• 締切済み


今週、外国人のCAに一目惚れしてしまいました。彼女はとても優しくて笑顔が素敵で、機内のトイレの近くで話をして盛り上がり、写真を撮って名前をもらったので、facebookで友達申請をしました。 それから下記の様なメッセージのやり取りをしたんですが、振られてしまいました。 こんな気持ちは初めてでとても苦しいです。彼女をfacebookの友達から外そうかとも考えています。 ●僕 Hi,Do you remember me? thank you for good service. Have you marriged ? I didn't know. I hope that you have good time. ■彼女Hey hi U just woke up after this Turing flight Going to aeon mall now I am coming back to narita on 21 and planning to go to Tokyo tell me how ti reach? という感じで普通に始まり、Maybe I ll come to the hotel,change and after back to the airport to catch the bus to Tokyo .i really need to go sight seeingと観光に行きたいといっているので、東京を案内するよ。食事をしようとメールをしたら Tell me how to reach Tokyo and what to seeと東京への行き方と観光場所を教えてくれと言われました。僕は、浅草や東京タワーだよと入れて良い観光をして下さいと入れました。 返信が無いので、もし彼氏がいるならメールしないよ。と入れたら5年間付き合っている彼氏がいる返ってきました。僕はOKとだけ入れてそれ以来メールのやりとりはしていません。 彼女からメールがくるのか毎日ぼーっと期待しています。 でも、自分自身が苦しくなるので、facebookのログインも我慢しています。 とても苦しいです。 もう、きっぱり連絡は取らない方がいいのでしょうか? わかりずらい文章ですみません。。 . . . . ...


  • iamsam765
  • ベストアンサー率25% (19/75)



>もう、きっぱり連絡は取らない方がいいのでしょうか? No way.


  • 中国で一目ぼれ(続・英文メール)

     前回の質問では、親身に回答をいただきありがとうございました。 実は、旅先のホテルの朝食会場で出会って30分ほど話した中国人男性(公務員)に一目ぼれしてしまった次第です。 メールアドレスと携帯電話番号を交換したまでは良かったものの、その先、自分が舞い上がって自分の意図とかけ離れたメールを出してしまい、相手からメールが来なくなりました。今は相手に非常に申し訳なさを感じ、泣きたい気持ちです。ちなみに、先方も私のメールに動揺し、タイトルを飛ばしたり仕事中に書いてきた形跡があり、悪い人というわけではなさそうです。文章を見れば相手は社交辞令です。  メールが来なくなって19日でちょうど1カ月たちます。もう一度メールを書くべきか、それとももう少し冷却期間をおくべきか、それとも5月に中国に行った時に電話するべきか迷います。とにかくもう一度誠実に接してみて結果を見ようと思います。お知恵をお貸しいただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いします。 メールのやりとり (1・相手)QNo.3558445の質問部分 (2・私)(略)(3・相手)It is so nice to hear from you. Yes, I came back home and began working. I really enjoyed our talk in Shanghai and it's terrific to know that you were happy to have a tour with your friends to our bussiness and financial center.Maybe there are still many amazing places you could visit next time you get there. Well, would you please give me more information about your company? Is it ××? I really miss our talk in Shanghai.Give my best regards to your family. (4・私)Thank you for your reply.(略)By the way,you are interested in my job.I'm sorry,I don't work ××. (自分の仕事の内容を書く)I heard that you work in ○○Municipality.Are you a communist? Would you tell me your job?Have a good weekend! (5・相手)Yes, I work in ○○Municipal government and do some survey and reseach for my superior. Almost every civil servant is communist, I'm not the exception. It's so lucky to meet you in Shanghai to get know you and talk with you. Would you please tell me the title of your company so that I can find the wetsite on the internet.Take care. (6・私)I was on the night shift yesterday.Civil servants in Japan finish work early,how about in China? I want to tell you our company,but I am at a loss now. If we met for business, you had better say your superior and at least give your real name. When you think it is dangerous on the internet, I wish you tell me as opportunity permits. We trust each other except our position,I think we can talk more.I read about The communist party from newspapers and magazines, but every communists are different. Regards, (7・相手)QNo.3558445の回答NO.4の部分 (8・私)Frankly speaking,I confused to meet you. There is much information about the communist in Japan,but there is a big gap between infomation circulated in Japan and you.I don't hate the communist particularly. Incidentally,why do you dislike to give me your real name? Chinese and Korean sometimes use English middle name,Japanese don't use it.Until next time. (9・私)I regret that I must have made you surprised last week. I didn't know about the situation of your position, but I learned from my friends. I understood that you got the job as a result of your hard studying. But I had a prejudice against your great effort. I must have hurt yourfeelings, haven't I? I think it is the beginning to know about China,I'd like talk you about more honestly.I'll talk about my job next time.Please take care of yourself,

  • アメリカ人にメールを送ったのですが、勘違いされているようです。

    先ほど英語の先生に以下のメールを送りました。 私の言いたい事は、来年アメリカに1ヶ月いく予定だという事を伝えたかったのですが、先生はすでに私がアメリカにいるという認識でいるようです。語学力がないので、以下の文章を訳して頂けませんでしょうか。 また、再度その事を伝えたいのですが、どのような文章を書けばよいでしょうか? すみませんが、アドバイスお願いします。 ◆私のメール I am studying now. because My mother told me to go to America for 1 month. ◆先生のメール I am happy that you are going to America for a month--I hope that you have a good time and that you learn a lot. Just email me when you get back and tell me when you want another lesson with me. Take care and Happy New Year.

