• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

Do you have [a lot of] money? No just [a little]. お金たくさん持ってる? いや、ほんの少しだけ。


  • 解答お願いします。

    There was () food in refrigertor , so Michi couldn't find enough for lunch. Do you have ()money? "No,just ()." The trip cost Jun () , and she was left with only()coins at the end. How () does the elephant weigh? "It weighs five tons." [a few / little / a little / a lot / a lot of / much]

  • 使い分けを教えてください。

    There was ( little) food in refrigertor , so Michi couldn't find enough for lunch. Do you have ( a lot of)money? "No,just (a little )." The trip cost Jun (a lot) , and she was left with only(a few)coins at the end. How ( much) does the elephant weigh? "It weighs five tons." かっこの中の語句をどうやって使い分ければよくわからないので使い分けの方法を教えていただきたいです。

  • 答え合わせお願いします

    There was little food in refrigertor , so Michi couldn't find enough for lunch. 冷蔵庫にはわずかな食べ物しかなかったので、ミチは十分な昼食を見つけることができなかった。 Do you have a lot of money? "No,just a little ." お金をたくさん持っていますか? いや、ほんの少しだけ The trip cost Jun a lot , and she was left with only a few coins at the end. ジュンは旅行に多くの費用を費やしたため、彼女は少しの硬貨かしか残っていなかった How much does the elephant weigh? "It weighs five tons." 象はどれぐらいの重さですか?     それは5トンの重さです。

  • 下の英語の4択問題がよく分かりません。

    初級者の質問なんですけど、誰か下の問題を解説して頂けないでしょうか? 問.日本語に近い英文を選べ。「“rich”は、単にたくさんお金を持っているという意味ではない。」 1.“Rich”doesn't only mean you don't have a lot of money. 2,“Rich”does simply mean you don't have a lot of money. 3.“Rich”doesn't just mean you have a lot of money. 4.“Rich”doesn't mean you simply have a lot of money. 正解は3.と出てましたが、僕は4.と答えてしまいました。1.と2.は論外なのは分かりますが、何で4.ではダメなんですか?

  • 英文の和訳

    1:We've had a lot of rain this month. 2:Could you spare me a few moments to help me bake a fruitcake? 3:You would omit your father a lot of worry ifyou'd simply write him a letter. 4:You have ten dolllars.You spend two. How much do you have remaind?

  • moneyにつくのは?

    質問させていただきます、よろしくお願いします。 He has ((1)many (2)a little (3)few (4)a few) money. How ( (1)much (2)some (3)many (4)any ) money did you spend last month? どれが当てはまるのでしょうか? なぜそれがあてはまるのですか? よろしくお願いします><

  • 中学英語 模範解答を教えてください。

    (1)Why are you saving so much money? ( )are you saving so much money( )? (2)Yoshio,how about playing soccer after school? Not? ア.How イ.If ウ.Why エ.Certainly (3)どうして、一郎はこんなに遅いのだろう。 I’m( )( )Ichiro is so late. (4)How much is this old stamp? ( )is the ( )of this old stamp? (5)What sort of man is the new teacher? What is the new teacher( )? (6)君はミーティングに参加しなかったね。-いいえ、しましたよ。 You ( )attend the meeting,( )you? ― ( ),I( ) (7)Do you know the meaning of this word? Do you know( )this word( )? (8)彼女は何歳だと思いますか。 you/ is/ how/ she/ think/ do /old (9)I couldn’t understand his laughing like that. I couldn’t understand( )he ( )like that. (10)彼女はなぜ、そのような古い話に興味があるのかしら。(11語で英作文) (11)Do you know the name of this bird? Do you know ( )this bird( )called? (12)How many times do you go shopping every week? How ( )do you go shopping every week? (13)Do you know when she was born? Do you know when ( )( )is? (14)Do you know the distance from the station to his house? Do you know ( )( )( )it is from the station to his house? (15)Where did he find the money? Do you know it? Do you know ( )( )( )? よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 与えられた語で始まる単位を表わす名詞一字語を( )内に入れなさい。(必要に応じて複数形にすること) 1,They finished two (b ) of wine at the dinner party. 2, You need a ( p ) of butter to bake this kind of cake. 3,Put a ( s ) of salt in the boiling water. 4,would you bring me a few (p ) of yellow chalk? 各文の必要な語を所有格にしなさい。 1,Kenji found Alice towel in the school gym. 2,Those girls are looking for men watches. 3,Mr.Tani wasn't in the teachers room. ( )内に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい。 1,How ( ) do you have in your apartment? a,many furnitures b,many piece of furniture c,much furniture d,much furnitures 2,Let me give you ( ). a,an advice b,a few advice c,a piece of advice d,a piece of 3,I bought ( ) red books last sunday. a, a couple of b, a few of c, a pair of d,a piece of 4,She took ( ) trip to Canada with her parents. a,ten-days b,ten-day c,a ten-days d,a tenth day 5,I think it is ( ) to watch television during meals. a,a bad manner b, a bad manners c,bad manner d,bad manners 各文の誤りを抜き出して訂正しなさい。 1,How many sheet of parers do you need? 2,This Karen's handbag was made in Italy. 3,You should collect and carefully examine informations before making a final decision. 各文を日本語にしなさい。 1,They met many difficulties in making this project a success. 2,he gave a lecture on japan's economy at a women's college.

  • 「a lot of」と「lots of」の違い

    Do you have any milk? Yes, there's ______ it. これの解答がlots ofだそうです。a lot ofだと何故まずいのでしょうか?

  • a little a few について教えてほしいことがあります。

    a little a few について教えてほしいことがあります。 I`ll be ready in ____ minutes. の場合だとどちらなんでしょうか? 2,3分というのは数えることってできますのでfewかなぁとも思いますが、正確に○秒で来ますなんていうのは難しいので、littleを使うのかなぁとも思いました。 またお金の場合はどっちをつかうのでしょうか? あと、 Have you got _ CDs? "Hundreds" という会話文があった場合の_には a lot of でいいのでしょうか? この会話文の日本語訳をお願いしたいです。