• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは、横浜。 もし私が、いまから2日後の金曜日に、パナソニックのQi規格のワイヤレス充電器を購入した場合ですが、 アメリカのフロリダ州・郵便番号33417の地域に郵便で送られて到着するまで何日間くらいかかるでしょうか。 お時間取らせてすみません(が、回答よろしくお願いします)。 Steven Rockafellow より。 ----- 横浜というのは、あなたの会社の名前か、会社の所在地でしょう。もちろん、「横浜さん」という名前の担当の方でもいるのなら、その方のことを指していることになりますが。



回答いただきありがとうございます。 yokohamaは私のアカウントです。 とても助かりました。


  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    アメリカのブーツ屋さんでレッドウイングブーツをオーダーしました。 二色を使って頼んだのですが、多分間違って出来てしまったとのメールなのでしょうか? 大変でも翻訳お願いします。 (rough out leather は革の裏側のスエードの面の事です) We have received your Redwing boots in for order # 16125 and they look great. The only issue is that Redwing has sent them with all black rough out leather instead of the two tone of smooth and rough out you requested. We have recently been receiving your orders like this because a leather configuration of single tone has been selected. Redwing considers any boot two tone if they use a combination rough out and smooth, or use of any combination of different leathers. For future orders two tone must be selected in order to have the boot made correctly. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you,

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The rest of the 2nd Indian Cavalry Division were sent back and the 1st and 3rd Cavalry divisions never left their bivouacs at Buire-sur-l'Ancre and Daours. The 33rd Division failed to receive the orders to support the 7th Division, only having orders for an attack through the 21st Division on 15 July. By chance, the commander of the 100th Brigade found out and sent two battalions to cover a gap between High Wood and Bazentin le Petit. A lull came over the battlefield as night fell, except in Longueval, where the South Africans continued to attack against German machine-gun fire.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送の事でメールがきたんですがすみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Your additional order is still being packed. I am hoping to get it back today so that I could email you the invoice. Our warehouse it sorting our the 'made in USA' labels too. I will let them know to send me a photo and I will forward it to you. Thank you,

  • 海外通販、英文メール翻訳して下さい。

    注文した際、カードの有効期限を間違えてしまい、訂正のメールをショップ宛に送りました。 下記ショップからの返信です。 大まかにしか分からず不安です。 どなたか英語に長けた方の翻訳をお願い致します。 Having located your account, I can see that your order has been put on hold. The reason being is that we were unable to gain authorisation of your card, which could due to the input of incorrect details. I have, therefore, re-entered your details with the correct expiry date. Your order is now being processed, and will be sent to the Warehouse. In the meantime, if we are unable to gain authorisation, we will contact you as soon as possible. If you do not hear from us, you will receive an email confirmation once your order has been despatched from our Warehouse.  

