• ベストアンサー


That is why one must also understand the problem in this question of the person who controls and that which is controlled. したがって、私たちはこの設問における「コントロールをするがゆえに、コントロールされている人」という問題を理解しなければならない。 といったところでしょうか。 困っているのは、and that which is controlled. の部分が、なんなのかです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

that which はやや古めの英語で関係代名詞 what「~するもの・こと」と同じ。 そして,the question of ~の部分は同格なので, 「コントロールする人とコントロールされるもの」の疑問・質問 というのは,結局, 「したがって,人はまた,このような,誰がコントロールし,何がコントロールされるのかという疑問における 問題点を理解しなければならない」



古めの英語だったのだということで、なるほど、となりました。 また、訳がすっきりと頭にはいってきました。 ご回答、どうもありがとうございました!

その他の回答 (2)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

>That is why one must also understand the problem in this question of the person who controls and that which is controlled. ⇒それ(今述べたこと)が、この設問においてはコントロールする側の人間とコントロールされる側の物の(持つ)問題をもまた理解しておかなければならないことの理由です。 >困っているのは、and that which is controlled. の部分が、なんなのかです。 ⇒the one who, those who=先行詞は人「~ところの人(たち)」 that which, those which=先行詞は事物「~ところのこと・もの」 以上、ご回答まで。



that which those which という言葉についての理解が深まりました。 ご回答、どうもありがとうございました!

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

that which = what 『コントロールする側の人間とコントロールされる事象』 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=that+which&ref=sa



 that which = what という非常にシンプルなご説明、わかり易かったです!  ご回答、どうもありがとうございました! 


  • 英語の和訳なのですが、、、

    学生なんですけど英語が苦手で なかなか和訳できません だから教えてください 題名:Written Language 内容: Children between the ages of two and five are able to acquire a spoken language without much help. Parents may help by correcting mistakes, but children learn to speak mostly by listening to the people around them. They imitate the sounds that they have heard. On the other hand, writing systems must be taught. In Japan for example, children learn how to read and write kanji, hiragana, and katakana for a number of years. They have teachers and textbooks to help them. Speech is a very efficient method of communication. No tools are needed. The sounds that are used are made with the lungs, throat, tongue and mouth. Speech is also very quick. Speaking a sentence is much faster than writing it down. Needless to say, speech also has limitations. To begin with, once a sound is made, it disappers forever, so communication is limited to that particular time and place. Ideas that are passed on from person to person must be remembered and repeated precisely. Also, since spoken words are stored only in the minds of the listener, what is spoken can be forgotten or remembered incorrectly. With written language, however, a writer can carefully create sentences that communicate his or her ideas precisely. Once the words are written down, they can be read by anyone who can read that language. 結構長いですがよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳教えてください。

    Newspapers can't be first with the news as television and radio are, so they must offer their reader something different. Events must be explained so that results are understandable to the reader. The story of what caused the news must be told. Many newspapers are already preparing to meet this need. Today's front pages explain the news as they report it. During the weekends newspapers are filled with stories of such things as politics and would problems. Reporting the news is not enough in today's fast-moving world. It is not enough for newspapers readers to know what happened. They must also know why it happened and what it will do to their country, their city and themselves. For many years newspapers were only expected to report facts. Readers had to do their own explaining. But most readers did not know enough of what was happening behind the news to be able to explain or understand it. That is why news magazines such as Vision, in Latin America, and others around the world were started. They did the job which most newspapers were not then doing―going behind the news to explain why it happened. Explaining the news is not giving an opinion. It is telling as much as possible about an event to let readers know what caused it. For example, they should know about the downfall of agovernment in Latin America, but should also understand what caused that downfall. Saying only that a government of a South America country has fallen is not enough. It would be better to make readers understand the real problms which caused the collapse. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    1.your question seems to have quite a lo of subtext as wel.Intentional/unintentional/consciou s/unconscious is not always so clearly defined.Is there actually a subtext,or do you perceive a subtext?Not on easily answered question. 2.subtextual messaging that the person who does not exist in this social style of speaking is misuunderstood most of the time.people around them are looking for another massage.How must that person feel? 長文になりました。またこの(subtext)がおよそ何を意味しているのかもわかりましたら教えて下さ い。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。(英語)

    (1)what kind of people do you like to meet? why? (2)who is the most interesting person you have ever met? tell me about it.

  • 英語!

