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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の意味について)

Norris and Weston's Determination to Maintain Innocence


  • tanuki4u
  • ベストアンサー率33% (2764/8360)

http://www.excite.co.jp/dictionary/english_japanese/?search=that&match=beginswith&dictionary=NEW_EJJE&block=43553&offset=622 3 [関係代名詞 which の先行詞に用いて] 《文語》 (…するところの)もの,こと 《★【変換】 that which は what に変換可能; ただし,there is 構文では that と which が離れることがある》.→



ご回答ありがとうございました。 1カ月も反応もなくお礼もせず放置状態にして申し訳ございませんでした。


  • thatの先行詞の決定について

    It can help him accept the fact that there is much in the world that differs greatly from what he sees around him and to which he must learn to adapt himself. という文章があります。 that differs greatly from what he sees around him and to which he must learn to adapt himself の先行詞についての質問です。 英文の解説ではmuchが先行詞なのですが、自分はthe worldが先行詞でもいいんじゃないかと思ってしまいます。 なぜ、muchが先行詞になるか、納得できる説明が欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の構造、意味、訳の添削をお願い致します。

    John Galsworthyという作家の『THE CHOICE』という物語を読んでいるのですが、 訳の添削と質問の個所の回答をお願い致します。 *"The 'house ain't for a man that respects himself," he would remark. And, since that was his conviction, such as respected themselves could not very well beg him to act against it. At the same time, it became increasingly difficult to pass him without wondering how much longer it would be before he finally sought shelter in the element of water, which was so apt to pour down on him day by day. (the element of water=「四大元素の一つ(自然の力)としての水」:本の注釈より) (1) such as respected themselvesが訳出できませんでした。       And, since that was his conviction,    such as respected themselves could not very well beg him to act against it.      の英文の構造はどのようになっているのでしょうか? (2) how much longer it would beのitはhis convictionですか? (3) which was so apt to pour down on him day by dayについて      whichの先行詞はwaterですか? (4)  pour down on himは「彼にどんどん流れ出る」ですか?     意味がわかりにくいです。 <訳> 「救貧院は自尊心を持つ人間のためにあるものではない」と彼は述べていたものでした。そして、それは彼の信念だったのでそれに反して行動することを彼に請い求めることはあまりよくできませんでした。同時に、彼が自然の力としての水に保護をついに探し出す前に、そしてそれは日に日にややもすれば彼にどんどん流れ出るようだったのですが、それがどのくらいより長いことになるか疑問に思うことなく彼を見過ごすことは、ますます難しくなっていきました。 よろしくお願い致します。 前文です。 He was so entirely fixed and certain that he was "going in the river" before he went "in the 'house," that one hesitated to suggest that the time was at hand when he should cease to expose himself all day and every day. He had evidently pondered long and with a certain deep philosophy on this particular subject, and fortified himself by hearsay.

  • thanについて(英文)

    He had more time to think about the questions and his responses than would have been the case in a traditional university class. 従来型の大学の授業の場合と比べて、彼には質問と自分の答えとについて考える時間がより多くあったからだ。 than について質問です。 ここでのthanは関係代名詞だと思われますが、先行詞は何でしょうか? heで良いのでしょうか? また、この英文は比較級ですが何と何を比べているのでしょうか? また、than と would のあいだに省略されている単語はありますでしょうか? もしあるなら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Another single American, Weston, rented a large house with seven rooms on four levels, which he felt gave him enough "breathing space" and enough room for his many friend to stay in. The Japanese in his work place kept telling him that he had "too much space" for a single person and advised him to move to a smaller and cheaper apartment. They had no idea that space and comfort within a home have to pay a high price for that space. 日本語訳 もうひとりの独身のアメリカ人であるウエストンは、彼自身にとって十分な「快適空間」と多くの友達が泊まるのに十分な部屋のある、地下を含めた4階建てに7つの部屋がある大きな家を借りました。彼はそれが十分な「快適空間」と多くの友達が泊まるのに十分な部屋をくれると思ったのです もっと小さくて安いアパートに移るようアドバイスしました。彼らは家の中の空間と快適さを得るためには高い対価を支払うべきだということがわからなかったのです。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    After many hours of crying and shouting he admitted to me that he and this person have engaged in sexual contact. I'm crushed! This is the love of my life! I would never have suspected cheating from him! He said he had to get his curiosity out of his system before he asked me to marry him this summer. get his curiosity out of his systemとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英文について教えてください。