  • 以下の文の和訳をお願いします

    I will tell you all about it after I go! Hopefully my husband comes with me because he Did not come with me to Ireland and Scotland, I live in Ketcikan during the summers still and I live in Kentucky the rest of the year.

  • メールの英文の訳をお願いします

    アドレスが間違えているのか、迷惑メールなのか分かりませんが気になりましたので訳をお願いいたします。 ちなみにこの英文のあとにURL的なものがついていました。 hello hi and love .i am fine.quite jest like you the trvavel was not so good.bikose you was not with me .and no girlfriend?i was jest my salf .and my life is now so sad .now hear in varanasi is to hot ....an ran. i have no time for to go .........ganga. i am to busy at my huose.its good nwes for you. you have your room at my home .wan you come to india ....you no nide hoteel ,,after 2 dey i am free to go ganga and work. and its ....take 2 manth to make room ...........how is your life go.........do you have your internet..write me soon. if you can. i mas go to home. i love you. i miss you. you are one nice girlfriend?of me missing you hear a lot.i hope i wish same form you your lone

  • 意味を教えてください

    if you would like me to tell her i emailed u. i will. i dont want you to lose a good friend because of me.

  • 恋愛カテ好きな外国語が解かる方へ?

    よろしくお願いします。 私は、ある方からメールを頂きました。内容が解かりませんので、どう言う内容なのか教えて頂きますでしょうか? HI Takeshi! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. For me it was pleasant to receive the letter from you today. I am very glad that you have written to me. I hope that you will send a photo shortly. I wish to see you. Please do it. Takeshi, to you it is valid have liked my photos? Takeshi, at me is present to you It is a lot of questions and I would like to ask them in the messages, I hope you Will allow to me answers to them - OK? You for me the nice person, And on this for me it is important to know your opinion on some things. Me to not irritate, that you to be more senior than me. I to search for the mature man, which would be to wise and scientific life. I like the men which is more senior than me and can learn me to something in this short life. I to want to connect destiny with the man of such age as you. I think, that you read my structure and could see there, that I haves serious intentions to get acquainted with the good person for relations. I shall try to tell a little about my character. I do not know as it to start, I think, that I very romantic person. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me Good humour. I very much appreciate such qualities in people, as fidelity and honesty. I believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected. I very much The jealous person. I adore, when to me pay compliments and is ready to listen to them indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness and the order, I frequently am engaged cleaning. Also to me to like to prepare for a meal, various tasty things. It is pleasant to me romantic relations between the man and The woman, but probably all women dream to get acquainted with good The person to have with him beautiful romantic relations. But frequently such things come to an end Very quickly. I have no intention to spend myself on such acquaintances. While I have not met In the life of such person to which I would decide to give myself and the life. But me it would be desirable to find such person. I think, that for the woman the main thing to have in a life not Career or other success, and strong family and the favourite person beside what to care of him. Tell please, you dream to meet what woman in the life? Excuse Takeshi, that I ask you to discuss such frank thing with The person whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to know It about you. With the letter I send you a photo that you could see me not only inside but also outside. I shall wait for yours e-mail. Yours faithfully 以上です。

  • 訳の質問3点です。自分なりにやりましたがボロボロでした・・・

    質問が3点あります。よろしくお願いします 1 僕はよく行くんだけど君は普段クラブへ行くの?とメールで聞かれたので、 行かないよ。でもダンスは好きだよ。と書きました。 そうしたら ??? Why you dont go to clubs? と聞かれました。この理由は、 「昔には行った。この辺のクラブは20代前半の子ばかりだし、ダンスは好きだけど歌ったり楽器を演奏するほうが好きだから。」 といいたいのですが、うまくいえません。 I used to going to clubs. ・・・・・ I like dance but I like singing and play music than dance. 教えてください。 2 予定は?と聞かれ、今晩は東京へいくと言ったのですが、予定が変更になり中止になってしまいました。そしたら whats up in Tokyo? ときかれました。中止になったということを英語で言うにはどういえばいいのでしょうか? I didnt go to Tokyo. ...it ...changed 3 今日は何してるの? という話で I dont know if i am going out. I do not feel good とはいってきました。これは「遊びに行くか分からない。気分が良くないんだ」 でいいのですよね?  大丈夫?風邪? 暖かくして家にいたほうがいいかもよ。 というにはどう英語でいえますか? Are you OK? you have catch a cold? you shold better stay .... 教えてください

  • 英語の堪能な方、和訳をお願い致します。

    和訳をお願いします。 I'm very happy to receive a mail from you this morning! Now my day will be sunny! :) I am a genius, so i will learn the language!) But i will need your help. I like how you teach me, you are so CUUUTTEEE! Baby-Saori, have a good safe trip back to Japan. Please, let me know when you get back and tell me you are ok. I am already thinking when to go to see you in Japan. It will be great! Thinking about u. Miss u. Kissssss! 宜しくお願いします。

  • 仕事で関係の続く外国人からの誘いの断り方

    お世話になります。 海外の仕事で会った外国人から交際の申し込みを受け、その度に、婚約者がいて無理であると、断ってきたのですが、諦めてくれず、私に会うために、「日本に長期滞在でやって来るつもりだ」と昨日、メールが来ました。返信を次のように考えました。どうしたらうまく断れるか、お知恵をお借りできればと存じます。 I think I have to tell you that I will get married soon. And I am sorry but there is no possibility that we will be closer. I apologize that this caused you pain, and it causes me pain as well to write a letter like this. But I believe that we are good colleagues from now on.I hope you will understand. 仕事上で関係は続くため、あまり邪険にもできないのですが、しっかり断った方がよいとも思っています。お忙しい中恐縮ですが宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    You tell me where to meet and I'll be there. Do you drink?