因みにA thin polymer membrane, nano-suit, enhancing survival across the continuum between air and high vacuum という論文です.
(1)Following this success, we examined whether plasma irradiation could be used routinely to protect other organisms against high vacuum.
(1)以下に示す成功は,我々は プラズマ照射が 高真空に対し,他の生物を保護するのために規定通りに(日常的に)使用されたかどうか検討した.
(2)Because organisms with no obvious ECS could not be protected, we looked for amphiphilic molecules that could mimic natural ECS.
(2)なぜなら,明確にECSのない生物は保護されなかった,我々は 自然のECSを模倣した両親媒性分子を探した.
(3)We discovered that a simple Tween 20 solution (Fig. 3A) could be used to protect multicellular organisms from high vacuum.
(4)Mosquito larvae that survived in vacuo wearing an artificially applied nano-suit represent one report of artificial enhancement to the surface layer (Fig. 2O).
(5)From the biomimetic point of view, our findings were successful in protecting the animal from the deleterious effects of high vacuum.
(6)However, further study will be needed for other kinds of organisms, including single cells and tissues, using different chemicals or combinations.
意味:しかしながら,他の薬剤あるいは(薬剤の)組合せを使用した単細胞及び細胞組織を含め,他の種類の動物に関する研究が必要とされる.→ ~の点の研究が不足している.
(7)Multicellular organisms originally possess their own ECSs (e.g.,biofilms of microbes, ECS of insect larva, and surfactants of the vertebrate lung).
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