• ベストアンサー


ある論文の一節です。以下の英文の意味を教えて頂けませんか。 1)「Incontinece and erroneous 24-h urine collections are typically common in patients with diabetes」 (erroneousの意味が分かりません) 2) 「24-h Albuminuria excretion was also normalized for 24-h urinary creatinine excretion」 (was normalized forの意味が分かりません) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

多分こんなことだろうということで… 失禁や、24時間尿採取に間違いがあることは、糖尿病の患者には、ごく普通にあることです。 アルブミンの24時間排出量も、クレアチニンの24時間排出量によって正規化を行った。 正規化(normalization)というのは、こんなこと。 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/正規化 お尋ねの文章の場合は、「クレアチニン補正」というもののことを言っているらしい。 http://rockymuku.sakura.ne.jp/naibunnpitunaika/kureatininnhosei.pdf




その他の回答 (2)

  • go_urn
  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

1)医学のことはまるで分かりませんので、以下、すべて当て推量です。 2)Incontinence and erroneous 24-h urine collections are typically common in patients with diabetes.  別にご質問されている文章中に collection errors というのがあり、それは、24時間連続して採尿してデータを取る検査(というものがあるとして)における誤りのことかと想像しました。  であれば、erroneous 24-h urine collections は、そういう誤りが起きた採尿ということでしょうか。すると、この文の訳は、  失禁、24時間連続しての採尿の失敗は、糖尿病患者に典型的によく見られる。  となります。 3)同じく当て推量ですが、normalize は統計的な意味で使われているのではないでしょうか。「正規化する」という意味で。そうすると、A is normalized for B は、B がこれだけの価の時には、A はこの程度の価が正常といえるのだという相関表みたいなものができている、ということかと想像しました。そうだとすると、  24-h Albuminuria excretion was also normalized for 24-h urinary creatinine excretion は、  24時間の(尿中の)タンパク排泄量もまた、24時間の(尿中の)クレアチニン排泄量に対して正規化された。  とでも訳し得るかなと思いました。仮定に次ぐ仮定の推量で、当てになりませんが、ご参考までに。




  • kanakyu-
  • ベストアンサー率30% (1916/6194)

医療専門者ではないのですが・・分かる範囲で。 失禁や失敗を含んだ24時間の蓄尿は、糖尿病の患者にはよくある普通のことである。 24時間のタンパク尿の排泄も、24時間クレアチニン排出において普通の事とされている。





  • 論文英語

    ある論文の一文です。 「We estimated sodium intake from sodium excretion normalized for urinary creatinine excretion in order to account for collection errors」 の意味を教えて頂けませんか?よろしくお願いします。

  • このforは?

    このforは? Hospitalized patients for whom discharge within 48 hours after randomization was not anticipated were excluded from the study. このforは、どういう意味のforでしょうか?? randomization後48時間以内に退院するのが予想されていない入院患者は、studyから除外された。 という意味と思うのですが、こういう使い方のforは慣れていないので...

  • 英語質問

    かなり急いでます>< 以下の文章を和訳お願いします。 (1) Pt: I get tired easily and I'm always thirsty, so I need something to drink all the time. Dr: Your FRG is 200mg/dl, way above normal. Do you have any family members with a history of diabetes? Pt: Well... my aunt was diabetic. Dr: Are you pregnant now? Pt: No, but my period is overdue. (2) Mt: Her urinary glucose is positive. Dr: What about other data? Mt: Her CPG is 300mg/dl, 75 OGTT is 280 mg/dl. Dr: Have you checked HbAlc? Mt: It's also positive. Dr: I think she has typeIIdiabetes. (3) Pharmacist: Have you seen the dietician for your dietary program? Patient: Yes, I have. Pharmacist: I'll give you acarbose. Take three tables three times a day. Patient: What does this "pc" stand for? Pharmacist: Oh, that means "after meals."

  • 免疫組織化学法によるサンプリング

    Sampling variabiolity in patients, whether positive or negative for JX-594, may also have confounded the results. Reassuringly, the normal tissue of patients in whome replication was detected was negative for replication by immunohistochemistry. という文章の訳をしました。 JX594の陽性もしくは陰性が混乱した結果になるかどうかの変動性試料抽出をした。複製をもった患者の正常な組織は力強く免疫組織化学によって陰性が複写されたことを検出した。 とよく内容の理解ができない訳になりました。 このJX594というものを患者の静脈内に注入して腫瘍退縮性ウイルスの活動ががん患者にどのような影響を及ぼすのかという論文を読んでいたらこの文章でつまづきました。 御教授よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • 英語質問

