• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:共分散分析の「freed「reestimated」)



  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

「採用されたモデル修正プロセスは、修正指数と予測されるパラメーターの変化双方が検査される順方向検索であり、既存モデルにおける固定パラメーターは自由となり順次再推定される。」 と訳せます。



ddeana様 何度も助けていただいて本当にありがとうございます。 すごい知識がおありなんですね。順次再推定される・・なるほど、ここは特にほとんどわかりませんでした。 統計の勉強、やり直します。 ありがとうございました!助かりました。


  • 共分散(SEM)で fully forwardって

    すみません。 教育心理学の英語論文を読んでいるのですが、下記の訳がいろいろ調べたのですが、わかりません。 教えていただければ幸いです。 Because the model is a "fully forward" one (all "upstream" factors predicting all "down stream factors), modeificatioin indices for beta paths are not relevant. モデルはfully forward なので(すべての上方因子?すべての下方因子?を推定している)、修正指標係数は無相関である?? ・・・・よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Of these foreign-born childrenのofの意味

    下記の文の「Of these foreign-born children」のofの用途は「~については、...」のような「about」に近い意味で使用されているのでしょうか? they say thirteen percent of the adopted children in the United States were born in another country. Of these foreign-born children, one-sixth are from Europe. One-third are from Latin America. And almost half are from Asia.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 カテ違いかもしれませんが記載の文章の内容を教えてください。 文章は Notes:(*)The manufacturer and the OEM applicant declares that these products are constructed using the same materials, components and processes as the tested [型番が入ります] ,Further details on certified models are reported on the attachment.Technical data,materials and components description are into the indicated test reports.Any changes of the design,materials,components of processing may require the repetition of some of the qualifification tests in order to retain type approval.The certificationis perfomed on tested model as complete certification and retest perfomed according to [認証機関名が入ります] “Retesting guideline”for similarity with [型番が入ります] with differences in modification in change in cell technology,superstrate and junction box/ electrical temination. This certificate is for type approval and based on voluntarily product test without Factory Inspection だいぶ長文で、スペル間違いもあるかもしれませんがどんな内容なのかおおまかな内容を知りたいので宜しくお願いします。 m(_ _)m

  • 難しいです。訳お願いします!

    Americans are in a buying mood, thanks largely to the housing recovery. The latest sign emerged Tuesday as the Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller home price index posted the biggest gains in seven years. Housing prices rose in every one of the 20 cities tracked, continuing a trend that began three months ago. Similar strength has appeared in new and existing home sales and in building permits, as rising home prices are encouraging construction firms to accelerate building and hiring.

  • 困ってます!! 翻訳お願いします!!

    Many big cities around the world are dirty and polluted places. People live in cramped conditions and the streets are crowded with noisy traffic. However, a new project in the United Arab Emirates gives us a model for future cities.

  • 英文の邦訳

    Sarah Dadush presents a study of the development and use of indicators and related reporting systems in social impact investing, through the Global Impact Investment Rating System (GIIRS) and the Impact Reporting and Investment Standards (IRIS). Social issues are coming to be weighed in commercial investments, while market values are increasingly inserted into philanthropy. In this dual process, quantification and the emulation of commercial ratings and ccounting make specialized “investment impact” indicators increasingly significant as bridging and blurring devices. 上記英文の最後のセンテンスIn this dual process, quantification and the emulation of commercial ratings and ccounting make specialized “investment impact” indicators increasingly significant as bridging and blurring devices.をお訳し下さい。

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記英文の和訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 So now there's going to be competition, between the existing malls, trying to do whatever it takes in these typically small sites to compete with the new guys that are coming in and giving the Sharjah Fashion shopper more options.

  • 英語の和訳

    この英文の和訳お願いします(>_<) ↓ ↓ Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating and choosing Nobel Prize winners has two parts. First,nominations of people who might deserve a Nobel Prize are made. The nominations in physics,chemistry and economics are made by the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine are made ay the Caroline Medical Institute,which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy both makes nominations in literature and receives them from experts and other academies such as those of France and Spain. The Peace Prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners. The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominated people deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The winners of Nobel Prizes are honored for their great achievements and are rewarded both by fame and by money for their contribution to human life. A Nober Prize is one of the highest honors any scientist,politician,or writer can ever receive.

  • amid

    英語やり直し組です Envoys of the six parties are to convene in Beijing the middle of next week, amid signs the process under which North Korea is to abandon its nuclear program in return for aid and diplomatic benefits is gaining momentum (1)amidがうまく訳せません。。。 「北朝鮮が援助の見返りで核計画を放棄した手順のサインの中(途中?)」だとandが?どう訳すべきかわかりません。 (2)二つに分けるとしたら amid signs the process and diplomatic benefits is gaining momentum. North Korea is to abandon its nuclear program in return for aid under process. こうですか? (3)amid signs the process~ はamid sings,the process~と考えるべきでしょうか? お願いします。

  • 私なりに訳してみました。いかがでしょうか。

    彼らは(アメリカ)加工途中に(画像の)不明な点に気付くが、今のところアメリカではこちらサイドには基本的には連絡しないというルールがあるため、不明な点があっても当初こちらがした指示通りにしか加工を行っていない。出来あがりは全体的な見栄えが悪く、戻ってきても度々こちらから修正依頼を出さなければいけないのが現状であります。 they only follow instructions given by us even if they are in the dark about the image in process of manufacture photo because there is a rule that they dont contact us in principle. what's happening now is that we often request for modification images、because overall images look awful. 辞書と格闘しながらツッコミ所満載の翻訳を試みました。日本語も不明な点が多いかとと思いますが、添削よろしくお願いいたします。