• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:教えてください。)

Choose the Correct Verb Form

  • In this question, you need to choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.
  • The sentences involve conditional clauses and subjunctive mood.
  • By choosing the right verb form, you can express hypothetical situations, wishes, and conditions.


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

If the weather were too hot or cold, plants (would not) grow.      (1)had to (2)won’t (3)would (4)would not I wished I (had been) a millionaire.      (1)am (2)have been (3)had been (4)were He (would smoke) if I didn't stop him.      (1)smokes (2)will smoke (3)would have smoked (4)would smoke The castle looked as if it (had been) built in the Middle Ages.      (1)has (2)has been (3)had been (4)was If it (is) fine, we'll go to the park.      (1)is (2)was (3)were (4)will be Don't tell me to be quiet. You (be) quiet.      (1)are (2)be (3)had been (4)were He worked very hard, otherwise he (would have failed).      (1)would fail (2)would not fail (3)would not have failed (4)would have failed I don't think it will happen; but if it (will), what shall we do?      (1)had (2)should (3)were (4)will We insist that the committee (reconsider) its decisions.      (1)reconsider (2)will reconsiders (3)will reconsidered (4)will have reconsider Just suppose everyone (were) to act like you.      (1)should (2)were (3)will (4)would





その他の回答 (2)


すみません、最初のは意味的に 「育たないだろう」で (4)would not でした。


If the weather were too hot or cold, plants ( ) grow.    (3)would 普通の仮定法過去 I wished I ( ) a millionaire.      (4)were wished という過去と同時点で 「(今)百万長者ならなあ」と思った、なら 仮定法は時制の一致を受けないので仮定法過去。 wished よりさらに前のことについて 「(あの時)百万長者だったらなあ」と思った、なら 仮定法過去完了で had been 普通には前者で、試験問題としてもそうでしょう。 He ( ) if I didn’t stop him.      (4)would smoke 普通の仮定法過去 The castle looked as if it ( ) built in the Middle Ages.      (3)had been これは looked という過去からみて、さらに過去のこと。 時制の一致と関係なく、過去のことで仮定法過去完了。 If it ( ) fine, we’ll go to the park.      (1)is これから先のことで「もし~の場合には」は現在形 Don’t tell me to be quiet. You ( ) quiet.      (2)be 君の方こそ黙れってことでしょうか? 命令文で原形 be で、強調的に主語 you をおいています。 普通は you はいりません。 He worked very hard, otherwise he ( ).      (4)would have failed 懸命に働いた、という過去の事実に対して、 「もしそうでなかったならば」失敗していただろう。 I don’t think it will happen; but if it ( ), what shall we do?      (2)should 「万一、起きたら」 We insist that the committee ( ) its decisions.      (1)reconsider insist の後の that 節内は should 原形か、いきなり原形。 Just suppose everyone ( ) to act like you.      (2)were to があるので were to のみ。

