• ベストアンサー


タオス在住の友達にメールで『Hi, Amy. What's up? Have a nice day !! Good night. ^^*』と送信したのですが、『Nitey nite. Lol-I just got up.』と返事が来ました。よく理解できませんでした。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

『夜も夜(笑)今起きたとこだよ』 向こうは朝方だったのでしょう(笑)




その他の回答 (1)







  • 英語の返事を教えてください

    Facebookでライオンの写真をアップしましたところ、 I hope its not got in.lol というコメントが来ました。 外国人ウケする良い返事は無いでしょうか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    Yes, a bunch of blinkered old fogeys have got it into their heads that we young upstarts are losing the ability to communicate because we supposedly spend all our time on the Internet. We can't be bothered to write proper English. So we exchange text messages full of emoticons and weird symbols made up of cleverly arranged punctuation marks. To which I say, "lol." have got it into their headsは「思い込んでいる」でしょうか?過去分詞がgotなのはイギリス英語でしょうか?アメリカも使うでしょうか?あと、So we exchange text messages full of emoticons and weird symbols made up of cleverly arranged punctuation marks. To which I say, "lol."の和訳を教えてください。To which I say, "lol."の使い方の解説も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    有名な漫画ピーナッツからの引用ですが、まるで意味がわかりません。 和訳よろしくお願いします。 I think it is possible to be too nice! By golly, nobody’s gonna walk all over me! No, sir! If anybody’s gonna do any walking, it’s gonna be me! There’s only one way to survive these days... you have to walk over them before they walk over you! It must be nice to have a philosophy that will sustain you in times of need!

  • 和訳に直してもらえませんか?

    凄く長いんですが、翻訳機を使ってみたけどサッパリわからないです。 どなたかお願いします。 how are you i missed you ^_^ so what's new in your life i would like to know you better and be closer to you as a firend as a very good friend ^^ i hopes i am not impolite. if you allow me to know you better i will be very happy. i already have a friend from italy. she is like a sister for me now. i would like to make the same relation ship with some friends from japan. and may be one day we will be able to meet each other. ^_^ and share a very good coffee or tee. i would like to travel to japan some day. and i will be very happy if i can have lot of friends from there. as i did in france. where i spent 2 years for my studies. in Toulon côte d'azure. a very nice place just like okinawa. but okinawa is very beautiful too. ok i have to go back work. if you have any question about me i will be very happy to comunicate with you. very big kiss on your head and a very big hug ;) see you soon

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の翻訳をお願い致します。 ネットで海外の方にレンズを購入していただき、そのあとのやり取りしているメールです。 Helo Friend, What can I do with $10USD.I have paid you $252.65USD.I have to keep this lens as a Toy.This is not needful for me.so please do justice for me.I am not rich person,Photography is my job.I expect further help from you.Thanks Have a nice day! よろしくお願い致します。

  • Have a nice day!!

    海外で お買い物したときに わたしのお金がくしゃくしゃだったので 「ソーリー」と謝ったところ 「気にしないで」みたいな返事が返ってきて おつりもらって 帰ろうとしたところ 「 サンキュー」 っていわれ 「Have a nice day!!」ってにこやかーに言われました。 海外でのレジはこんな感じ?? わたしは ハバ ナイス デイ と繰り返し 「BYE BYE」ってあいさつしたんですが 通常 なんて返せば感じがいいんでしょうか?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “[Scott] is just kind of waking up, it's an hour after the show is supposed to have started and he's just kind of waking up and getting himself together. He's like 'alright I'm ready to go' it's just like, what's going on? And we all know what's going on. For me, to sit there- I'm actually shocked at how much an artist can crap all over his fans by making them wait that long.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    have a great day and the rest of the week. did you go look at my post with my new car lit up at night? are you x-box or ps3? we are just waiting for darksiders2 out on the 22nd of this month. the first one was good. hubby hd28 ps3 battlefield it's to fast for me.lol 半分くらいは理解できましたが、最後の1行は全く意味がわかりませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 【和訳】おねがいします【翻訳】

    こんにちは。 英語に詳しい方…ぜひ 以下の英文を翻訳して頂きたいのですが、 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 What's wrong with this place? Why did this happen to us? No answers anywhere I look Am I crazy? These things I see at night... I don't know what to think. Ever since "Charlie" disappeared and "Diane" left- I must have hit a breaking point. I still keep looking, I still hear him sometimes,that cute little laugh. But he's been gone 9 years. Why does every day have to hurt so much? -Charles

  • この英語理解できますか??

    Hey How are you doin? how was your nite last nite? と入ってきた返事に、 このようなメールを返しました・・・ 私のめちゃくちゃな英語ですが、言っていることは何とか通じるでしょうか? Hi,Im doing very good. My last nite was going out with friend to Night Beach. It was fun. Today, I bought a Guitar in YOKOHAMA. and I'll go out to various shops to get sunglasses(light brown) or necklace and video camera. How about you? You got drunk last nite? もしよろしければただしく修正をお願いします。