• ベストアンサー


女性の社会進出について日本の最近の様子とアメリカ(もしくはイギリス)の事について英語でプレゼンテーションしなくてはいけません。 皆様の考えを出来たら英語で教えて下さい。


  • ベストアンサー

何故に英語で(笑)・・・。 One of the most important issue for the women's social progress is how to support their child-care. Women in the developed nation become not to have many children because the advanced society tends to raise much educational expenses than before. Thus, they need to get job to keep their rich and plentiful life-style instead of devoting much time to a child reading. Developed nations such as U.S. and some E.U. countries have set the duty on big companies to support child-care for their workers so that many companies have a day-care center and kinder garden in their facilities. To change the political situation from AFDC (Aid to Families with dependent child) to TANF (Temporally Assistance for Needy Families) in the U.S. shows an issue of the over work for single mothers, but many companies make more progress in their child-care support to offer better circumstances for workers and get higher compliance to the social request. Those achievement can be regarded as one of the PR activity, but Japanese society tends not to understand what the PR is. PR is the Public Relation which makes better relations around with the company through the supporting activities for works and citizens in the area. However, Japanese tend to think PR as an appear or a propaganda in which the company makes their brand name spread out to the society. A company is the fundamental system to keep better life of the people in the area, and makes the town to be better circumstances with their residents. The same logic can be assumed to the local authorities. An welfare state of local authorities also have a deep connection with women's social progress so that the local government have to support companies to make better situations for women workers. 論文を書くわけではないので思いつくままに書きなぐりましたし、面倒なので論旨をかなり端折っています(汗)。 要は「女性の社会進出には育児援助が重要であり、日本の企業や自治体は労働者や地域住民とのより良い関係を構築するという意味の PR という言葉をきちんと理解して企業経営や施政に応るべきでだろう。」という方向に持って行こうとしたのですが・・・(^_^;)。 2000 字 300 語にも満たない文章では到底 Speech には足りませんので、役に立つようでしたら水増しして使ってください。 頑張って(^_^)/

