• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • greeen
  • ベストアンサー率56% (154/272)

>〇What were you talking about? の答え方は It's a secret. がいいと思います。 secret だと、「秘密について」と誤解されることもあります。 >◇(あなたは、普通は、)どちらを使います? >Which words do you use more in common? →Which (expression) do you usually use? →Which (expression) do you usually use, A or B? more in common は「より共通に」になります。commonly(=usually) を使ってもいいですが、あなた個人というより、あなたの国ではのような感じになります。 cover to cover は普通は本に関して使います。 from the first to the end は使う場面が限られています。たとえば、from the first to the end of the month などは使えますが。 #1の方が言われるように、from the beginning to the end または、from the start to the end がいいと思います。 お役に立てば幸いです。



secretだと誤解が生じるんですか。気をつけます。 usuallyですか。 cover to coverは本に関してなんですね。 なるほど、場面が限られてしまうんですか。 知識upです。 細かい説明、回答ありがとうございました。


  • 疑問詞と前置詞

    学校で Who were you talking with? → With whom were you talking? といった書き換えを習ったのですが、同じようにして What are you moving the furniture for? → For what are you moving the furniture? と書き換える事は出来るのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の2つの英文の和訳をお願いします。

    以下の2つの英文の和訳をお願いします。 There is much more to a language than its words. There is much more that you do know about your language which cannot so conveniently be looked up , and which you were never explicitly taught. More important , one finds that the more complex and multi-levelled the history is , and the more important the issue which it raises for today , the less it is possible to sustain a fact-value division.

  • 訳と解説をお願いします。

    If you’ve gotten this far you probably have some idea what it’s about anyway, but I want to share a little more information with you. what it’s about anywayで挫折しました。 このaboutは何に対するものなのでしょうか・・・?

  • 英文訳してください

    次の英文を日本語に訳してください! Wow,that's small! Is it a computer? No,it's an electronic dictionary. Don't you have a printed dictionary? I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean. A dictionary printed on paper,like book. You should use one. Why? This is more useful. お願いします(・・*)

  • MSNがきにくわない???

    It was nice talking to you on the Yahoo thing; I got to know you more... Well, you got to teach me how to use the stupid Yahoo messenger! I don't know! All the words are like small aliens to me! このようなメールが友達からとどきました!!! おもしらくないMSNを私に教えたと不満を言っているのでしょうか・・・・

  • 関係代名詞 which, that

    お願いします。 適語をえらぶ問題です。 Yesterday Mary gave me a book the cover ( ) was blue. 1.which 2.of which 3.that 4.what what, of whichが入らないことはわかりますが、 thatとwhichのどちらが適語なのかわかりません。

  • What's more remantic?ってWhichじゃダメ!?

    いつもお世話になっております(^0^) 映画のセリフです。 So what do you think? What would a girl find more romantic - tulips or roses? whichだと間違いでしょうか? というか、何故whatなのでしょうか? 宜しく御願い致します(^0^)/

  • 英語

    1I hate the ( ) she always criticizes me. アhow イway ウmethod エstyle 2I went to Hawaii last week. That is ( ) I got suntanned. アwhy イwhat ウwhich エthat 3“Are you going somewhere during thad vacation?” “Yes, I've found a nice beach ( ) I can enjoy swimming even in February.” アhow イwhen ウwhere エwhich 4The boy ( ) used to work for our company. アyou were talking to イyou were talking ウwho you were talking エwhom you were talking 5The lady ( ) this letter of yours is addressed died last week. アwhom イto whom ウwhich エto which 6This is the new car made in America this year ( ) I spoke. アof that イof which ウthat エwhich 7The town ( ) is in Shimane Prefecture. アwhich Mori Ogai was born イin where Mori Ogai was born ウin which Mori Ogai was born エMori Ogai was born 8Social science, ( ) in 1998, is no longer taught at this college. アstudying the subject イhaving studied ウthe subject I studied エI have studied 9What everyone hates most about driving in a big city is the time ( ) to find a parking space. アit makes イthat makes ウit takes エthat takes

  • 関係代名詞について質問です。

    The man ( ) used to work for our company. 1. that you were talking 2. you were talking to どちらが適切か?という問題がありました。私は以前、This is the way in which we got to know each other. という文でin whichをthatに書き換えていいと聞きました。そこで、この問題も前置詞+関係代名詞だったので to whomをthatに変えたと考えて1を選びました。 そしたら解答は2でした。解説をよんで、なぜ2になるのかは理解できましたが、なぜ1が間違いなのかはわかりませんでした。 よければ回答よろしくお願いします

  • 【than】の用法について!!

    以下の文の【than】の使い方がわかりません。助けてください!! You can than use what you learned from the running mechanics section to identify some common errors and quickly correct them. 宜しくお願いします。 (前後の文章) The first two days is a great time to record yourself using a video camera when you are completing the running workout. You can than use what you learned from the running mechanics section to identify some common errors and quickly correct them. You will be able to see common errors much easier if you have someone record yourself running at top speed.