The Creation of Thirteen New Countries: The Challenge of Unity

  • When representatives of the colonies voted in favor of independence, they not only created the United States of America but also thirteen new countries.
  • During the Revolutionary War, the unity of the thirteen independent states was more of an aspiration than a reality, as they faced a collective action problem.
  • The states wanted independence but preferred that others bear the cost of supporting the armies led by George Washington.
  • ベストアンサー


When the representatives of the colonies meeting in a Continental Congress voted in favor of independence they created not just one, but thirteen new countries. (※省略) Although the Articles of Confederation named the union The United States of America, because each colony-become-state was independent, the unity was more of an aspiration than a reality, both during the Revolutionary War and after. During the war, Alexander Hamilton, serving as a high-level staffer to George Washington, was to write to a friend that “the confederation itself is defective and requires to be altered; it is neither fit for war, nor peace.” It was certainly unfit for war. Not having the power to tax, it could not raise enough money to support the armies led by Washington, but could only ask states to supply enough men and money. This was a perfect collective action problem: each state wanted independence, but preferred that other states paid the cost. すみません。とても長いので全文訳していただかなくて大丈夫です。 ここで言われていることは「大陸会議後、13の州を創立した。革命戦争中、それらの州は独立を求めていたが、集団行動問題があった。つまり、人員や資金を他の州から調達することを望んでいた。」 簡単にいうとこんな感じのことを行っているのでしょうか? (Did the 13 original states all devote their greatest efforts to winning the Revolutionary war? ような質問があり、その答えになりそうな箇所を探しているのですが…)  つまり答えはNoでいいでしょうか? ・私の要約があっているのか確認してほしいことと、 ・質問の[Did the 13 original states~]はNOでいいのか教えてほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

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  • お礼率89% (1045/1166)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

これ,アメリカ合衆国が産声をあげたときの,えらく古い話ですよね? あなたの別の質問に,フランスから戦費を借金したという不思議な話がありましたが,こちらを読んで「イギリス本国からの独立戦争」だと腑に落ちました。革命戦争じゃありませんよ(笑)。アメリカ史をちゃんと予習しておかないと。 13の「烏合の衆」いや「烏合の州」が,自州の利害ばかりを重視して,集団で本国と一戦交えるには無理があった,という内容でしょう。ワシントンの腹心のハミルトンは,戦時も戦後も無理をきたすことを見抜いていた。課題の質問の答えは「No」だと思います。



回答ありがとうございます。 Revolution War だったので革命戦争だと思いました笑。 アメリカ独立戦争はThe American revolution というと思っていたので。 そういうわけではないのですね。 指摘をいただき私も腑に落ちました。笑 私の間違った訳文で困らせてしまったようですみません。 回答ありがとうございます。 参考になりました。


  • 訳してください

    かなり長くてすみません。 一語一語訳していただかなくて大丈夫です。 Far past Jefferson’s eloquent introductory claims about inalienable rights and all men being created equal, past the laundry list of complaints that make up the bulk of the Declaration of Independence, it concludes by stating that “these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” The Articles emphasized that this was indeed a confederation of independent states, not a single country, in Article II, which said that “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.” This Congress was the Continental Congress now transformed into a Confederation Congress, but very little power was delegated to it beyond the power to negotiate treaties with other countries. Did the Constitution create 1 country or 13 countries? という質問がありそれに合いそうな答えを探しているのですが、 つまり上の文章で言われていることは、「独立宣言ではこれらの州は自由で独立した国家だとしたが、実際は憲法第2条で強調されている通り、それらは単一の国ではない。」と簡単にまとめるとこのようなことが言われているのでしょうか? 英文が長い上に、少し難しい内容で申し訳ないですが、分かる方回答お願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Sykes-Picot agreement, where France recognised Arab independence, had been signed after the letter to King Hussein: "It is accordingly understood between the French and British Governments... that France and Great Britain are prepared to recognise and uphold an independent Arab State or Confederation of Arab States in the areas A. and B. marked on the annexed map under the suzerainty of an Arab Chief." Hence France, argued the British, by signing practically recognised the British agreement with King Hussein, thus excluding Damascus, Homs, Hama, and Aleppo from the blue zone of direct French administration in the map attached to the agreement showed that these cities were included in an independent Arab State. Pichon said France could not be bound by what was for them an unknown agreement and had undertaken to uphold "an independent Arab State or Confederation of Arab States", but this did not mean the Kingdom of Hejaz and if they were promised a mandate for Syria, it would only act in agreement with the Arab State or Confederation of States.

  • 英文を添削してください。

    Did the Constitution create 1 country or 13 countries?という質問に対し、 独立宣言では13の州は自由で独立した国家だとしたが、実際は憲法第2条で強調されている通り、それらは単一の国ではない。」と言おうと思うのですが、 In the Declaration of Independence, 13 states were a free and independence state, but in fact they are not a single country, as emphasized in Article 2 of the Constitution. こちらの英文で問題ないでしょうか? 宜しくおねがいします。

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)He hold Truman that with nuclear weapons he could not only quickly end the war in Korea,but also "strike a blocking blow to international communism." (2)His idea of making the Korean War into a world war against communism was not popular in Washington. どなたかこの2つの英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    It has traditionally been claimed that the telegram was sent over three routes: transmitted by radio and also sent over two trans-Atlantic telegraph cables operated by neutral governments (the United States and Sweden) for the use of their diplomatic services. But it has been established that only one method was used. The message was delivered to the United States Embassy in Berlin and then transmitted by diplomatic cable first to Copenhagen and then to London for onward transmission over transatlantic cable to Washington. The misinformation about the "three routes" was spread by William Reginald Hall, then the head of Room 40, to try to conceal from the United States the fact that Room 40 was intercepting its cable traffic. Direct telegraph transmission of the telegram was not possible because the British had cut the German international cables at the outbreak of war.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Many sources contend that this agreement conflicted with the Hussein–McMahon Correspondence of 1915–1916 and that the publication of the agreement in November 1917 caused the resignation of Sir Henry McMahon. However, the Sykes–Picot plan itself described how France and Great Britain were prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab state, or confederation of Arab states, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief within the zones marked A and B on the map. Nothing in the plan precluded rule through an Arab suzerainty in the remaining areas. The conflicts were a consequence of the private, post-war, Anglo-French Settlement of 1–4 December 1918. It was negotiated between British Prime Minister Lloyd George and French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau and rendered many of the guarantees in the Hussein–McMahon agreement invalid. That settlement was not part of the Sykes–Picot Agreement. Sykes was not affiliated with the Cairo office that had been corresponding with Sherif Hussein bin Ali, but Picot and Sykes visited the Hejaz in 1917 to discuss the agreement with Hussein. That same year he and a representative of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered a public address to the Central Syrian Congress in Paris on the non-Turkish elements of the Ottoman Empire, including liberated Jerusalem. He stated that the accomplished fact of the independence of the Hejaz rendered it almost impossible that an effective and real autonomy should be refused to Syria.

  • 英文についての質問

    What kind of internal problems did the United States face after the war? という質問があるのですが、下記の情報をもとに答えを導き出しました。 (英文が長くてすみません)(( )) 後の文章から参考にしました。2段落目だけではわかりづらいと思ったので入れました。関係ないようでしたら、適当に飛ばしていただいて大丈夫です。 ((The intervention of the French with financial and material support tipped the balance and won the war, but as Hamilton had predicted, the Articles were unfit for maintaining the union in peacetime as well as war. The Confederation Congress had, despite its lack of authority to do so, borrowed money, particular from the French, to fight the way, but without the power to tax they could only beg the states to contribute to paying off the war debt, a burden the states preferred to shirk. )) Economic conflicts abounded. Each state coined its own money, hindering the efficiency of trade between them. States put tariffs on each other’s’ goods, further dampening the economic growth many looked for at war’s end. 質問に対する回答なのですが、 (各州は貿易を阻害したり、自国の資金を調達したりした。そのため戦争後は経済成長が鈍化した。) ⇨ Each state hindered trade and raised its own funds. As a result, economic growth has slowed down after the war. でいいでしょうか? 質問文が長くてすみません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    As the Provisional Government was not a publicly elected body (having been self-proclaimed by committee members of the old Duma), it lacked the political legitimacy to question this arrangement and instead arranged for elections to be held later. Vladimir Lenin, exiled in neutral Switzerland, arrived in Petrograd from Zürich on 3 April 1917 O.S. He immediately began to undermine the provisional government, issuing his April Theses the next month. These theses were in favour of "revolutionary defeatism", as opposed to the "imperialist war" (whose "link to Capital" must be demonstrated to the masses) and the "social-chauvinists" (such as Georgi Plekhanov, the grandfather of Russian socialism), who supported the war. Lenin also tried to take control of the Bolshevik movement and stirred up the proletariat against the government with simple but meaningful slogans such as "Peace, bread and land", "End the war without annexations or indemnities", "All power to the Soviet" and "All land to those who work it".

  • 英検準一の長文、内容がつかめません・・・

    During World War II, the United States supplied most of Britain's transport aircraft. While this arrangement allowed Britain to focus on producing bombers, it also created a serious weakness. It was clear that the experience in the design and manufacture of transport aircraft gained by the United States would put it at an advantage once the war was over. In 1943, the British government, realizing it was falling behind in the civilian aircraft industry, called for the development of a deluxe commercial aircraft that could travel between London and New York. (2014年第3回)第一パラグラフです。 質問1: 代名詞itが何を指しているのか教えてください。 1: it also created・・・ 2: the United States would put it ・・・ 質問2:ここだけ訳を教えてください。 It was clear that the experience in the design and manufacture of transport aircraft gained by the United States would put it at an advantage once the war was over. よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法的な説明をお願いします。

    次の文章をどのように文法的に解析したらよいか分かりません。 Liberty and freedom not given man as a free gift but as a right and a responsibility to be earned if he deserves it , is worthy of it , is willing to wark for it by means of courage and sacrifice , and then to defend it always. どなたかお願いします。freedomに not given man as a free gift but as a right and a responsibility to be earned がかかるのかな?と思ったんですが、文法的な解析が出来ません。