    以下の文章を和訳して頂きたいです。 かなり困って居ます><宜しくお願いします。 (1)I had a sister who had diabetes.She died when she was 39. If she had lived a century ago, she would have been dead by the age of 14. Had she been born today, she probably would have lived a full life because gene therapy would soon be able to replace her defective ganes. My parents told me Andrea had diabetes when I was a high school student in California. And later, I learned Andrea would have the disease forever and would be taking shots every day of her life so she could live. I knew it was serious. Without insulin, Andrea's cells would die even though she had plenty of suger in her blood. Each day she would measure her suger level and them inject insulin into her thigh. (2)Time passed, and I went to Colorado Callege. Andrea went to the University of Southern California. I think that USC was a good choice for her. She went to classes, parties, and maintained her California blonde good looks. She graduated, married a lawyer-to-be, adopted a child because of repeated miscarriages due to her diabetes, and got divorced-a typical American story except for the diabetes. (3)Andrea, along with the rest of my family, remainded in California while I was moving about the country getting an education, as well as being a wife and mother of two children. I settled on the opposite side of the country in Buffalo, New York. (4)One day Andrea came to Buffalo. We soon learned she was going blind. She told us that only an operation would help her eyes. Her physicians did not hold out much hope because of her lifelong treatment with inslin; although it had saved her life, it had also caused malfunctioning in her circulatory system. Her eyes were only part of the problem; her entire cardiovascular system was compromised. The operation, in fact, would be dangerous. (5)My sister was adament. She had tired going to classes designed to help patients who were going blind. She said she would rather be dead than blind. She was going forward with the operation, which would be in a couple of weeks. (6)Andrea died on the operating table at the age of 39. It was cardiac arrest, not an uncommon fate for diabetics whose cardiovascular systems were compromised. She had visited me to say goodbye-except I did not know it.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いしたいです。文法的な問題だけではなくロジックとして

    英作文の添削をお願いしたいです。文法的な問題だけではなくロジックとしておかしいところがあればご指摘ください。長文ですがよろしくお願いいたします。 The number of patient with diabetes has continued to rise recently in Japan. In 2006, the incidence of diabetes increased by 800 thousand in 2002 to 8.2 million, and patients with impaired glucose tolerance bring the number to 18.7 million. Also, it is problem that there are a lot of patients with complications such as nephropathy and retinopathy. Additionally, since the incidence of cerebral infarction increased 2-4 times, that of arteriosclerosis has been seen as a problem. Insulin which is secreted from pancreatic β cell stimulates uptake of blood glucose into the cell. In healthy people, postprandial glucose level is achieved a peak after 30 minutes, and returned to prior level after 120 minutes. But, as the presence of either inadequate insulin secretion or insulin resistance suppresses glucose uptake or take time than usual, hyperglycemic state is continued and excess glucose in blood is excreted into urine. Insulin abnormality is caused by various factors ranged from genetic deficiency to pregnancy, and the main two types of diabetes are type 1 diabetes with absolute insulin deficiency and type 2 diabetes with relative insulin deficiency or abnormality of secretion. In Japan, most of diabetic patients are categorized into type 2 diabetes which is caused by environment factor such as obese, immobilization, stress and overeating. Adipocytes secrete various adipocytekines including both good and bad for insulin sensitivity. Among these, only adiponectin is good for insulin sensitivity. But secretion of adiponectin is suppressed and TNF-αwhich inhibits insulin signal as well as expression of receptors associated with insulin signal and GLUT4 is more secreted by enlarged adipocytes in obese individual, especially with more visceral fat. つづく・・・

  • 英訳お願いします。

    英語科教育法関連の英文です。 It also means that it is possible to provide input materials in quantity for languages where we have common frequency counts, or better still, frequency counts adjusted for such things as availability and usefulness. とくにin quantity 以下から、whereとの関係、common frequency countsの意味が分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題で分からないのがあるので教えてください。

    次の英文を日本語に訳してください。 ・Be it Japanese patients or foreign ones, few are capable of communicating fully with a doctor. ・The last thing Pang wanted to do was to explain her problem in Japanese, which was not her native language. ・Japanese hospitals sometimes fall short of Japanese patients` needs as well as those of foreigners, but there is room for them to improve as they are making efforts to be more helpful to all patients. 次のかっこの中でを間違えがあるので、それを指摘したうえで、正しい形に直してください。 ・Please explain (me) (why) you (failed) (to come) yesterday. ・I found there were some pages (missing) from the book which I (had lent) from the library (nearby) (the other day). ・Bob spent (a lot) (more) time (to study) English than (history). ・A friend of mine (from) high school (became) to known a (talented) actor (on) board the ship. 次の日本語の意味になるように、( )内の語句を並べかえてください。 ・彼女は高所恐怖症なので、空の旅は楽しめなかった。 Her (enjoying/ fear / from / heights / her / of / prevented ) the flight.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    エジソンの伝記についての一節です。 日本語訳をお願いします。 The ground floor held Edison ’s mechanical equipment , and the second floor became his testing laboratory. In a short time there was also a machine shop, carpentry shop, business office, library, and several small outbuildings. Tom bought a nearby farmhouse for Mary and his children.

  • could ,withoutのはたらきについて教えてください

    原文 But Jed was hard mountain trash; you could bang on him for hours without really breaking anything. 翻訳文 ジェドというやつは手におえない山出しやろうで、ものの四時間とおとなしくさせておくことはできないのだ。 以上はある小説の一節です。 you could 以下がどうして翻訳のようになるか分かりません。 私なりに直訳すると「何かを壊さないで何時間も彼をたたくことが出来た」となり、全然意味をなしません。 could ,withoutの理解が不十分だからでしょうか・