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「the coat check」とは何でしょうか


  • ベストアンサー
  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

先程回答したものですが、 Apple wouldn't even let past the coat check. 読み返してみましたら、意味が異なっていましたので、全文訳してみました。 GoogleやSamsungのようなアップルにとって主たるモバイルの競争相手はかなり異なる戦略を持っています。Andoroidモバイルプラットホームははるかにオープンで、カストマイズが容易で柔軟性があります、(つまり)多くの開発者やいろいろなアプリケーションにアクセスを提供しています。(一方)アップルはそのようなことを許容しないでしょう。 Apple wouldn't even let (suites of apps and legions of developers) past the coat check. 何だろうと思い直しました。





  • 英文訳をお願いします!

    はじめまして。 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/12/31/here-s-why-apple-and-samsung-are-breaking-up.html こちらのサイト の記事のなかの文章でどうしても訳せない箇所があります。一度授業で訳をしたのですがどうしても思い出すことができません。 その箇所は、 Indeed, it's beginning to look a lot like 1984 -- the famous Apple ad, that is. But this time it's the "Think Different" company's hegemonic head on the big screen, preaching "you must obey to legions of tinkerers.   です。 どなたかお力を貸してください。トップダウンで訳していただけたら大変助かります。

  • この翻訳の仕方が分かりません。

    分解してまず訳してみました。 For a lot of developers, putting games on iOS and mobile feels like a lottery, and that's a real unstable feeling that's hard for developers. 多くの開発者のために iOSにゲームを配信する事 モバイルは運次第に感じる。 そして、それは本当に崩れそうだ。 開発者には非常に厳しいものだ。 上記の文の構成、何が何に掛かっているのか分かりません。 詳しく教えて頂けないでしょうか?

  • どのような接続詞を使えばよいのですか

    次の分子構文を接続詞を使って書きなおす場合、 どのような接続詞を使えばよいのでしょうか。 Samsung Electronics sued Apple in Japan and Australia on Monday to ban sales of the iPhone 4S, escalating a current legal battle of the world's two biggest makers of smartphones and tablet computers.

  • 和訳と文法について

    (1)Today computer games are a huge industry, having global sales of $28 billion in 2004. havingはどうしてing形なんでしょうか。そして、haveは持つでいいのでしょうか? (2)The first computer games had two goals: to help develop artificial intelligence(AI), and to reveal how humans think. (3)The modern form of international chess has a rigid set og rules, which means that there are a limited number of possibilities at any given time. (4)By contrast, GO(碁)has fewer rules and consequently is much more flexible-far too flexible for any of today's computers to find a winning strategy. (5)These differences indicate that different kinds of games require us to think, plan and act in different ways-something easy for us, but difficult for computers. それぞれの訳をお願いします。一つだけでもいいです。(全部、きちんとした日本語には出来ませんが)特にわからないのは(4)と(5)です。

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください。(翻訳ソフトNG)

    In 1992, many buyers could not easily make the difference between IBM and no-name PC brands, which allowed prices to drop, thanks to competition. For example, on the same day of February of 1992, Apple and Dell Computer both cut prices by nearly 40 percent. Within a week other competitors did the same. However, Apple still had as main competitors, IBM, the worldwide leader; Compaq, the premium-priced leader in the MS­Dos/Intel segment and Dell, a clone. In the 1990s, IBM had a large installed base of customers that was tied to the company's highly profitable, proprietary technology But like most mini and mainframe companies, IBM was also a relatively high-cost producer of PCs that was struggling to create a unique position for itself. IBM did suffer it first loss in history in 1991, but still was the world leader in computers, with $64 billion in revenues and the number one market share in PCS, minicomputers and mainframes. (See Exhibit 4).