    英語がわからない! 疑問詞で作る名詞節の時に、どうやって疑問詞を決めればいいの? ex) What he studied was of interest to all of us. ex) Who he is taking is anyone's guess. ex) He knew who the teacher was. ex) His problem is which field he will major in. 後は、what, where, when, why, who, whom, which, whose, how, thatの使い方(名詞節を作るとき)を教えてください。

  • 和訳をしてください

    次の文章を私の解釈であっているか確認して欲しいです。 かなり長いので、一文一文訳していただかなくて大丈夫です。 Goal: The goal of this project is to learn how to consider opposing political ideas and values fairly and without bias. Too much of political debate involves people talking past each other, unwilling to truly understand the other person’s position. Good democratic politics requires that we honestly understand each other, even if we disagree. Evaluation: I am looking for essays that show you can present both sides of an argument without evidence of bias. In evaluating your own work before submitting it, ask yourself the following questions: Would someone who holds the opposing view from your own agree that you have presented their views both accurately and strongly? Would the person reading these essays be unable to tell what your own position really is? The answer to both questions should be yes! I am also looking to see that you have provided sources for all your claims and have made it clear which claims and sources go together. To that end, please cite clearly, using any citation style that suits you. If you use in-text/parenthetical citations ( XX 2018) please include an alphabetized bibliography. Feel free to ask questions about citing – I’m happy to answer them! 簡単にいえば、 Goal(目標)は、公平で偏見のない立場から政治について考えること。 評価は、自分の意見とそれに反対する人の意見をしっかりと述べられているか。 最後の段落は、いろんな情報を参考にして引用して良い。しかしきちんと何を引用したか述べろ。 ということでしょうか? 最後の(XX 2018)というのは、教授の名字がXXに入っているのですが、これはどういう意味でしょうか? わかるかた、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします(*ノ´□`)ノ

    (1)Communication is an exchange of information, ideas, or feelings. In this exchange, each person must understand the other person's message. Without understanding, there is no communication. (2)American men and women often have trouble ( communicated / communicating / to communicate / communication ) with each other. John doesn't understand Mary, and Mary doesn't understand John. The real reason for these communication breakdowans is not language. Instead, it is cultural. Although John and Mary use the same words, they are using them in different cultural contxets. John and Mary are speaking the same language but on different levels. (3)Women think of conversation as a sharing of feelings, while men consider it an exchange of information. For women, conversation is a network among equals who talk and listen to each other. For men, it is a hierarchy where the powerful person speaks and the ( more / better / less / fewer ) powerful one listens. Women think of conversation as a skill which draws people together. Men consider it a competitive game for power. (4)Socialization among American girls is based on friendship. They share their secrets with their best friends who are supposed to talk and listen. Socialization among American boys is based on competition and often aggression. (5)When Mary asks John for his opinion, he tells her what to do. Without notice, he expects her to listen and take his advice. For him, the conversation is over once he has told his opinion. But not so for Mary, because the word opinion has a different meaning. She wants to discuss the matter with John before she makes her decision. She gets angry when he tells her what to do. This is a typical example of a communication breakdown. The same word has diferent meanings for different people. That is why John doesn't understand Mary. ( )の数字は段落を示したものです(´∀`*) 文章の途中の( )は正しいものを選んでください!!! では、よろしくお願いします(。´・ω・)

  • 和訳してください!!

    (1)Communication is an exchange of information, ideas, or feelings. In this exchange, each person must understand the other person's message. Without understanding, there is no communication. (2)American men and women often have trouble ( communicated / communicating / to communicate / communication ) with each other. John doesn't understand Mary, and Mary doesn't understand John. The real reason for these communication breakdowns is not language. Instead, it is cultural. Although John and Mary use the same words, they are using them in different cultural contexts. John and Mary are speaking the same language but on different levels. (3)Women think of conversation as a sharing of feelings, while men consider it an exchange of information. For women, conversation is a network among equals who talk and listen to each other. For men, it is a hierarchy where the powerful person speaks and the ( more / better / less / fewer ) powerful one listens. Women think of conversation as a skill which draws people together. Men consider it a competitive game for power. (4)Socialization among American girls is based on friendship. They share their secrets with their best friends who are supposed to talk and listen. Socialization among American boys is based on competition and often aggression. (5)When Mary asks John for his opinion, he tells her what to do. Without notice, he expects her to listen and take his advice. For him, the conversation is over once he has told his opinion. But not so for Mary, because the word opinion has a different meaning. She wants to discuss the matter with John before she makes her decision. She gets angry when he tells her what to do. This is a typical example of a communication breakdown. The same word has diferent meanings for different people. That is why John doesn't understand Mary. ( )の数字は段落を示したものです(´∀`*) 文章の途中の( )は正しいものを選んでください!!! では、よろしくお願いします(。´・ω・)

  • 英語 和訳をお願いします。

    Asian people rarely question their doctor, assuming that he knows much more than they do and is skillfull, honest and kind. 前半は「アジアの人々は医師にめったに質問をしない。」 後半のthat以下がどのように訳せばよいかいまいちわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? We have looked at the way we project human qualities onto both inanimate objects and animals. But, we also project gender. The title is part of a well-known ritual whereby a ship is launched and blessed. Bu why is it not: “God bless it, and all who sail in it”? Or even: “God bless him, and all who sail in him”? Some commentators (for example, Spender. 1980) have suggested that cars, as well as boats, are seen as female because they are objects of status that have traditionally been under the control of men. Certainly, the physical attractiveness of such objects is often at the forefront of descriptions, in the same way as women are often described in terms of their looks. For example, here is an extract from a news report on the de-commissioning of the Royal Yacht Britannia: “a ship which has given good faithful service for 44 years, and which is still as elegant now as when she was commissioned…..” (Radio 4 News, 12 noon, 10/12/97)