• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の意味について)

What Does 90th to 99th Percentile Mean in the Given Context?

  • The given article discusses the changes in the wealth distribution between the top 1% and the bottom 90% of the population in the United States.
  • However, it mentions that the share of wealth held by families from the 90th to the 99th percentile has actually decreased over the last decade, although not as much as the net worth of the bottom 90%.
  • The term '90th to the 99th percentile' refers to the range of income or wealth distribution in which families or individuals fall between the 90th and 99th percentiles of the population.


  • ベストアンサー
  • DJ-Potato
  • ベストアンサー率36% (692/1917)

パーセントとパーセンタイルの違いは何ですか、という質問でよろしいでしょうか。 パーセントは割合です。 パーセンタイルは順序です。 50パーセントの人が、と言えば、人数として半分の人が、という意味です。 50パーセンタイルの人が、と言えば、中央値の人が、という意味で、人数は1人です。 1億人いて、90パーセントの人が、と言えば、9千万人の人が、という事です。 90パーセンタイルの人が、と言えば、下から9千万番目の人が、という意味です。 90-99パーセンタイルの人は、9000万番目から9900万番目の人の事で、人数としては900万人なので、割合で言えば9パーセントの人です。





その他の回答 (4)

  • nolaneco
  • ベストアンサー率62% (322/512)

一方、90から99%の家庭に保有される資産のシェアは、実際直近10年で減少したが、 減少量は下位層90%のネット資産ほどではない。 上位90以上99%以下の資産家のはなしですね。 though以下は少し自信ないのですが。



though以下は、こういうことだと思います。 Meanwhile the share of wealth held by families from the 90th to the 99th percentile has actually fallen over the last decade, though (it has) not (fallen) by as much as the net worth of the bottom 90% (has fallen over the last decade). percentile の意味がわかって、全文の意味がクリアになりました。

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9774/12176)

>この90th to the 99th percentileとは、一体、どういう意味なのでしょうか。 →「90~99番目の百分位数(にある者)」とは、 =「中間層」 =「トップ1%の人たちとボトム90%の人たちの間」 =「上から2%~10%」 を構成する人たち、のことでしょう。




  • trytobe
  • ベストアンサー率36% (3457/9591)

パーセンタイルというのは、百分率(0~100%)を下から1%刻みで分割した100個の境界線のことで、 90番目は 90.0% のライン、99番目は 99.0% のラインのことです。 つまり、ボトム90%の層より上の、90%~99%の層のことを表現しています。



なるほどですね。境界線ですね。 皆さん、とても分かりやすい説明で、しかし、説明の仕方、アプローチがそれぞれ違う。なかなか、優劣がつけにくいご説明でした。ありがとうございます。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 この文では人口を、下から三つのグループに分けています。 1。1~90%まで    落ちた 2。90~99%まで   落ちたが1ほどでは無い  3。トップの1%  とうことではないでしょうか。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 シンプルに要点をついて回答してくれて、良く意味がわかりました。 ありがとうございます。



  • 英文解釈(意味がよくわかりません)

    as though a vast assembly of the hungered had seated themselves clamorously and fallen to on meats and drinks in a silence save of the chaps. Meredith の小説の一節ですが、意味がよくわかりません。 特に「save of the chaps」の所が意味不明です。 ご解説の程よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The general was not entirely convinced, but as the artillery barrage was supposed to continue while the infantry was approaching the line, he ordered the commanders of the 3/4, 1/4 and 1/1 infantry brigades to begin the attack, and all officers to make an example by personally leading their men in the assault. Later this order was also received by von Hammerstein and the commander of the 47 Infantry Regiment. According to plan, Colonel Kmetov's brigade attacked forts 5 and 6, which were defended by the Romanian 79th Infantry Regiment.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    On May 6, the Russian advance began through the Tortum Valley towards Erzurum. The Ottoman 29th and 30th Divisions managed to stop this assault. The Ottoman X Corps counter-attacked the Russian forces. But on the southern part of this advance, Ottoman forces were not as successful as they have been in the north. On May 11 the town of Manzikert had fallen. On May 17, Russian forces entered the town of Van. Ottoman forces continued to be pushed back. Supply lines were being cut, as the Armenian rebellions were causing additional difficulties behind Ottoman lines. The region south of Lake Van was extremely vulnerable. The Turks had to defend a line of more than 600 kilometers with only 50,000 men and 130 pieces of artillery. They were clearly outnumbered by the Russians. The region was mountainous, thus difficult to defend.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Designed by Toronto architect and sculptor Walter Allward, who described his masterwork as a "sermon against the futility of war", the memorial took eleven years and $1.5 million ($20.90 million in present terms) to build and was unveiled on 26 July 1936 by King Edward VIII, in the presence of President Albert Lebrun of France and 50,000 or more Canadian and French veterans and their families. Starting in 2004, the monument underwent a major multi-year restoration project, which included general cleaning and the recarving of many inscribed names. Queen Elizabeth II rededicated the restored monument on 9 April 2007 during a ceremony commemorating the 90th anniversary of the battle. Veterans Affairs Canada maintains the memorial site.