  • 下の英文を翻訳してください。

    The French were pushed back from the heights of Hill 145 and Hill 119 (the Pimple) by 1:00 p.m. At the east end of the Lorette Spur the 28th Division was forced out of the first position. By afternoon, the left flank of XIV Corps had been uncovered near Carency. Rupprecht intended to use the remnants of the 5th Bavarian Reserve Division and the 115th Division to counter-attack and regain the lost positions. Instead, the 115th Division was sent to defend the right flank of the I Bavarian Reserve Corps and the 5th Bavarian Reserve Division was found to be too depleted to attack. Troops managed to counter-attack at Souchez and retook some ground, before being stopped by massed French artillery-fire around 8:00 p.m. By evening, Rupprecht knew that twelve French divisions had attacked four German divisions but believed that the French could be driven back. OHL sent the 117th Division to Douai and Rupprecht subordinated two regiments of the 58th Division to the I Bavarian Reserve Corps, for the counter-attack at Souchez. Artillery was sent to the east of Vimy Ridge, to support the attack. During the night, a French attack captured the front trenches astride the Béthune–Lens road and Lieutenant-General von Haenisch sent the last corps reserve to the 29th Division (Lieutenant-General Isbert); a counter-attack in the morning recovered the trenches. To the south-west of Carency, the trench to Souchez was lost, which left Carency almost surrounded. Rupprecht and Haenisch planned to counter-attack from Souchez to Neuville, with the I Bavarian Reserve Corps and the 58th and 115th divisions, rather than retire. At 4:00 p.m. French attacks began on the Lorette Spur and at Carency but were not able to push back the defenders. At 7:00 p.m., the 58th Division began the German counter-attack, with parts of the 115th Division to the south and at first made good progress, before being stopped by French defensive fire. The 28th Division headquarters began to fear that the line between Ablain and Carency would fall. On 10 May, the I Bavarian Reserve Division managed to retain its positions despite French attacks, particularly at Neuville on the right flank but several counter-attacks supported by parts of IV Corps and the 115th Division, recovered only small parts of the village. Next day, Fasbender doubted that the line from Ablain to Carency could be held and asked for more reinforcements. Falkenhayn released the 117th Division (General Kuntze) and sent the VIII Corps headquarters with the 16th Division to Douai as a replacement OHL reserve. To avoid a retirement, which would lead to the loss of the Lorette Spur, Rupprecht met the corps commanders and issued a standfast order, encouraged by the quietude of the French during the morning of 11 May. French attacks in the afternoon were poorly co-ordinated and repulsed with many casualties.

  • 英文で分からないところがあるので教えてください。

    質問1:私は、ペンパルの英文をこのように訳したのですがあっていますか? (I wanted to ask, did Hayao Miyazaki also animate a cartoon called "the Last Union"?) 「私は、 宮崎はやおは、「最終監督」と呼ばれる人物であり、彼は漫画を動画にしたのですか?」 質問2:1と2と4~6の英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。3の日本語の文章をどのように英文にすればいいのか分からないので教えてください。 1.手紙やあなたの写真やイーメールやすてきな写真や2羽のイースターひよこを送ってくれてありがとうございます。それとtwo Easter chicksは、かわいいですね。日本ではEasterを祝いません。 (Thank you four your letter, your picture, e-mail(Smile), nice photos and two Easter chicks. Two Easter chicks are very pretty. Well, we don’t celebrate Easter in Japan.) 2.Easterについて話してくれませんか? (Could you tell me about Easter in England?) 3.Smileの詩は、とてもおもしろいですね。あなたからのイーメールで初めてあなたがアメリカへ言ったことを知りました。あなたがアメリカに行って楽しんだと聞いて嬉しいです。あなたのアメリカの写真を見てアメリカに行きたくなりました。 4.私は、まだアメリカには、行ったことがありません。 (I have never been U.S.A.) 5.それとニューヨークに行ってみたいです。私のペンパルが住んでいるからです。 (I’d like to go to N.Y. Because my pen friend lives there.) 6.もう一度イングランドに行きたいです。そしてあなたに会いたいです。 ( I’d like to go to England agein. And I’d like to meet you someday.)

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 アメリカの方に、カメラレンズを送って届かなかった後のメールです。 Hello, I did not know what happened with my lens, but it was not delivered at my address in USA and the post office returned the item to you. e-bay doesn´t want to pay my money back. I would like to know what can we do, and if you have had get the lens back. I contacted the japan delivery company and the inform says the lens was returned to you. I really appreciate you or e-bay return my money back. It has being a nightmare. Thank you

  • どなたか翻訳願います。

    先日アメリカンイーグルというブランドの公式ホームページにて、商品を注文したのですが、翌日に下記のようなメールが送られてきました。 Dear AE Shopper, Thank you for contacting AE! To enhance security to our customers we have instituted several new checks on orders to ensure the order is not being placed fraudulently. Your order was pulled for this verification process. Therefore your order was not allowed to process further. If you would like for us to again attempt to receive the authorization necessary to process the order please send a fax of your most recent billing statement, showing the last four digits of your credit card number as well as your address, along with your drivers license/state id to 724-779-7891, please include your order number. If you do not have access to a fax machine, please email/scan the requested documents as an attachment and send to customerservice@ae.com. If you have any further questions please call 1-866-338-2389 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and we would be happy to assist you. Thanks for being a part of the American Eagle brand! さっぱりわからないのですが、要は受け付けられなかったということでしょうか?

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いできませんか。

    利用しているマネーブッカーズというサイトから下記のような英文が届いていました。 ヤフーの翻訳で翻訳してみたのですがいまいちよくわかりません。 英語が達者な方がおられましたらお助けください。 We thank you for choosing Moneybookers as your online payment processor. Please read this email carefully as it contains instructions on how to become a fully verified customer. Your account with Moneybookers has been temporarily restricted until we have confirmed your identity and personal details. Moneybookers, as an FSA (Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom) regulated non-banking financial institution, is obligated to collect personally identifiable information. Any information you provide us with will only be disclosed in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. Moneybookers protects your account information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. We will only use your personal information to service your account and to improve our services to you. In order to become a fully verified customer and have your Moneybookers account unrestricted, we hereby kindly ask you to send us a copy of the following documentation and information: 1) A full colour copy of a valid, official identification document; such as your international passport (double page), national identity card or drivers licence (front and back), a copy is required to verify your identity. 2) A copy of a paper utility bill (Gas Bill/Electricity Bill) or bank statement issued in the last three months clearly displaying your name and address that has been received at the registered postal address detailed on your Moneybookers account, this is required to verify your address. Please make sure all four corners of the above requested documents are clearly visible and that the documents have not been altered in any form or way. Electronically issued documents and Mobile phone bills will not be accepted. In order to submit the above requested documents, please login to your Moneybookers account and follow the below steps: Contact > Support Centre > Account/Security > ‘You have requested information and/or documents from me’ Please remember to provide the "Ticket ID" stated in the subject of this email, in your response. Alternatively, you can send the requested documents and explanation via scanned e-mail to verification@moneybookers.com or via postal mail to: Moneybookers Ltd. Welken House 10-11 Charterhouse Square London EC1M 6EH United Kingdom Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. Once the documents mentioned above have been received, the verification of your account may take up to two business days, you will receive confirmation that your account is fully verified. Please be advised that we are legally obliged to freeze your account if it is left unverified. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Kind regards, Moneybookers Security ******************************* Moneybookers Security Reminders Protect Your Password Moneybookers and its representatives will NEVER ask you to reveal your password. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy. If anyone asks for your password by phone or by email, or on any website other than moneybookers.com, refuse and immediately report this to security@moneybookers.com. Access your account ONLY using the login link on the Moneybookers homepage Please be advised that Moneybookers and its representatives will NEVER send you an email asking you to provide your login details within a form provided or to click on a hyperlink to access your account! Immediately report any incident to security@moneybookers.com. 以上、ザックリとでいいのでお願いいたします。

  • ご自身で翻訳のできる方のみお願いします。

    海外サイトにてCDを注文し直ぐにキャンセルメールをそのショップ宛に送信しました。 その後、下記内容のメールが送信されてまいりました。 そこで翻訳ソフトを使用せずに翻訳できる方お願いいたします。 Thank you for contacting Customer Service! I'm happy to assist you. Due to our quick processing and turnaround time, your order has already shipped before your request to cancel was received. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. When you receive your order, you may mark "return to sender" on the package and it should be returned to us free of charge. Please keep in mind that this will return the package to the Surrey address and will take an additional 4-6 weeks to arrive back to our warehouse in North Carolina, USA. To speed up the returns process, please mail it directly back to us via the least expensive shipping option to: Thank you for your business, and please let me know if I can assist you in any other way.