    With his usual frankness he said to Genji: "I wonder whether you have had any answer. I must confess that as an experiment I too sent a mild hint, but without any success, so I have not repeated it." "So he too has been trying his hand," thought Genji, smiling to himself. "No," he answered aloud, "my letter did not need an answer, which was perhaps the reason that I did not receive one." From this enigmatic reply Chujo deduced that Genji had been in communication of some kind with the lady and he was slightly piqued by the fact that she had shown a preference between them. Genji's deeper feelings were in no way involved, and though his vanity was a little wounded he would not have pursued the matter farther had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's style, and feared that even now she might overcome her scruples and send him a reply. 源氏物語の『末摘花』からの抜粋です。 1人の女性、"末摘花"を巡って源氏と頭中将(源氏の義兄、恋敵)が会話をしている場面です。 以下の個所について教えてください。 【though his vanity was a little wounded he would not have pursued the matter farther had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's style, and feared that even now she might overcome her scruples and send him a reply.】 この英文の前半の構造ですが though his vanity was a little wounded he would not have pursued the matter farther had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's style though his vanity was a little wounded たとえ彼の虚栄心が少し傷つけられても he would not have pursued the matter farther 彼はその事を更に追求しなかっただろう となると思うのですが その後の had he not known the persuasive power of Chujo's styleの部分が倒置のようにも思え、よくわかりません。また前の部分とのつながりはどのように読んでいけばよいのでしょうか? また後半の feared that even now she might overcome her scruples and send him a reply. この部分は、he would not have feared that even now she might ~と読むのでしょうか? 【】の部分の訳はどのようになるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味が分かりません

    次の英文の 「everything else had started and he knew there would be no stopping them.」 が具体的に何を意味しているのか、わかりません。 この英文の私の和訳は、次の通りです。 「他の全ての物事が始まった。そして彼は、それら(=everything else )を止めることができないと分かっていた。」 しかし、この英文が何のことを述べているのか、分からないのです。 下記に全文を載せました。どうぞ、よろしくお願いします。 He was on his bicycle suddenly, riding swiftly down the dark street, tears coming out of his eyes and his mouth whispering young and crazy curses. When he got back to the telegraph office the tears had stopped, but everything else had started and he knew there would be no stopping them. "Otherwise I'm just as good as dead myself," he said, as if someone were hearing whose hearing was not perfect.

  • 以下の英文の構造について質問です。

    以下の英文の構造について質問です。 1.The relationship between man and his world has suddenly altered (in recent years.) 2.Until recently man seemed so insignificiant (in relationship (to the world)) [that he felt nothing he did would make any difference (to the natural order (of things.))] 3.It was probably the development of the atombomb and the realization [that he had (in his power) a means (of destroying) the whole world [that a woke man to his responsibilities.]] ※( )は前置詞句、[ ]は節、と私が考えたものです。 間違っている箇所がありましたらご指摘お願いします。 また、構造でわからないところが多々あり、また一文が長いため 2文目以降を上手く訳す事ができないので訳し方も教えて頂けたら幸いです。 1文目では the relationshipをS has,alteredをViでsuddenlyがこの動詞を修飾、 前置詞句も動詞修飾としました。 his worldはどのように訳したらよいのでしょうか。 私は「人と世界の関係は近年、急激に変わった。」と訳してみました。 2文目では Untilを接続詞、manをS、seemedをVi、 recently(副詞)がseemedに修飾、 insignifisiantをCとして考えました。 thatは接続詞で副詞節の働きをしているのでしょうか? またthat節内のnothingとhe did would makeには 関係代名詞が省略されているのでしょうか? 2文目ではこれは仮主語と真主語の構文でしょうか? it is thatの形式の際、強調構文との違いがいまいち分かりません…。 最初のthatを接続詞、2つめのthatを関係代名詞としてとらえました。 またof destroyingのdestroyingは現在分詞ではなく 動名詞としてとらえるべきでしょうか? 質問が多くなってしまい、申し訳ありません。 よろしければご回答お願いします。

  • 英文でわからない部分があります。

    There were times when Ruy wished to embrace his friend and to tell him of the love and admiration he had for him, which exceeded that expected of a servant for a royal master. ※Ruyは臣下で、his friendは王子です。 後半のwhich exceeded that expected of a servant for a royal masterがどのような英文構造になっているか、理解できておりません。 下記のように補ってもいいなら、まだわかるのですが。 which exceeded that ( which was ) expected of a servant for a royal master お手数かけますが、上記の英文構造につきまして、ご教授賜りたく、何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の和訳希望

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、 お願いいたします。 1段落の後半部分です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Aims no higher once he is at a comfortable level of life. Sticks in a rut after that. He will spend his money conservatively, not lavishly and he likes to have savings and to hold onto money, not through miserliness but because he wants to feel emotionally secure, and his history has taught him his money can waver. He only feels emotionally secure when he is financially secure. You won't have to scrape or scrimp if you marry him. Your partner will be cautious and stubborn but generous to you with gifts and reliable in money matters. Down to earth and sensible in his decisions. The chart does not show magnificent riches, but it does show a solid comfortable and conventional financial life together, which is reassuring.