• ベストアンサー


I propose 140 All in for the ○○. If you want 1 for the shoes and 139 for your fees ?? ebayで質問を受けました。 ○○はシューズのブランド名です。 何と言ってるでしょうか? 140、1、139は価格で値引きの問い合わせでしょうか? 短い文ですがよくわかりませんでした。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

       あなたが靴代に1ドル、手数料を139ドル欲しいと言うのなら        ○○に、合計140ドルの値を付ける。     何だか、その靴は1ドルの価値しかない、手数料がが139ドルってのか?という「冷やかし」に読めるんですが、、、



ありがとうございます。 冷やかしですか。返答しないでよさそうですね。


  • この文章を日本語に訳してください。

    この文章を日本語に訳してください。 Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Everything we have in stock for ebay will be listed in our store. While not all of our inventory is listed on ebay, you are welcome to check our website (www.mycomicshop.com) if you would like, for a more extensive selection of titles. We also have an online Want List, if you are interested in signing up. If an item is not in stock on our site, you can add it to your want list, and you will be notified as soon as a copy becomes available. Please understand that ebay orders and orders from our site can not be combined.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    I saw you and i will always do if you open your heart for me and for get about the other guy, i want you to see the meaning of true love and i will treat you the way you. 特に、この部分が知りたいです。 (if you open your heart for me and for get about the other guy, i want) 私に心を開いて他の男性の話をして欲しいと言うことでしょうか?

  • 短文ですので翻訳お願いします

    Thank you so much for leaving me a comment! If you have any free time, I would love if you left more, I love reading your personal thoughts!!! Or if you want to chat some time, just leave me a personal message! I reply to all my mail 翻訳よろしくお願い致します。

  • つぎの短文をワープロにとり込みました

    To you, all you have appears little; to me, all I have appears great. Your desire is unsatiable; mine has been satisfied. When children thrust their hands into a narrow-necked jar and try to get nuts and figs out, the same thing happens: if a child fills his hand, he cannot get it out, and then breaks into tears. Drop a few of them and you will get it out. You too should drop your desire; do not covet many things, and you will get what you want. When children thrust their hands into a narrow-necked jar ここのhandsはちがう訳を見るとhandと単数形です。 To (children) who put their hand into a narrow necked earthen vessel このばあい、 handsとhandどちらかがより良いということはあるのでしょうか。またはどちらかが好ましくないということはあるのでしょうか。

  • 短文ですがこの和訳を教えてください

    趣味で買ったハンコに英語が書かれていたため日本語だとどうゆう意味なのか知りたいのですが 「THANKS... for all that you do, and for just being you.」 とかかれてます。 「あなたのすべてにありがとう。そしてあなたであるために」 ?????? って感じです どういった文章になるのでしょうか。

  • I can or I don't mind

    次の文のニュアンスの違いを知りたいです。 mindを使った文とcanだと、どちらが快く申し出ているように聞こえるのでしょうか。教えてください。 (1) I don't mind coming and picking you up at your place if you want me to. (2) I would't mind coming and picking you up at your place if you want me to. (3) I can come and pick you up at your place if you want me to.

  • 『The sound of summer ~』

    Ray Bradburyの『The sound of summer running』という短編からの質問です。 Well, he felt sorry for boys who lived in California where they wore tennis shoes all year and never knew what it was to get winter off your feet, peel off the iron leather shoes all full of snow and rain and run barefoot for a day and then lace on the first new tennis shoes of the season, which was better than barefoot. The magic was always in the new pair of shoes. The magic might die by the first of September, but now in late June there was still plenty of magic, and shoes like these could jump you over trees and rivers and houses. And if you wanted, they could jump you over fences and sidewalks and dogs. “Don’t you see?” said Douglas. “I just can’t use last year’s pair.” For last year’s pair were dead inside. They had been fine when he started them out, last year. But by the end of summer, every year, you always found out, you always knew, you couldn’t really jump over rivers and trees and houses in them, and they were dead. But this was a new year, and he felt that this time, with this new pair of shoes, he could do anything, anything at all. They walked up on the steps to their house. “Save your money,” said Dad. “In five or six weeks—” “Summer’ll be over!” ************************* they wore tennis shoes all year and never knew what it was to get winter off your feet, peel off the iron leather shoes all full of snow and rainについてですが it was to get winter off your feet~は、be動詞+to不定詞で、「あなたの足から冬を取り去ることになる」という予定の意味ですか? all full of snow and rainが、文にどのようにつながるのかわかりません。前置詞がないような?それとも the iron leather shoesと all full of snow and rainの間で切れているのか・・? ************************* last year’s pair were dead inside.の個所について deadは「すたれた」の意味ですか? ************************** 教えていただけるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Q:How much does Indiegogo cost? A:Indiegogo is free to join. There is a fee on any money that is raised, which is 4% of the money you raise if you meet your goal or 9% if you do not meet your goal. For more on fees, see our article: Pricing and Fees.

  • 英訳をお願いします!

    英語が得意な方、お力を貸してください。 添削していただけるとたいへん助かります。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。   *靴の履き間違いのないようお気をつけください。 Please be careful not to mistake for your shoes. or    Before you put your shoes on, make sure the shoes are yours. 

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 オーストラリアからの英語なのですが、どなたか翻訳していただけないでしょうか。 Hello I noticed you have already paid for your Rockport shoes. Thank you for your promptness. However, I had not sent the invoice to you, which I have just done which includes the total amount including the amount for postage and packaging. If you would like to deposit the balance into my Paypal account, I can get the shoes sent to you. 0000@0000.net.au is my id for Paypal payments. Thank you and have a lovely night. よろしくお願いいたします。