• ベストアンサー


無 鉄砲(@without-a-gun)の回答

  • ベストアンサー

「I started to have a feeling that」は、よく使われるフレーズです。





  • 穴埋め問題

    穴埋め問題 Julia's hobby was (1)a horses. That day, though the ground was covered with the previous night's now, she was enjoying (1)b her horse. (2) lots of practice for a long time gave her confidence. She made him trot. She was pleased with (3) trusted by her horse. (1)a・(1)b・(2)・(3)にbe・have・rideのどれかを形を変えて入れるという問題です。 (1)a→riding (1)b→riding (2)→Having (3)→being で合っているでしょうか。 アドバイスよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英語の文法でのニュアンスの違いを教えてください

    以下の文を最近知りましたが文法がわかりません I saw him yesterday talking with her. このtalking以降は、何節でしょうか? I saw him yesterday that he was talking with her. に置き換えても意味は同じでしょうか? 初心者です。文法を教えてください。

  • 話法の問題教えてください

    話法の問題教えてください 1書き直しの問題なのですが(   )told,sdaid以外には何がはいりますか? When he said to me what is the matter with me,I said him that I have not slept well. → When he asked me what was the matter with me, I (   ) him that I had not slept well. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の穴埋めの問題なのですが、間違っているところがあったら、指摘していただけないでしょうか?

    (1)経済学のてすとがあるので一生懸命勉強した。 [ ] [ ] really [ ] [ ] my [ ] [ ]. ⇒I studied really hard for my economics test. testはexaminationでもいいのでしょうか?   (2)テストはとてもよくできた。 I [ ] really [ ] [ ] it, ⇒I can really get well it. (3)でもテストの後で、自分の名前を書き忘れたことに気付いた。 But [ ] [ ] [ ] I [ ] I'd [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] on the paper. ⇒But after the test I noticed I'd forgot to write my name on the paper. I'dは I had でしょうか? (4)次の週、もらった点はゼロだった。 I [ ] out the next week that [ ] [ ] zero. ⇒I got out the next week that test was zero. わかる方、よろしくお願いします。

  • 穴埋めの問題で

    1.The firemen had trouble getting to the street ( ) the houses were on fire . (1)how (2)that (3)where (4)which とゆう問題で(   )にはいるのは3番なんですが その理由となんでほかのものが駄目なのかを教えてください。 2.There are few places downtown for parking , ( ) is really a problem . (1)what (2)where (3)which (4)who 答えは3番なんですが、これもその理由となんでほかのもの が駄目なのかをおしえてください。 二つも質問がありますがお願いします。

  • 穴埋め問題4問教えてください!

    1 On my way home I was caught ( ) a shower. ( for which, where, in which, whichの中から一つ) 2 You can hire a bicycle ( ) the hour at this shop.   ( within , in, into ,with の中から一つ) 3 外国へ行って初めて自分の国のことをいかに知らないかがわかる。   It is ( )( ) we go abroad that we realize how ( ) we know about our own country. 4 明日の最終講義を終えると、彼女はこの大学で20年教えたことになる。   After her final lecture tomorrow, she ( )( ) a teacher for 20 years at this college.

  • 英語の問題です。教えてください。

    主節か従属節かを考えて書き直す問題です。 例 After you break the eggs into a bowl,beat them well. ↓ Beat eggs well after you break them into bowl. (1) I started feeling sick while I was giving a presentation. (2) Before the plane doors close, we have to sit down.

  • 英文法(強調構文)の問題です

    I think it was ( they ) that went with him. カッコの適切な語句を選べという問題で(theyは正解)文の構造がどうなっているのかわかりません。お願いします。

  • 穴埋め問題の添削をお願いします!

    1)The people (who) work in the office are very friendly. 2)There are some words (whose) meanings I don't know. 3)I enjoyed talking to the man (which) I sat next to on the plane. 4)The book (which choose the teacher) was too difficult for the students. 5)The jewel box (in which) I put my engagement ring was stolen. 6)You didn't get the whole point. That wasn't (what I meant). 7)That horse was the most beautiful creature (that I had) ever seen. 8)Mary is now very different from (what) she was five years ago. 9)This computer software is useful and, (what) is more, not so expensive. 10)Edison is as great an inventor (as) ever lived. 問題文が多くてすみません。()内の穴埋めです。 解説や日本語訳を付けてくださると助かります。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英語の穴埋め、並び替えなどです。少し多いのですが、あっているか見ていただけませんか?

    (1)いまは梅雨だ。 [ It's ] in the rainy season [ now ]. 洗濯物はちゃんと乾かないし、食べ物にはすぐ、カビが生える。 I can't [ do ] [ the ] [ washing ] to dry preperly, and the [ foods ] [ go ] moldy [ soon ]. でも少なくともカタツムリだけは梅雨が好きだろう。 But the [ snails ] must [ like ] [ it ] , at least. (2)昨日の晩、いつになく寒かった。 ... unusually ... night. ⇒It was unusually cold last night. 朝起きると風邪を引いていて、大学に行こうかいかまいかと迷った。 I woke up with a acold this morning, and couldn't [ to ] [ go ] or [ not ] I [ would ] go to school. 結局行くことにしたのだが、 ... end ... go, ⇒In the end, I would go, 大学に着いたら授業は休講だった。 but [ when ] I [ got ] there my classes [ were ] [ canceled ] [ today ]. (3)私は肝臓を少し休ませて上げようと1日だけ飲むのをやめることにした。 I ( give / drink / I / a day / decided that / my liver / a rest, / for / should / and not ). ⇒I decided that I should give a rest, and not drink for my liver a day. それからしばらくして灰も休ませてあげようとタバコを止めた。 Soon ( for / the same / did / smoking / after that / I / and stopped / my lungs, ). ⇒Soon I did the same for my lungs, and stopped smoking after that. そしてこんなふうに体に休養を与えるのはいいことだなと感じた。 It [ was ] [ good ] to give my body a chance [ have ] rest [ myself ] this. それから、私の頭にもお休みをあげることにした。 Then I [ want ] [ give ] my [ head ] [ a ] [ chance ] have a rest. 間違っているところがたくさんあるとは思いますが、わかるかた、見ていただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。