• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いします!)



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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1)2週間ほど前、私は、自宅で梯子から滑り落ちて、脚の小指の骨を折りました。 深刻なことは何もありませんでしたが、無様で不愉快でした。 足にはしっかりとテーピングをして、私は、杖をついて足取り重く歩きました。 (2)その他の点では苦痛ばかりのこの体験の楽しかったことは、見知らぬ人を含めて、私が、みんなから親切にしてもらったことでした。 みんな、私のためにドアを開けたり、タクシーに乗るのを手伝ってくれたり、エレベータでは私のためにたくさんの空間を開けてくれたりしました。 (3)彼らの思いやりは、この不快さをほとんど帳消しにしてくれました、そして、私は、必要以上に長く包帯を付け、杖をついていたいと思いました。 私の気分も、こうしたみんなの親切のおかげで晴れやかになりました。 (4)しかし、私が、こうした障害を示す物を取り去ったとたん、人々は、特に取り立ててどこと言うあてもないのに、何かを躍起になって追い求めて押し合いへしあいするいつもの利己的な人たちに戻ってしまいました。 (5)そして、誰もが、たとえ見えなくても、どこかに折れた骨を抱えているのだと言う考えが、私に浮かびました。 もちろん、身体的な骨ではなく、テーピングされた目に見える骨と全く同じくらい脆く、弱く、そして、時には、痛みを感じる心の骨のことです。 (6)どの人も、完全には癒えていない古傷を抱えています、この傷を、その人は、テープや杖ではなく、その人の実際よりもその人を不親切で近寄りにくく思わせる防衛反応で、守らなくてはならないのです。 (7)私が、杖をついていた日々よりも、私がもっと思いやりを必要とした日々が今までにたくさんありました:私の心が悩みを抱えていた時、私の気持ちの抑えがほとんどできなかった時がありました:そして、他人は、誰も、そのことには、気付かず、配慮もしてはくれませんでした。 足の小指の骨は、些細なものでしたが、それは、人の同情心や暖かさと言う水門を開いてくれたのでした。 (8)もちろん、私たちは、皮膚の下を見ることはできません:通りを足早に過ぎて行く男性は、松葉杖をついた女性よりもひどい痛みに苦しんでいるのかもしれないのです。 人は、スキーを滑っていて脚を骨折するだけとは限らないのです。 私たちは、痛みそのものではなく、痛みを象徴するものに反応するのです。


  • 和訳お願いします。

    I started studying Japanese language in 1974, in a Tokyo university with many other foreign students. Although the tests and lessons were well-designed, I was soon quite frustrated and dissatisfied with my progress in that situation. Most of my classmates were also non-Japanese, so the dangerous tendency was to speak in English or French outside of classes. Except for the small number who wanted to "brush up their English," the normal Japanese students refused to associate with the illiterate foreigners. I soon found that I had gravitated to a small group of Koreans and Hawaiians, who agreed to speak only in Japanese. However, I felt that my Japanese was not likely to improve much without native speakers as models. I was depressed by the number of Americans concerned only with obtaining as much money, sex, marijuana, or media-coverage as they could obtain during their year in Japan, rather than really trying to appreciate the culture in which they were guests. So I began to look around for a more isolated university which would admit and teach Japanese to foreigners, but without the problems of Tokyo's "international set."

  • 和訳おねがいします

    Until one day I said to myself, " I am going to make a mark somewhere else," and I noticed that at the corner where we turned there was a wine store with Jewish initials. The next day I told him," I am not going with you. " So the old sister came running, " You will get lost. We will not be able to find you. " But I didn't listen. I walked out with my nose up, and I got to that store with the Jewish sign. I turned, and I got to my dressmaker.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    today I have heard about the tragic news about Japan. Hopefully you and your family/friends are doing fine? I am very sorry for my late reply, but I was attempt to have less contact with you, because I thought it would be better for both of us to keep going with our normal life. The farewell of the last time that I saw you was very hard, I did not want to let you cry and have heartbreak.  Do not see me wrong, because I had a great time with you. We both started to have a strong feelings for eachother, but we both also now that this could not work out. That was very hard for both of us and I want you to live a great life without missing our  time too much. Well, hopefully my thing did work out and you are doing fine, you will always have that special place in my heart. Maybe the future will bring us back together... If I have any chance to go to Japan again I will definitly contact you and be with you, only if your situation allows that, maybe in that time you will have a lovely family. Please give other men a chance if they want to be a part of your life. I will be very happy for you..

