• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • nolaneco
  • ベストアンサー率62% (322/512)

こんにちは。 in shown がいまいちよくわかりませんね。 前の数行の文章がわかれば良いのですが。 訳しますと、 『あなたが働いている貿易会社は、示されている場所のみで ビジネスを行っているのか、それとも世界中でビジネスを 行っているのですか?』 その英文は図表かなにかありますか? そうであれば、示されている場所 in shown の意味が通じます。 以上、参考になれば。



図や地図などは添付されておらず… ご回答ありがとうございました、おかげで返信することができました(^^)


  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    And so the customer, of course, is the housewife. What do they pay us for ? I do not know how many people in the world make soap, but there are a great many. And I can’t tell you the difference between one kind of soap or the other. And why does the buyer have a preference, and a strong one, by the way? What does it do for her? Why is she willing to buy from us when on the same shelves in the US or in Japan or in Germany there are soaps from five other soap manufacturers? She usually does not even look at them. She reaches out for that soap. Why? What does she see? What does she want? Try to work on this.

  • work forがつとめる?

    He works for a trading company. (彼は貿易会社に勤めている) という例文をみました。 通常は、work at,work inのような気がします。work forだと会社のためにみたいな意味になりませんか?

  • ざっくりと和訳してください。

    I notice the box is different from the other Filly's, Do you know if it is older or just made for another company?

  • 和訳希望

    - Do you think it is a wise idea to go into business with your partner (a kind of business that you and your man will operate together although having a mind set that what stays for business stays for business and what is for home stay at home because it is a two different thing altogether) - Do you believe in an opened relationship? (this doesn't work for me as I believe in just one relationship cos I don't appreciate jumping from one bed to another) お願いします。

  • 和訳してください。お願いします。

    In your opinion, what were the three most useful strategies mentioned? Explain why you chose these particular strategies. Which passage and explanation was most useful for you? Explain. How does section seven test your critical thinking skills? Where do you find answer that are dates, times, or numbers?

  • 和訳してくれませんか?お願いします★

    これを和訳して下さい! What do you do When you meet somebody?Do you shake hands or bow? Doyoukiss or just say hi? greetings are different from culture to culture. Many people shake hands in various situations. In English-speaking countrys,people shake hands When they meet for the first time. They also shake hands When they say goodbye. よろしくお願いします★

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    you don't give your self much credit But to put it in perspective you do know more than i do I would love to work with you on ideas for the character we have started a prologue you can check it out in the group messages. looking forward to working with you.

  • 和訳して頂きたいです!

    あるサイトで頂いたメッセージなのですが、ニュアンスは伝わるのですが詳しい内容が分からず困っています。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします!! ーーーーーーーーーーーー Thanks for accept me ^_^ And of course i draw, am one of the artists work in this project: http://●● I want to ask you >///< do you accept private requests? because ^//^ you art is fantastic and i want you create some shota hypnosis themes works for us .... Even you can contact him : skype: ●● Or any of this e-mails: ●● Will be easy and will have rewards if you accept. Is a great opportunity for you. Will wait you answer. ーーーーーーーーーーーー 個人情報なる所は伏せましたので、宜しくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    下記の文章を訳してください!お願いします! Unfortunately the 16th or 17th does not work for us and technically does not hit the 10 day window we are allowed to sell to you 40% off at. In the future, I’m fairly certain that this credit card will work, but until I try it, I cannot know. Hope this information is helpful! Do you have a business partner that can be here on or after the 18th?

  • 違いが分かりません・・・・・・・

    彼は出版社で働いているのですか? Does he work for a publishing company? 何人の人があの会社で働いているのですか? How many people work in that office? この二つの英文なのですが、workの後をそれぞれforとinで表しています。 上の文は出版社の為に働くというニュアンス 下の文はあの会社の中で働くというニュアンス がそれぞれ含まれてるのでしょうが、逆でも言える気がするのです。 Does he work in a publishing company? How many people work for that office? この二つの文はおかしいのでしょうか? 教えてください。