• ベストアンサー
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第55代内閣総理大臣 石橋湛山(タンザン)の紹介

  • 石橋湛山は日本のジャーナリストであり、政治家でもあります。
  • 彼の出身や学歴、経歴、そして内閣総理大臣への就任について紹介します。
  • 石橋湛山の魅力や業績についてもお伝えします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

Hello. I'm going to talk about the content of the end-of-the-term presentation. The topic of my presentation is the 55th Prime Minister of Japan, Tanzan Ishibashi. Probably few of you know about him, so I'd like to briefly introduce him to you. Tanzan Ishibashi was a journalist and a politician in Japan. He was born in Tokyo in 1884. The school master of his Junior high school happened to be Masatake Ooshima, who was the first graduate of Sapporo Agricultural School, which later became Hokkaido University, and who was directly taught from Dr. Clark, which influenced Tanzan's view on life. In 1907, he graduated from the Literature department of Waseda University. He was the top of the class when he was graduated from the university. In 1911, he joined Toyo Economic Newspaper Company, and he worked as an editor to "Toyo Jiron" or Opinions in Current East". In 1946, he ran for the election in the House of Councillors. In May, at the first Yoshida cabinet, he took office as a minister of Finance. In December 1956, he became prime minister. So what was great about him? That what I'd like to tell you in my presentation. Thank you. Mr. Chairman. 司会者が女性なら Thank you. Madam Chairwoman. (英語ではThank you for listening.というのは普通言わない) 以上、ご参考になればと思います。



本当にありがとうございました!非常に助かりました... 参考にさせていただきます。 よろしかったらまたよろしくお願いいたします。

その他の回答 (1)

  • dorian337
  • ベストアンサー率51% (158/305)

Hello, everyone.  Let me tell you about what I will be discussing in my end-of-term presentation. That is, Fifty-fifth Prime Minister Tanzan Ishibashi. I'm sure many of you don't know much about him. I will give you a brief description of him.  Tanzan Ishibashi was a journalist and a politician. He was born in Tokyo in 1884. When he was a junior high school student, he got a new outlook on life when he met Principal Masatake Oshima. The principal was one of the first students at Sapporo Agricultural College, now Hokkaido University, and there he was taught by Dr. William S. Clark.  Ishibashi graduated top of the class from the literature department of Waseda University in 1907. He started as an editor of "Toyo Jiron" for a publisher called Toyo Keizai in 1911. He became a candidate for the House of Representatives in 1946, and then he became the finance minister for the Yoshida Cabinet in May of the same year. And he went on to becoming a prime minister in December of 1956. What is so great about him? I will be telling you that in my presentation.  Thank you for listening. 