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I was told there was a reunification specialist located a couple of hours away from the hotel we were staying at who was willing to work with me and my family . I wasn't sure what to say about this offer . Traditional therapy did not appeal to me. The therapy I kept envisioning consisted of me and a small room and someone I didn't know , which was the last thing I wanted . I felt I had worked through what had happened to me and I had always kept my own counsel and thought I was my own best therapist . I didn't want to meet another stranger . In the day and a half , I had met so many new people that I was really overwhelmed. Ultimately, what convinced me to seek the help of this person was the mention of horses . The impression I got of this person was that of an older lady with a ranch and horses and plenty of room for us to come and get our feet on the ground for a few days . わからないところがいくつかあります。また、訳していて、日本語になっていないような感もあります。参考にして勉強したいとおもいますので、宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     The young woman's injuries were serious - third-degree burns over 35% of her body. It took 27 months for her to recover. Unfortunately, the burns on her legs damaged the muscles so severely that she could never perform again.  The physical recovery did not mark the end of the healing process. The psychological damage was much deeper and more painful than the terrible burns. Yet this young woman found the courage and strength to cope with the disappointments from the accident. In the hospital, she saw other people who had injuries worse than hers. She leaned that talking about one's problems relieves some of the pain. Most important of all, she leaned that she was not alone, That knowledge enabled her to go on with her life-a new kind of life but one that she has filled with new meaning and new joy.  The story of how this young ballerina coped with disappointments inspires me whenever I feel " down in the dumps." It is the story of my sister Teena.

  • 長文和訳お願いします!

    長文和訳お願いします! 読みにくかったらすみません My dear 〇〇 I'm slowly getting over my jet lag and getting used to my normal life again. Life in Japan was so easy for my ... everyday eating out in a restaurant, hotel room got cleaned every day ... In Belgium I need to do all that myself ... it is a bit of work ... but part of me is happy to be back in my own house ... and not havening to live out of my suitcase. But at the same time I'm very sad that I have left Japan and that I'm now so far away from you.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! It was the 1968 Olympics. And um I'd been training, and I failed to qualify. And not by a little but by a fair amount, that I realised that I wasn't gonna be the next in line. And certainly it was the era of Peggy Fleming, one of my best friends, and she was just indomitable. It's like a Tiger Woods comes along and no matter how great an athlete you are, and you can be a great athlete, you're never going to be that. And you have to come to grips with your own limits as far as your talent, and your inability to be able to realise something, and not just for your championship or yourself but for a generationof skaters or so. インタビュー番組なのですが、 ある女性が過去に経験した挫折を振り返っているシーンです。 (フィギュアスケートでオリンピックの代表を目指していたようですが、夢叶わなかったようです) 意味がどうしても理解できないので、和訳をお願いします。 口語なので分かりにくいとは思いますが、よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳してください。

    英語に詳しい方、翻訳機を使わずに和訳してください。 細かい部分がよく理解できません。 I trying to convince her that she didn't need to ask me for everything, that I wasn't always right about everything, that she should speak up and stand up for herself and argue with me when I had the wrong idea... but she just didn't want to learn. Deep down inside, I discovered, she was the sort of woman who wanted a strong man to dominate her, whom she could lean on and rely on for anything she needed. She wanted to feel safe and taken care of. I don't think that's a bad thing on its own... but over those years I started to become a man I don't want to be: arrogant, controlling, overconfident. Like I couldn't help but enjoy all that power she was always giving me. But I don't want to be that man. And I don't want to live that relationship. I *have* to be able to grow, to learn, to always be taking life as a new lesson, but how can I do that if I'm never wrong about anything? It was too tempting, and it made me a darker person. So, though I loved her very much and it tore my heart to do it, I had to end our relationship. I was not the man she was looking for, even though she wanted me to be. And she was not the woman I have been looking for, even though I desperately loved her beauty and inner light

  • 和訳を見ていただけますか?

    下記の文を和訳をしているのですが分からないところもあるので添削していただけますか? Sometimes I'm solitary,it's my main problem. I had a lot of friends when I was child but today I keep only 2 childhood friends. Of course, I also have good internet friends. I don’t see them a lot but I thank them for that (if they heard me they would make a funny face). It’s difficult to explain,it’s difficult to stay alone but people always leave one day or another. It’s not a criticism, I’m like that too, it’s the life. But a few people go further and betray you and I prefer to cohabit with my solitary problem than to know difficult periods because of that. ときどきものすごく一人ぼっちだって感じるんだよね。 子供のころは友達がたくさんいたけど(今は)当時の友達はたった2人になってしまいました。 もちろんインターネットで知り合った友達もいるよ。彼らに頻繁には会えないけどそれを感謝する時もあるの(もし彼らがこの言葉を聞いたらおかしな顔をするでしょうけど)。 説明が難しいけど…一人きりでいるのは難しいけど人はいつか離れていったりそういうもの。 それを批判はしないわよ、私もそうだし、それが人生だもの。 けど~ けど~からの文章が和訳できず、またこの文章から具体的に何を言いたいのかよくわかりません^^;アドバイスお願いします!孤独を感じる一方で、それは仕方がないということを言いたいのかな~…

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I'm a newish stay-at-home mom finding it hard to connect with my spouse, my friends and my "old" life. I have no family support system and none of my friends have offered or shown any interest in helping with my little one. My whole life has turned upside down (not unexpected) but I guess it's my other relationships that have me surprised. I'm no longer invited to anything friend-wise and the few things I have been invited to were mere hours beforehand with no time to secure a sitter. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします