• 締切済み


以下の和訳をしようと思っているのですが、to a shipから後の意味が理解できなくなってしまいました。 どなたか力を貸してください。 "The Administration of a Party to the present Convention which allows application of paragraph 4, or suspends the application of that paragraph, to a ship entitled to fly its flag shall forthwith communicate to the Organization for circulation to the Parties to the present Protocol particulars thereof, for their information." 「第4段落の適用を認めるまたはその適用を中断する、現行条約への締約国の主管庁は、その国の旗を掲げる船舶に対し、・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・直ちにOrganizationへ連絡するものとする。」

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • sporespore
  • ベストアンサー率30% (430/1408)

分かるようにばらばらにしてみました。 The Administration (of a Party to the present Convention which allows application of paragraph 4, or suspends the application of that paragraph,) (to a ship entitled to fly its flag) shall forthwith communicate to the Organization for circulation to the Parties to the present Protocol particulars thereof, for their information. The Administration (of a Party to the present Convention) (which allows application of paragraph 4, or suspends the application of that paragraph,) The Administration (to a ship entitled to fly its flag) shall forthwith communicate to the Organization for circulation to the Parties to the present Protocol particulars thereof, for their information.


  • うなぎについての英文なんですが、意味がわかりません。教えてください。

    うなぎはカロリーが高いから、サーモンにせよ、と言っているらしい記事の冒頭部分なんですが、どう訳したらいいのでしょうか? The consumer-awareness organization Seafood Watch has warned consumers to avoid eel for fear of adding more pressure to the already declining population. http://eatthis.menshealth.com/slide/unagi?slideshow=108826#title

  • 英文の理解を助けてください

    「☆」以下の意味がよくわかりません。結局1時間当たり60ドルのところを、50%オフにしてあげるよといっているのでしょうか? I would be able to book you for the month of September. However, I would have to postpone a few projects and clear my regular teaching schedule. With this in mind I would need a down payment of %50. ☆ The remainder paid at the beginning of each week after the first 2 weeks of study. The total for 4 weeks at 40 hours per week for $60 per hour would be $9,600. So the total deposit will be $4,800 dollars. また、以下の文章のthe eveningsというのは、月火水木金土日の夜ということですか?それとも、週末の夜? I will also provide you with an equipment to practice with on the weekends and the evenings.

  • この英文の意味がわかりません

    この英文の意味がわかりません 全文:"Please. They're the gatekeepers of this entire community. The community your daughters and I would like to remain a part of? This is my one chance to go before the firing squad and plead for a stay of execution." *"go before the firing squad" *"plead for a stay of execusion" ↑この二つの文の意味を教えてください。

  • 英文の意味が良く分かりません。

    会社の解散手続きに関連した英文なのですが、日本語訳を 詳しく教えて頂けると助かります。 宜しくお願いします。 the Company had in the three months prior to the application for strike off neither: (a)traded or otherwise carried on business, or changed its name; (b)disposed of for value any property or rights which it would have disposed of for value in the normal course of trading or carrying on business; nor (c)engaged in any other activity except for the purpose of making the striking off application, settling its affairs or meeting a statutory requirement;

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    As foreign minister Briand formulated an original proposal for a new economic union of Europe. Described as Briand's Locarno diplomacy and as an aspect of Franco-German rapprochement, it was his answer to Germany's quick economic recovery and future political power. Briand made his proposals in a speech in favor of a European Union in the League of Nations on 5 September 1929, and in 1930, in his "Memorandum on the Organization of a Regime of European Federal Union" for the Government of France. The idea was to provide a framework to contain France's former enemy while preserving as much of the 1919 Versailles settlement as possible. The Briand plan entailed the economic collaboration of the great industrial areas of Europe and the provision of political security to Eastern Europe against Soviet threats. The basis was economic cooperation, but his fundamental concept was political, for it was political power that would determine economic choices. The plan, under the Memorandum on the Organization of a System of European Federal Union, was in the end presented as a French initiative to the League of Nations. With the death of his principal supporter, German foreign minister Gustav Stresemann, and the onset of the Great Depression in 1929, Briand's plan was never adopted but it suggested an economic framework for developments after World War II that eventually resulted in the European Union.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送と注文の事で相手に質問をしていました。すみませんが返事が来たのですが意味を教えて下さい。宜しくお願い致します。 Thanks for your email. For the attachments, yes that is not a problem in terms of BBB of photographs. I can get the price to you shortly, for the items, it should take about 10 days to produce the AAA and another 5-7 days to ship. Can you confirm how many you would like, thank you we will work on the estimate for this now. Thank you.

