[Q1] Let X have a Poisson distribution with parameter Λ which is itself a random variable with continuous uniform distribution on (0,1). What is the probability mass function of X. Find E(X).
[Q2] Cars arrive round the corner of a one way street at constant speed according to a Poisson process with rate λ cars per unit time. The time is takes a car to go from the corner to the crosswalk is just a tad longer than the time T it takes you to cross the street. Find the expected time you have to wait to cross the street. Hint: condition on whether you see no car coming (in which case you have to wait 0 units of time) or whether you see a car coming in which case you have to wait.
(0,1)上の連続一様分布ということから,p.d.fはf(x)=1/(1-0) x∈[0,1], 0 otherwise.
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