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German, Austrian or Ottoman artillery opens fire on infantry defences

  • German, Austrian or Ottoman artillery now opened fire on the infantry defences and camps in the rear; shrapnel inflicted some losses, but the high explosive shells were smothered by the soft sand.
  • The attackers succeeded in forcing the light horse off Wellington Ridge, which placed them within 700 metres (2,300 ft) of the Romani camp.
  • However, they were unable to press further, as they now became exposed to machine gun and rifle fire from the entrenched infantry of the 52nd (Lowland) Division, and shelling from the horse artillery supporting the light horsemen's determined defence.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10024/12548)

>German, Austrian or Ottoman artillery now opened fire on the infantry defences and camps in the rear; shrapnel inflicted some losses, but the high explosive shells were smothered by the soft sand. The attackers succeeded in forcing the light horse off Wellington Ridge, which placed them within 700 metres (2,300 ft) of the Romani camp. ⇒そこでドイツ、オーストリアないしオスマントルコ軍砲兵隊は、歩兵連隊や後方野営地に向けて銃撃したが、高性能爆薬弾が柔らかい砂によってもみ消された。攻撃兵はウエリントン・リッジ(尾根)から軽騎馬隊を排除することには成功し、彼らをロマーニ野営地の700メートル(2,300フィート)以内に押し込めた。 >However, they were unable to press further, as they now became exposed to machine gun and rifle fire from the entrenched infantry of the 52nd (Lowland) Division, and shelling from the horse artillery supporting the light horsemen's determined defence. ⇒しかし、その時塹壕内の第52(ローランド)師団の歩兵連隊から機関銃砲火とライフル射撃を浴び、軽騎馬隊の決然とした防御を支援する騎馬砲兵隊からは榴弾を浴びたので、それ以上の圧力をかけることはできなかった。