  • 英文の構造と意味について質問があります。

    The need to take this time and create a situation of physical stability for ourselves and our families seemed to follow naturally from a period of frequently moving around as bachelors and making our records in makeshift studios この場合、SはThe needですよね。The needに対して、不定詞で、 to take this time and create a situation of physical stability for ourselves and our families これが修飾している。 VはseemedでCがto follow そしてfrom以下で修飾ですよね。 シンプルに考えると、The need seemed to follow naturally これでどういった意味になりますか・・・? Every one of our projects is being preceded by a period of building a greater sample library. The library has always been our primary instrument and it takes several months to get to a substantial and meaningful increase of volume: raw materials, like LPs and audiocassettes The library=a greater sample libraryですよね。 問題は次のit takes several monthsのit ですが、これは何を指していますか? 私はEvery one of our projectsだと思っています。 Every one of our projects takes several months to get to a substantial and meaningful increase of volume. これもどういった意味になるでしょうか・・・? increase of volumeが肝だと思うのですがどうも解釈しきれません。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The three infantry columns advanced: the column in the centre, the 180th Brigade, captured their objective of Talat ed Dumm on the main road from Jerusalem to Jericho. This infantry brigade moved along the Jerusalem to Jericho road towards Talat ed Dumm; they were supported by the 10th Heavy Battery and one 6-inch Howitzer of the 383rd Siege Battery. The village was captured after an hour's bombardment. On the left, the 181st Brigade was slowed in their advance by small rearguards which showed skills in manoeuvre. The brigade was only able to advance 2.5 miles (4.0 km) to be about halfway between Ras et Tawil and Jebel Qruntul (also known as Jebel Kuruntul, the Mount of Temptation and Mount Quarantania) by nightfall, with the 231st Brigade of the 74th (Yeomanry) Division forming a reserve. On the right, the 179th Brigade column marched towards Jebel Ekteif (to the south of Talat ed Dumm); their 2/13th Battalion, London Regiment, however, faced a sheer drop of over twenty feet (6.1 m) and had to proceed across intervening ridges into parallel wadis, arriving too late for the attack. Meanwhile, two companies of the 2/16th Battalion, London Regiment from the 179th Brigade, of the 60th (London) Division were ordered to support an attack on Jebel Ekteif by the 2/15th Battalion, London Regiment. By 08:15 they had captured the advanced trenches, three companies, and fought their way up into the firing line on the summit of the hill. At 10:00 the British infantry were reported to have captured this dominating position on the Jerusalem–Jericho road, but a strong counter-attack drove them off. Jebel Ektief was finally captured at about 12:30 when heavy artillery helped the desperate attackers secure their objective. Meanwhile, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade (with the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment which had returned from the 179th Brigade) led the 1st Light Horse Brigade at 03:30 in their advanced on El Muntar. The advance guard formed by the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment moved from Bethlehem along an ancient road down the Wadi en Nar to the valley near El Muntar hill, followed by their brigade and the 1st Light Horse Brigade. They zig-zagged three miles (4.8 km) down to the valley floor while Ottoman soldiers on the height of El Muntar 1,250 feet (380 m) above watched their approach.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Artillery support was similar to that of the 29th Division attack and the objective was gained quickly, with troops wearing sandbags over their boots to grip the ice. German counter-attacks failed but a greater number of casualties were inflicted after the attack, mainly by German artillery fire over the next two days. British attacks on the Fourth Army front ceased until the end of the month. The 8th Division conducted an attack on 4 March, which was prepared in great detail, a practice that had fallen into disuse in 1915, due to the dilution of skill and experience caused by the losses of 1914 and the rapid expansion of the army from 1915–1916.

  • 英文の意味が良く分かりません。

    会社の解散に関連する取り決め事項なのですが、 和訳がうまくできません。 どなたか助けて頂けると幸いです。 IT WAS FURTHER RESOLVED that each of the director of the Company be and is hereby severally authorised for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver all such other documents and generally do all such other acts and things and that any two directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver all such deeds as may be required or otherwise regarded by any of them as necessary or desirable in order to give effect to the striking off of the Company.

  • 英文 短い (4) 添削お願いします★

    これがなかなかうまく訳せません。助けてください。 問題: 店員は、まるで僕が故意にビンを落としたといわんばかりに、睨みつけた。 A:the shop clerk stared at me as if she wanted to say that the bottle were fallen down deliberatly by me. あまり自分で書いた文だとしっくりきません。 添削お願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Even the troops serving the local Bulgarian artillery batteries were swept by the retreat and had to retire, leaving their damaged guns to the Serbians. This compromised the defense of the entire front line. By the evening the Bulgarians had retired along the entire line in the direction of Banitsa and grouped around the divisional reserve (12th Infantry Regiment). Meanwhile, to the southwest the French and Russians hadn't achieved a decisive breakthrough and were temporarily contained by the Bulgarian artillery.

  • 国の給付金について自分はどうなるのか知りたいです。情報は色々とありますが、基準が言われていないものばかりで令和5年度の住民税なのか。6年度なのか?ややこしいところ。
  • 令和5年度の給付金についてですが、世帯に3万円や7万円の給付は住民税非課税世帯が対象ですが自分は令和5年度については、所得税は非課税でしたが、住民税が均等割と所得割合計6100円/年の課税だったため上記給付は対象外、ただ、定額減税で6月から支給開始とされている所得税3万円+住民税1万円合計4万円以下の人はその差額を1万円単位で支給するという制度が閣議決定されています。(添付ファイル画像)
  • 令和5年で支給対象外だった人が令和6年で住民税非課税世帯となる場合、令和5年度に受け取っていない人向けにいわばワンチャン意味合い的な感じで、令和6年度が住民税非課税となれば、世帯に10万円支給となるのでしょうか? 令和6年度は住民税非課税世帯になります。令和5年で定額減税分の3~4万円を受け取っていても、令和6年分の10万円は受け取れるのか?