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The Fourth Army's Retreat and the Battle of Turtucaia
- The Fourth Army retreats to the mountains despite little enemy pressure during the Romanian Campaign of World War I.
- Romanian troops repulse German and Austro-Hungarian attempts to break through the Prahova Valley and into Bucharest.
- The Battle of Turtucaia in Bulgaria marks the opening battle of the first Central Powers offensive in the Romanian Campaign of World War I.
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>The Fourth Army, despite little pressure from the enemy, retreated to the mountains. By 25 October the Romanian troops were routed and withdrew to their prewar positions, but managed to repulse German and Austro-Hungarian attempts to break through the Prahova Valley and into Bucharest via the shortest route, as the Germans had planned. ⇒第4方面軍は、敵からの圧力がほとんどなかったにもかかわらず、山あいに退却した。10月25日までに、ルーマニア軍は敗れ去って戦前の陣地に引っ込んだが、ドイツ・オーストリア‐ハンガリー軍がプラホヴァ渓谷を突破し、ドイツ軍の計画に従い最短ルートを通ってブカレストに突入する試みは何とかして追い返した。 >The Battle of Turtucaia (Bulgarian: Битка при Тутракан, Bitka pri Tutrakan or Bulgarian: Тутраканска епопея, Tutrakanska epopeya ) in Bulgaria, was the opening battle of the first Central Powers offensive during the Romanian Campaign of World War I. ⇒ブルガリアでの「ツルツカイア(ブルガリア語:Битка при Тутракан, ビツカ・プリ・ツルトラカン、または、ブルガリア語:Тутраканска епопея, ツルトラカンスカ・エポペヤ)の戦い」は、第一次世界大戦のルーマニア野戦間における最初の中央同盟軍の攻撃であった。