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください。(翻訳ソフトNG)

    In 1991, the computer industry experienced its worst year in history. Average return on sales dropped to under 4 percent and the ROE (Return On Equity) was under 11 percent. Worldwide, PC revenues dropped for the first time by nearly 10 perœnt. Apple continued to perform better than its competitors in the industry, but the intensity of competition was putting pressure on Apple’s margins. “Our challenge,” said John Sculley, Apple Computer’s CEO, “is not only to stay ahead of our competition, but we have to find some way to change the rules of the game. If computer manufacturers continue to make and sell commodities, everyone in onr' business will suffer.” The objective then was to change a $50 billion global industry. Sculley certainly knew that was not going to be an easy task, but he believed that Apple was one of the only companies that could do it, Therefore, for Apple‘s next strategy session, he asked his to address two key questions: (1) could Apple change the structure of the industry, and if so how? And (2) what other alternatives were available?

  • "what is soon to 動詞"の文法解釈

    こんにちは。 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [UK, adult版] p.37真ん中あたりの文に関してです。 ハリーがダーズリーの家で読んでいる新聞の記事の一文に関してです。 "Dumbledore’s legions of admirers, meanwhile, may well be trembling at what is soon to emerge about their hero." この文の”what is soon to emerge about their hero”の部分の意味がとれません。 どのように解釈すればよいのでしょうか? 教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳のチェックをお願いします。

    以下の英文を翻訳してみたのですが自信がありません。また最後の一文≪≫が翻訳できません。(Itが何を示すのかが分かりません。) どなたかチェックしていただけないでしょうか。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Until the 1960s, Los Angeles was well connected by streetcars, and Metro now owns many rights-of-way where rail was removed. Under its joint development program, Metro has partnered with private developers to provide long-term ground leases for more than 25 TOD projects that are completed, in process, or under review. Recognizing the importance of appropriate zoning, Metro developed the Toolkit for Transit-Supportive Planning, a web-based best practices guide. In 2011, Metro launched the TOD Planning Grant Program, which has awarded 36 grants totaling over $22 million to Los Angeles County jurisdictions to develop and approve land use plans that remove regulatory barriers to TOD. ≪It recently began a pilot program that provides funding to cities to study the creation of tax increment financing districts around transit stations.≫ 1960年代まで、ロサンゼルスではパシフィック電鉄などの路面電車が発達しており、LACMTAは現在もそれらの線路が通っていた土地の権利を多く所有しています。LACMTAは官民協同TODプロジェクトにおいて、それらの土地を長期的に民間ディベロッパーへ貸し出してしており、その数は計画段階のものから竣工済みのものまでを含めると25プロジェクトにも及びます。また土地を提供するに当たり、適切な都市計画/建築規制の重要性を再認識したLACMTAは、WEBベースのベストプラクティスガイド“Transit Supportive Planning Toolkit”を開発、さらに2011年には、36項目合計2,200万ドルの助成金をロサンゼルス郡の管轄区域における開発に支給し、またTODプロジェクトを行う際に障壁となる地区計画等の規制緩和を承認するTOD Planning Grant Programを立ち上げました。...

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Many people think that scientists make make great discoveries only while they are working hard in a laboratory. But sometimes scientists, mathematicians, and inventors find the answers to difficult problems while they are relaxing or even sleeping. For example, the great physicist Isaac Newton had been trying for a long time to discover the laws of gravity. For a while his work went well, and he worked out two of the laws.But then he seemed to come to a dead end.Finally, one day , as he was relaxing under an apple tree, an apple landed on the ground in front of him. The falling apple apple gave him the clue he needed, and the last of the laws of the laws of gravity fell into place, too. 1worked out と同じ意味のもの 1looked for 2devised 3understood 4sought 2come to a dead end と同じ意味のもの 1come as far as the end 2be able to find the last one 3find to exit 4find no entrance お願いします!

  • 「英文熟考」下巻(8)の文章ですが、最後の行のthanはasの間違いで

    「英文熟考」下巻(8)の文章ですが、最後の行のthanはasの間違いでしょうか?前に比較級が見当たらないので・・・ One reason why the company decided to move their operations to another country was that the laws on the brain stem sell testing were very strict. In no branch of medical research and development, was the company so far behind its competitors, than in that of brain stem cell research. 「その会社が事業を他国に移すことを決断した理由のひとつは、脳幹細胞検査に関する法律が非常に厳しかったから。その会社は、医学的研究、開発のいかなる分野においても、脳幹細胞の研究分野ほど競合会社に遅れをとっている分野はなかった」