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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文についての質問)

MAXXI: The Museum of Arts of the 21st Century


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9783/12189)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >大した違いがないと思うので、 ⇒私は、「大した違いがない」とは思いませんでした。下の文章の方が断然面白いです。 >下の文章を使おうかと思っているのですが、どう思いますか? ⇒はい、圧倒的に下の文章がいいと思います。 ここで重要なところは、The main theme of its architecture is the sense of movement; Everything in the structure seems to be moving and flowing.の部分で、ここから「ポストモダニズムの建築」を体現する構造を目指したことが感じられます。 なお、大したことではありませんが、(;)のあとは通常小文字ですよね。 ... movement; everything ...てな感じに。〔また、あとで頻繁に使う予定でもない限り、略号の説明 (MAXXI for short) などは外した方がすっきりするでしょう。〕



回答ありがとうございます! ;の後は小文字なんですね。失礼しました。 ご指摘ありがとうございます。 大変参考になりました。 下の方の文章を使います! ありがとうございました!!


  • いくつか英文について質問です

    1) it seems odd that so few are prepared to apply some of the same skills in exploring works of art that stimulate another sense altogether: that of smell. 2) And yet, the parallels between what ought to be regarded as sister arts are undeniable. 3) The Old Masters deployed oil paint across the color spectrum, and applied layers on a determining ground and various kinds of underpainting, slowly building up to the surface, completing their work with thin glazes on top. 言いたいことはふわっと分かるのですが、訳をよろしければいただけませんか。 4) They begin to dry, and a ppicture is born. Its appearance changes over time, because the tendency of oil paint is to become gradually more transparent. このtoはどういう用法でしょうか?意味がとれませんでした。 5) So, too, talented "noses" experiment with complex configurations of olfactor elements and produce in symphonic combination many small sensations, at times discordant, sweet, bitter, melancholy, or happy, as the case may be. experiment with は動詞ですか?nosesが実験するのですか...?

  • 英文について

    ある建物/建造物についての文章なのですが、 Our Central Building for BMW constituted a radical reinterpretation of the traditional office - transforming the building and the functions it contains into a more dynamic, engaging ‘nerve-centre’ or ‘communication knot’ - tunneling all movement around the manufacturing complex through a space that transcends conventional white collar/blue collar spatial divisions. The building is hoisted above street level on leaning concrete pylons. The interior contains a series of levels and floors which seem to cascade, sheltered by tilting concrete beams and a roof supported by steel beams in the shape of an ‘H'. という文章があります。 そこで Our Central Building for BMW constituted a radical reinterpretation of the traditional office tunneling all movement around the manufacturing complex through a space. It is transcends conventional white collar/blue collar spatial divisions. The interior contains a series of levels and floors which seem to cascade, sheltered by tilting concrete beams and a roof supported by steel beams in the shape of an ‘H'. こちらのように文章を省略したのですが、文章的におかしいところはないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳お願いします!

    訳お願いしますm(._.)m (1)By 2004, Samso was already 70% self-supplied by renewable energy. (2)The wind generators supplied energy for electricity, and solar panels and biomass stoves for heating. (3)In addition to tourists, researchers and students of environmental studies visit the island. (4)They attend the seminars at the Energy Academy or visit the eco-museum on the island. (5)The Energy Academy itself is built according to the principles of an ecological building. (6)The use of water is cut down to a minimum and rainwater is used for flushing toilets. (7)The building is heated by solar collectors and a district heating system that burns straw. (8)Slar cells on the roof and local wind turbines supply the building with electricity. (9)Low-energy electrical appliances and lighting are used throughout the building. (10)Windows in the building are designed to provide the best lighting conditions.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    After most of the South African troops had been repatriated from East Africa in 1917 because of poor health, Captain Bloomfield volunteered to serve in France where he was promoted to Major. He died on 12 May 1954 and is buried at Ermelo, South Africa. In The War in Africa and Palestine room in the Delville Wood Museum, Longueval, France there is a photograph of Captain W.A. Bloomfield VC with an abbreviated citation.

  • 次の英文が表しているものを教えてほしいのですが

    1)The object consists of a closed tube which contains a red or silver liquid,and is made of glass. The tube is cylindrical in shape,but one end is spherical in shape. 2)This object is small and made of metal. One end is flat and circular in shape. There is a V-shaped groove across the middle of the circle. The other part of the object is at right angles to flat end. It is tapering,with a pointed tip. Around the exterior of the tapering part there is a spiral-shaped groove.

  • 英文の訳のとり方を教えてください。

    The fact that our taste is culturally determined is something of which we have to be aware, and this crops up throughout this book. Here, though, it is important to think about the social dimension of taste as having more to do with art as a process of social exclusion--we are meant to feel intimidated if we don't know who the artist is, or worse still if we don't feel emotionally moved through the 'exquisiteness' of the work. We have all read or heard the unmistakable utterances of these connoisseurs. But luckily their world does not belong to art history. この英文の二番目のセンテンスのas~asの個所がよくわからないのですが、 as~as・・・で、「・・・のように~」もしくは「・・・と同様~」と意味をとるのでしょうか? a process of social exclusion 社会的な排斥の過程? having more to do with art 芸術を用いてもっとすることを持つ? この二つをつなげて it is important to think about the social dimension of taste as having more to do with art as a process of social exclusionを訳すと "社会的な排斥の過程(工程?)と同様に芸術を用いてもっとすることを持っている観賞力の社会的重要性について考えることは重要である"、ですか? 意味が掴めない感じです。 また、 we are meant to feel intimidated if we don't know who the artist is, or worse still if we don't feel emotionally moved through the 'exquisiteness' of the work.について "私たちはもしその芸術家が誰なのか知らなかったり、さらにもっと悪いことにその作品の洗練されたものを通して情緒的に駆り立てられないならばぞっとすることになっている" と訳したのですが are meant to feel intimidated はbe meant to doで、~することになっている、ですか? ぞっとすることになっている、という訳がしっくりこない感じなのですが。 以下は前文になります。 Another aspect of connoisseurship is its relationship to our understanding of taste. A connoisseur's taste in relation to art is considered to be refined and discriminating. Our concept of taste in relation to art is quite complicated, and inevitably it is bound up in our ideas about social class. Let me take a little time to explore this more fully. I have already discussed the practice of art appreciation--art available for all and seen and enjoyed by all. By contrast, connoisseurship imposes a kind of hierarchy of taste. The meaning of taste here is a combination of two definitions of the word: our faculty of making discerning judgements in aesthetic matters, and our sense of what is proper and socially acceptable. But by these definitions taste is both culturally and socially determined , so that what is considered aesthetically 'good' and socially 'acceptable' differs from one culture or society to another. 『ART HISTORY--Connoisseurship』:Dana Arnold

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The fighting ended with the Allied forces in possession of the plateau north and east of the village, in a position to menace the German bastion of Thiepval from the rear. The cost had been very large for both sides and in the words of Australian official historian Charles Bean, the Pozières ridge "is more densely sown with Australian sacrifice than any other place on earth."

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Christmas Eve's battle slogan of liberation of Jelgava and all of Courland was proved to be just a slogan without serious coverage. The heavy casualties resulted in a strong resentment against the Russian generals and the Tsar among the riflemen. This resentment led to an increased support for the Bolsheviks, who were advocating an end to the war. However 12th Army Command severely punished Siberian Riflemen, who refused to go to battle - 92 of them were transferred to the war tribunal and condemned to death, and several hundred were sent to Siberia.Today Tirelis swamp and the nearby forests are part of the Museum of the Christmas Battles which in its turn is branch of Latvian museum of War. The museum was created to honour Latvian riflemen and all other soldiers who fought in the Riga front during the First World War. Many of the old trenches are still visible today, and there are also many reconstructed fortifications and bunkers.

  • プロフィールのための英文

    After half a year from that, I spend Itly few months for my English. I intended to visit some museums, galleries during staying Europe. The reason be chosen Europe is why my professor recommended that. He said my art tend to be founded from European, especially French and Germany. I knew he was saying such a thing with no well reasons. Perhaps compared with another Japanese artists. I’m the person who is a bit argumentative. And I regard history of art as the important thing to make my art. he seem thought I’m fit to make art in Europe. After all I didn’t find particular reasons to I make my art in here. There’re exhibitions is fun and great, the people is nice, the good environment to make arts. Even if I come to want to go back my home town. There’re a lot of reason, Language, looking of people…it was not easy for me to get used foreign looking expect Asian. The first of half in university was reading books on some field except art from position as artist. The second of half was thinking of relation between the role of eyes and perception of myself. It looked quit introversive and boring. But Facing myself is to find connection with outwold. And I started to make my art around third year at least. They ‘re usually formed of installation, performance, sometimes nature. Now I suppose I better study a system art world to make my art. I want collect information of art world exactly and smoothly, so I started studying English. I believe artists have strong atitude. 一部だけでいいので添削お願いします。 よそしくお願いいたします…!  

  • この英文訳せる方、お願いします。

    長い英文ですが、いまいちよくわからなかったのでお願いします。   All through history,and all over the world,it seems that women have been willing to suffer pain,and even risk an early death,in order to make themselves appear more beautiful.For many centuries women in both East and West applied thick masks of white paint to their faces.Though most often lead-based ,this paint was also sometimes made from mercury.It had the effect of slowly poisoning the women who put it on their faces everyday.The minerals passed into the body,where they damaged the internal organs,caused tooth decay and bad breath,and most ironically of all,destroyed the skin,it gray and scarring it with deep marks.Women with this skin condition would in turn apply even thicker layers of white paint to their faces.In Europe in the eighteenth century,when white faces were the height of fashion among the rich,many young women died as a result of their makeup.  What is surprising about this practice is yhat it began in accident times and continued for some 2000 years.In Babylon and Assyria lead face-paint was in common use as a beautifying cosmetic.The ancient Greek doctor,Galen,was already warning several centuries before Christ that some makeup was poisonous,and doctors continued to do so far centuries afterwards―without any success.Goverments tried to ban it,but women continued to use it and continued to die.In Japan and China the same practice lasted,as it did in the West,untill the early part of the twentieth century.In America,for example,lead-based face products were still on sale in the shops in 1911.This means that there are women alive now whose mother used lead on the skins.  Despite the damage to their health,why have women so universally sought to attain a certain standard of‘beauty’?When one realizes that things such as this have gone on for thousands of years,it becomes hard to brame fashion magazines or television.Perhaps it has something to do with the setting of impossible ideals,the desire to possess the parfect beauty of the gods.And Perhaps some women―and some men,at certain times in history,and in certain cultures―have always been willing to die in exchange for a brief moment of apparently immortal beauty. 以上ですが、本当に長くてすいません。時制や重要そうな熟語などを注意して訳していただきたいです。そしてあまり極端な意訳などはしないで、そのままの意味(意訳しないと意味が通らない文は別ですが)でとらえてほしいです。もしスペル間違いがあったらすいません。