state with nearly 100% certainty that a particular DNA sample is from a particular person. However, it is possible to state with certainly that a particular sample did not come from a particular person. In recent years many people who were wrongly convicted of crimes have been cleared because their DNA was completely different from DNA found at the scene. Forensic medicine is very important, but it must be used very carefully. Nobody should be convicted of a crime based solely on DNA evidence.

  • lifeの意味

    Letters in themselves are not language, but merely symbols which are used for the sounds of which language is composed. There is no life or meaning in written symbols in themselves; but they must be translated, as it were, into the sounds for which they stand before they become language or have any meaning. 2文目のlifeなんですが、どう訳したらいいんでしょか。書かれた記号そのものにはlifeあるいは意味がない・・・ このlifeは・・・

  • 添削をお願いします

    簡単なparagraphを書いてみたので文法などの添削をお願いします。また、内容的にも変なところがありましたら指摘をおねがいします。 Through this class, I have learned a lot of things to write a good paragraph or essay. One of the most interested thing is differences of sentences that translated by using translator and sentences that native spearkers use. In the beginning of class, I often used tranlator, because I was trying to use sentences structure from my first language- Japanese. But those sentences that I translated from my 1st language by using translator almost doen’t make sense for native spearker or include wrong words that native speakers don’t use. So, in the beginnung of the class, I was often commented by professor “I can’t undestand what this sentence says.” or “ This word is not used in this situation.” Since then, I tried to write a paragraph or essay without using translator, but it was very difficult at first. Also it took so much time to write a paragraph or essay, it were woes for me. In short, there are differences between english and translation of translator. There are differences between english and not only japanese but also another language. The most important thing is to understand the differences in addition to learning english.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 1つの段落と2つの段落の前半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The meeting will be very wonderful and yet very ordinary. But a transformation will begin like the melting snows on a sunny day or the change of the seasons, very gradually your life will become totally transformed. When he is ill, it is generally intermittent He gets a little better A little worse,. He becomes shiftless, subdued, an illness comes on and his competence suffers. His colour darkens and he gets liverish when ill He is also more prone then others to catch dysenteries if he travels in foreign places, or unclean conditions., and become poisoned quite easily by fish or shell fish. More subject to diarrhea than constipations and gets a lot of gas in his pipes. Gets mouth ulcers, or cold sores when his immunity is low, or before he is ill like a sign that his good health is dropping. He will be clean in all his habits, neat and tidy, hygienic. He suffers, minor ailments, spots or boils, indigestion, rheumatisms in cold weather, which he will make the most of, as if fascinated by their morbid details. This sign indicates a secret interest in health, or fear of serious illness so that when ill he may become hypochondriac imagining its worse than it is.

  • 英文の全訳があっているか確認してほしいです

    入試の問題の過去問に出ている文を全訳してみたのですが 怪しいところがかなりあるのでチェックしてほしいです。 A paragraph is (ア) sentences that logically develop one subject. 段落は論理的に主題をつくる文の集まりである。 The number of sentences in the paragraph depends on its subject. 段落の中にある文の数は主題に依存している。 A paragraph with a simple subject may have five sentences, but a paragraph about a difficult subject may have ten sentences. 単純な主題の文章は5つの文ですむかもしれないが、難しい主題の文章は10の文を要するかもしれない。 Research has shown that the average paragraph in English has five to ten sentences, with 75 to 150 words. 研究は英語での文章は平均5から10の文、75から150の単語からできているということを示した。 Good writers are constantly revising what they want to communicate and how they want to communicate it. 良い著者は絶えず何を伝えようとしているか、どうやってそれを伝えるかということを修正している。 In other words, revision takes place throughout the writing process – from the time the topic sentence is written until the summary sentence is completed. 言い換えれば文を書いている間中、文の書き始めから書き終わるまでの間、修正する事になります。 Ideas are formed, written down, and sometimes discarded. 考えは形成され、書き下ろされ、時には処分される。 Sentences are written and rewritten until the writer is satisfied with their structure. 文は著者がそれらの構成に満足するまで書かれ、そして書き直される。 Most writers usually wait until a final revision has been made to edit their writing – check for problems with capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. 多くの著者はたいてい最後の修正で大文字使用や、句読点のつけ方、綴り、文法の間違いがチェックされ編集されるまで待つ。 Whenever you wrote a paragraph, you should edit written sentences for punctuation and grammatical mistakes. あなたが文章を書くときはいつでも書いた文の句読点のつけ方や文法的なミスを編集するべきである。 英語の文が試験問題の本文で日本語は自分で書いた訳です。 In other words, revision takes place throughout the writing process – from the time the topic sentence is written until the summary sentence is completed. ここの部分は構文がいまいちわかならかったので これも教えていただけるとうれしいです。