• ベストアンサー


次の英文の意味が分かりません。自分なりに訳してはみたのですが、どうでしょうか。 Although we have emphasized here chemical change, a number of physical processes that do not involve any overall alterations in chemical identity are taken to lie within the province of the photochemist. 我々は化学変化をここで強調してきたが、化学の同一性のいかなる変更も含んでいない多くの物理的なプロセスは、光化学者の分野内に位置するために得られる。 Fluorescence and phosphorescence, in which light is emitted from a chemical species that has absorbed radiation, are both examples of such processes. 蛍光、およびりん光(その中で放射線を吸収した化学種から光は放射される)は、両方ともそのようなプロセスの例である。 Absorption and emission of radiation to and from excited states is studied in spectroscopy, and there is much common ground between spectroscopy and photochemistry, as there also is between photochemistry and quantum theory. 励起状態へあるいは励起状態からの放射線の吸収および放出は分光学において研究される。そして分光学と光化学の間には多くの共通部分があり、光化学と量子論との間にもある。 The rates of photochemical reactions are often of interest, so that the concepts of reaction kinetics are frequently invoked in quantitative photochemistry. 光化学反応の割合は興味深く、そのため反応動力学の概念は定量的な光化学において度々引き合いに出される。 最後の文は"reaction kinetics"をなんて訳せばよいのかが分かりません。「反応動力学」でよいのでしょうか?

  • 化学
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • rei00
  • ベストアンサー率50% (1133/2260)

 「kinetics」の訳には「動力学,速度論」とありますが,化学の英文では「速度論」です。つまり,「reaction kinetics」で「反応速度論」です。  また,お書きの文章では,主語が「The rates of photochemical reactions = 光化学反応の速度」となっていますから尚更です。ここで「rates」を『割合』とされていますが,これも化学では「速度」が一般的です。「割合」は「ratio」を使います。  訳は「光化学反応の速度は興味深く,そのため反応速度論の概念が定量的光化学の分野で度々引き合いに出される。」といったところでしょうか。



ありがとうございます。「Fluorescence and phosphorescence~」で始まる文で「radiation」をどのように訳したらよいのかも教えていただけないでしょうか?いちおう直訳で「放射線」と訳しました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Tatsu616
  • ベストアンサー率36% (111/302)

意味合い的に、「反応速度論」の方が、 しっくり来ると思います。



回答ありがとうございます。なるほど反応速度論と訳すのですね。 他の文の意味はいかがでしょうか?


  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    Radiation protection Due to the wide range of radiation types and physical and chemical forms of radioactive materials, the type of monitor used, either fixed or mobile monitors, shall be specified by suitably qualified radiation protection personnel. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • この英文を、同じ意味でかきかえていただきたいです。

    Annibale Carracci’s artwork, The Coronation of the Virgin – 1590-1609, this piece of the soul and the mind. This picture grabbed my attention because it is one of the few paintings in which God, Jesus, and Mary are represented as “equals”, because of their sizes. The arrangement of the figures, and the colors implemented by the artist were other elements that interested me. In the following essay I will discuss the subject matter of the painting, and the technique used, as well as a brief discussion of the features that identify this artwork with the time period when it was painted. In this painting Mary is being crowned by Jesus and God, after her ascension to heaven. This action is taking place in heaven, because angels that are sitting in the background and also clouds closer to the border of the painting surround the three main figures. Jesus, Mary, and God are the main figures. In the center, Mary extends her arms as if welcoming a son/daughter or family member and her face expresses tranquility and acceptance. To her right is Jesus, who lifts His right hand to hold the crown, and His face shows kindness and respect. On Mary’s left, is God, who raises His left hand to hold the other side of the crown that is being placed on Mary’s head. God’s face also shows kindness towards Mary, and as the Father and the Son put the crown on Mary’s head, the Holy Spirit, represented as a dove, descends over her. Crowds of angels sit in order, one on the side of the other, around the semicircular theater in the background of the painting, and others, closer to the viewer’s point of view, are represented playing instruments and holding books, as if they were singing. In the center small human figures are shown, one of them holding a scroll as if they were asking Mary to intercede for them before God. Organization, light, and clothing are important elements of this representation, because they make a reference to the style under which it was created. On “The Coronation of the Virgin,” figures form three triangles. The first and smallest one is formed by Mary’s head and extended arms. Jesus and God’s arms and bellies form the second triangle. The third and biggest triangle starts on the Holy Spirit and extends from both sides to the two low corners of the painting. Triangles may serve as reference to the Holy family and also to the Trinity, which are formed by three figures, the same as triangles have three angles and sides. The organization of the figures in this painting make reference to the High Renaissance where the arrangement of the figures played an important role in the meaning and message that the artist was seeking to convey. This painting is also full of light and color, which bring to this picture a sense of natural appearance, characteristic of the Byzantine and High Renaissance, and also of the Baroque. Clothing is another important element of this painting for it is a reminder of the Classical revival. The colors of the draperies are very basic; blue and pink on Mary’s drapery, white on God and Jesus, and red on two angels in the right corner of the painting, and some green in the center, and a lot of yellow in the background. Another important feature that relates this painting with the style the artist implemented is the body types, especially in Jesus and God. Jesus is shown as having Byzantine facial features, and a classical body type, where muscles and a well shaped body are visible. Also God’s body has been idealized, due to the fact that His body looks as young as His son’s body; giving to this picture a characteristic usually seen during the classical period.

  • 次の英文の意味を教えてください。

    Adequate equipment shall be provided at the reprocessing facility to ensure that there is adequate radiation monitoring in operational states and, as far as is practicable, in accident conditions. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳です。

    できるだけ、意訳を避けて訳していただけると助かります。 知らない化学物質の名前などが多く、難しく感じました。あと、人の名前もよく分かりません… スペルのチェックはしましたが、もしも間違っていましたらすみません。 お願いします。  Dr.Michael Liebowitz has found that love is not that spontaneous, mysterious feeling, but is the result of chemical reactions.  Scientists still do not know very much about the chemistry of human emotions; however, they have known for some time that specific chemicals are the cause of feelings and emotions.  Working at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Dr.Liebowitz has identified the chemical that transfers the feeling of love to the brain. This “love chemical” has the formal name phenylethylamine and is a member of the amphetamine family. Amphetamine are chemicals that cause adrenaline to be produced in the body. When your body produces adrenaline you will breathe faster and will feel your heart beat faster. Also, your face may get red and your hands may shake. In other words, you will be acting as if you are in the first stage of falling in love.  In addition, Dr. Liebowitz has found another connection between love and the “love chemical” phenylethylamine. This connection is chocolate, which contains large amounts of the chemical. When observing parents who tended to fall in and out of love rather more often than the average person, he noticed that when a romance ended, these people tended to eat chocolates. Dr. Liebowitz concluded that brokenhearted people, without actually realizing it, eat chocolates to get a similar feeling of being “in love”. So he or she eats chocolates to increase the body´s level of the love chemical. (Could it be that when we give our loved ones chocolates, we unconsciously expect to increase their levels of the “love chemical”, and consequently their feelings of love?)  It has also been found that love is based in the brain, not in the heart. Dr. J. Money, of John Hopkins University, has found that people who have had certain kinds of brain operations are incapable of experiencing romantic love, although they can experience other emotions. Dr. Money thinks that the day will come when we will be able to fully explain the chemistry of love. 以上です。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis(Anaphylactic shock) is a severe allergic reaction. It is a life-threatening problem. Symptoms often develop very rapidly within several seconds or minutes, and the reaction leads to difficulty in breathing, and a shock that maycause death. Anaphylaxis is the systemic(whole body) allergic reaction to an allergen,a foreign substance taken into your body,and a later exposure to that allergen may cause anaphulactic shock. Recently, food-dependent anaphylaxis in Japanese primary school students is a big issue. Animal bites and stings can trigger anaphylaxis. Yellow jacket bees cause over 95% of the allergic insect stings in the United States. 50% of deaths occur within 30 minutes of the sting. The sting involves injecting venom (poisonous fluid) into the human body from the bee's stinger. Anaphylaxis is an extreme reaction of the immune system. It is the most serious response to the insect sting,and it causes airway obstruction and severe hypertension that may lead to death. The first time you are stung by yellow jackets,you will not have an anaphylactic shock. You must be stung at least once in the past in order for your immune system to produce a kind of antibody that triggers the serious allergic reaction on subsequent stings.

  • 化学英文の訳

    物理化学の英文和訳です。意味は大体わかるのですが、適切な訳し方がわかりません。熱力学における状態変化についての文です。 よろしくお願いします。 Special processes are used to model actual devices in attempt to predict the outcome of the actions of these debices.

  • 英文の訳

    Sputtering yields should be measured using standards in the form of oxides or whatever chemical state is appropriate. oxide 酸化物 chemical state 化学性 スパッタ収率は~を用いて測定されるべきである。 のような訳になると思うのですが、using以下が訳せません。or whateverで熟語だと思うのですが、この部分が特にちんぷんかんぷんです。 分かる方がいらしたら教えてください。

  • 英文を訳してほしいです。

    辞書を使ってもうまく訳せません。 訳を教えてほしいです。 「The word for "something" is 何か, and the word for "anything" in negative sentences is 何も. These two words are used in places where the particles は, が,and を are expected. In these contexts,they are used own,without the help of particles. We will learn in Lesson 10 what to do in cases where other than are expected.」 日本語の「何か食べる」「何も食べない」というときの「何か、何も」の説明文です。 particlesが助詞と言う意味だということは調べて何とか分かりましたが上手く文章にできません。 宜しくお願いします!

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    In an interview with CBS television, aired on Monday, Obama said he doesn't want to speculate on hypotheticals, but said the "T's are crossed and the I's are dotted in terms of what might happen." という文章で、 T's are crossed and the I's are dotted ってどういう意味ですか? http://www.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/22_14.html

  • 英文中の単語の意味

    文の流れから意味が違うかも知れない語を ”単語”(意味) という感じで書き込みました。 全く判らなかった語もあるのですが、 ご存知の方、説明をお願いします。 This study suggests the possible use of pectinase isozyme ”in place(適切な)” of chitosanase, which is expensive and unavailable in bulk quantity for the production of LMWC and chitooligomers. Pectinase ”constitutes”(性質) a complex enzymatic system responsible for the degradation of pectic substances. Further, pectinase was ”subjected to modification”(変更を支配する), which also showed chitosan hydrolysing activity. Multiple substrate specificities of a ”number”(出版物の号) of glycanases and glycosidases are known in literature. β-Glycosidases (designated as ”BgIA and BgIB”)(?)from Bacillus sp. ”GLI” have been shown to cleave(結合を切る)~linkagers. The product of BgIB gene was also identified as a ”gellan-degrading”(?) enzyme. Gradually the ”concept”(概念) of ”one enzyme-one”(酵素一つずつ) activity is vanishing and several examples of multifunctional enzymes are being identified.