• 締切済み


It {research/paper/ten days/me/took/to complete/my} . 私が研究レポートを完成するのに10日かかった The class in university are{challenging/experienced/I/in/more/than/those}high school 大学の授業は高校で経験したよりもよりもっと難しいです To have {is/in life/realize them/one thing/to/another/high ideals/and}. 人生に高い理想を抱くこととそれを実現することは別物である


  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

It {took me five days to complete my research paper}. 私が研究レポートを完成するのに10日かかった The class in university are {more challenging than those I experienced in} high school. 大学の授業は高校で経験したよりもよりもっと難しいです To have {high ideals in life is one thing and to realize them is another}. 人生に高い理想を抱くこととそれを実現することは別物である



  • 英語 名詞・代名詞・冠詞

    自分の答えが合っているかと 間違っていた問題は訳や説明をいただけると嬉しいです。 ・救出された犠牲者もいればそうでない犠牲者もいた。 Some victims were rescued, but (another, others)were not.→others ・人は平時でも戦時でも病人や負傷者を世話すべきものである。 People should take care of (a, the)sick and (a, the)wounded in time of peace or war.→the, the ・知っていることと実際に行動することは全く違う。 Knowing and actually doing are quite different things. =Knowing is one thing and actually doing is quite ().→thing ・She makes it a rule to go to see her friend in hospital(). 1 by the day 2 every in the morning 3 every other day 4 twice of a day→2 ・The computer is not () for the ordinary person in the street to understand. 1 too a difficult thing 2 so a difficult thing 3 such a thing difficult 4 too difficult a thing→4 わからなかった問題です。 訳もお願いしたいです。 ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1 Those who wish (1to attend) the meeting (2is) requested to pay $50 (3to) cover expenses (4for) the evening party. 2 They (1were quite surprised) that (2most od students) were (3above average) (4on the final exam). ・並び替え 1 Ann is such(to make/a gentle woman/her guests comfortable/that ahe always/takes great care). 2 The classes in university are(challenging/experienced/I/in/more/than/those)high school.

  • 代名詞の問題

    問 日本語に合うように、(  )に適当な1語を入れなさい。 賛成の人、挙手してください。    (  ) (  ) agree, raise your hands. 問 日本語に合うように、[ ]内の語句を並べ替えなさい。 人生に高い理想を抱くこととそれを実現することは別物である。<1語不要 > To have [ differ/ is / in life / realize them / one thing / to / another / high ideas /,and]. To have

  • 何かおかしい感じがします…

    To help those who are in trouble is a good thing to do. (困っている人を助けるのはよいことです。) と、いう文章の最後の"to do"が腑に落ちません。 thingでとめたらダメなのでしょうか?この文のような場合のto doの役割を教えていただけませんか?

  • Keio University

    I am sorry that I can't type in Japanese on my computer because my computer can't install Japanese keyboard thing for some reasons. However, I am currently 22 years old, and I am in Community College (Tanki Daigaku) in America to complete my A.A degrees (Kiso Gaku). However, I am trying to re-enter university from the beginning next year. However, I am Japanese, but since I came here when I was 15 years old, I have no ideas when it comes to Japanese universities' admission rules. Well, I am planning to take entrance examination with high school students next year. And I may choose Keio University. However, I don't want to take KIKOKUSHIJO exams, because it is competitive. Do you think that is it possible for me to take IPPAN NYUSHI with high school students to take exams for Keio University even though I graduated American High school? Please help me, I tries to collect all those information, but I somehow can't find any good resources and information. Thank you very much for your helps.

  • お願いします!!

    When I took off my hat, (nearest/backed/me/those/away/to)in terror. 一応解いてみましたが解説をなくしてしまい答え合わせが出来ません。 どなたかよろしくお願いします!!

  • 長文和訳お願いします!

    長いですがお願いします…。 People in Bhutan learn English from a young age. Of course they learn their own language at school,but their teachers teach math,science,and other things in English. Some Bhutanese high school students go to universities in India after finishing school. It is not difficult for them to study in India because many Indian university classes are taught in English. Bhutanese students also go to universities in Bhutan. There are many Indian and other foreign people teaching there. Because most of those teachers speak English,the language used in those classes is English. 大変長くて申し訳ありません…泣 至急です!

  • お願いします!!

    When I took off my hat, (nearest/backed/me/those/away/to)in terror. 並び替えです。 一応解いてみましたが解説をなくしてしまい答え合わせが出来ません。 どなたかよろしくお願いします!!

  • 簡単な単語ばかりなのに意味がわかりません。どう訳せばいいのですか?

    Living in another country, in a small town where nothing much happened yet so very much happened, made me realize there is adventure to be had in the everyday.

  • エッセーの添削おねがいします。

    文法だけでなくここはこう言ったほうがいいんじゃない?みたいなのもありました、どうぞ教えてください。 Education System of Two Countries It is the common objective of educational system in any countries to foster its citizens to become productive members of its society. Every country has its own education system. Two countries United States and Japan have also their own education systems. After World War II, the Japanese education system was built based on American's education system, so the education system in the United States and Japan have a lot in common fundamentally. American and Japanese educational principle is similar; however, the entrance processes are quite different. At first glance, pursuing university education of American and Japanese universities appears to be straightforward. The basic system seems to be identical. Both countries have two-year university, four-year university and technical school. Students enter college after they have graduated from high school, or simply demonstrate their ability to get higher education. Students can take any classes that they wish to take and they are free to devote most of their time to education. Both countries put from 6 years to 15 years old children under an obligation to be taken education. Even though American and Japanese university basic system seems to be identical, the entrance processes are vary significantly. In America, compared with Japanese university, it is easy to enter university. Students do not have to take the admission examination for entrance, but all students need is just submit the required documents like high school transcript. So students need to get good grade in high school. When students enter university, they are not required the good academic skills. However, it is difficult to get units and graduate from university, because they have to show their good skills in the class, so not a few students who can’t get the units and it take much time to graduate. In short, students who want to enter American university need to study hard after entering university. On the other hand, at Japanese university, it is difficult to enter university. Students have to take admission examination instead of submitting the required documents to enter. For Japanese universities, it differs from American universities in that you need to take an entrance exam for the specific university. If you pass the exam then your high school grades don’t matter at all. In short, contrary to American university, students who wish to enter Japanese university need to study hard before entering university. To conclude, while basically, American and Japanese education system are similar, the entrance processes to enter university are poles apart.

  • 和訳を教えてください

    和訳を教えてください In regions where they have a lot of water,they don't realize what a real luxury it is to those who live where they have little water. よろしくお願いします

  • ログインできない状況になってしまった際、PINコードを忘れた場合の対処方法について教えてください。
  • NEC 121wareのパソコン本体でログインできない状況になりました。忘れたPINコードの対処方法を教えてください。
  • パソコン本体のログイン時にPINコードが必要ですが、忘れてしまったためログインできません。どうすればいいですか?