  • 英文の意味を教えては下さいませんでしょうか?

    こんにちは。 お世話になります。 英語初学者です。 英文を読んでいたら、 The magic took them to a rocket ship. という描写が有りました。 訳がいまいちよく分らないのですが、「ロケットの中に連れていかれた」と言っているのでしょうか? それとも、「ロケットのそばまで連れていかれた」と言っているのでしょうか? いまいち、意味がよくとれません。 どなたか、教えては下さいませんでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    Four turbines would drive four separate propellers, with additional reversing turbines to drive the two inboard shafts only. To improve efficiency, the two inboard propellers rotated inward, while those outboard rotated outward. The outboard turbines operated at high pressure; the exhaust steam then passing to those inboard at relatively low pressure. The propellers were driven directly by the turbines, for sufficiently robust gearboxes had not yet been developed, and became available in only 1916. Instead, the turbines had to be designed to run at a much lower speed than those normally accepted as being optimum. Thus, the efficiency of the turbines installed was less at low speeds than a conventional reciprocating (piston-in-cylinder) steam engine, but significantly better when the engines were run at high speed, as was usually the case for an express liner. The ship was fitted with 23 double-ended and two single-ended boilers (which fitted the forward space where the ship narrowed), operating at a maximum 195 psi and containing 192 individual furnaces. Work to refine the hull shape was conducted in the Admiralty experimental tank at Haslar, Gosport. As a result of experiments, the beam of the ship was increased by 10 feet (3.0 m) over that initially intended to improve stability. The hull immediately in front of the rudder and the balanced rudder itself followed naval design practice to improve the vessel's turning response. The Admiralty contract required that all machinery be below the waterline, where it was considered to be better protected from gunfire, and the aft third of the ship below water was used to house the turbines, the steering motors and four 375-kilowatt (503 hp) steam driven turbo-generators. The central half contained four boiler rooms, with the remaining space at the forward end of the ship being reserved for cargo and other storage. Coal bunkers were placed along the length of the ship outboard of the boiler rooms, with a large transverse bunker immediately in front of that most forward (number 1) boiler room. Apart from convenience ready for use, the coal was considered to provide added protection for the central spaces against attack. At the very front were the chain lockers for the huge anchor chains and ballast tanks to adjust the ship's trim. The hull space was divided into twelve watertight compartments, any two of which could be flooded without risk of the ship sinking, connected by 35 hydraulically operated watertight doors. A critical flaw in the arrangement of the watertight compartments was that sliding doors to the coal bunkers needed to be open to provide a constant feed of coal whilst the ship was operating, and closing these in emergency conditions could be problematic.

  • 英文の構造と意味について質問があります。

    The need to take this time and create a situation of physical stability for ourselves and our families seemed to follow naturally from a period of frequently moving around as bachelors and making our records in makeshift studios この場合、SはThe needですよね。The needに対して、不定詞で、 to take this time and create a situation of physical stability for ourselves and our families これが修飾している。 VはseemedでCがto follow そしてfrom以下で修飾ですよね。 シンプルに考えると、The need seemed to follow naturally これでどういった意味になりますか・・・? Every one of our projects is being preceded by a period of building a greater sample library. The library has always been our primary instrument and it takes several months to get to a substantial and meaningful increase of volume: raw materials, like LPs and audiocassettes The library=a greater sample libraryですよね。 問題は次のit takes several monthsのit ですが、これは何を指していますか? 私はEvery one of our projectsだと思っています。 Every one of our projects takes several months to get to a substantial and meaningful increase of volume. これもどういった意味になるでしょうか・・・? increase of volumeが肝だと思うのですがどうも解釈しきれません。

  • 英文の意味

    下記の意味がわかりません。宜しくお願いします。 (1)The cost of shipping this parcel to Japan is £66.15GBP for a 2-4 working day carrier service. (2)Please can you confirm that you are happy for us to charge this and proceed with your order on this basis? 翻訳サイトを利用しても、変な翻訳でわかりません。宜しくお願いします。