• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:接続詞の問題)


  • 接続詞には、アs, イif, ウwhen, エthough などがあります。
  • 文章の進行を表す接続詞として、アby, イduring, ウuntil, エsince があります。
  • アthat, イby, ウuntil, エby the time などの接続詞を使って未来の時間を表現することができます。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. ア As 私が既に言った様に、私は魚は食べません。 ☆【接続詞】2. a. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/as 2. ウ until 宿題を仕上げるまで、私は今夜は眠りません。 ☆【接続詞】1. 2. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/until 3. エ by the time メアリーは、彼女のボーイフレンドが彼女の手紙を受け取るころまでには、ここを出発しているでしょう。 ☆ by the time http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/by+the+time 4. イ unless 十分に世話をすることが出来ないのであれば、私たちは、犬を飼うべきではありません。 ☆【接続詞】 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/unless 5. ア however どんなに狭くても、私は、自分の部屋が欲しいと思います。 ☆【副詞】2. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/however 6. イ Since 彼はとても遅れているので、途中で事故に遭ったのかもしれません。 ☆【接続詞】2. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/since 7. ウ even if この食べ物はひどい味だ!たとえ飢えていたとしても、私は、それを食べられないでしょう。 ☆ even if http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/even+if 8. イ so that あちらに20分早く着けるように、急行列車に乗りましょう。 ☆ so that (1) http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/so+that 9. イ that イースター島は、ヨーロッパから最も遠い場所の一つです。そこが、あまりにも遠くて天然資源も不足していたので、正式な植民地支配は起こりませんでした。 ☆【接続詞】2. a. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/that



回答、ありがとうございました。 6のsinceの用法を忘れていました。理由を表すsinceですね。 接続詞は文の意味から考えるのが良さそうです。訳例を見て合点がいくものもあったので…



  • 前置詞と接続詞

    前置詞と接続詞の問題です。特に6,9辺りが良く分かりませんでした。 お願いします 1“You seem to have had that car for years.” “Yes, I should sell it ( ) it still runs.” アbefore イduring ウuntill エwhile 2You should write down Aya's number ( ) you forget it. アin case イin the case ウso far as エso long as 3It matters little who finds the truth, ( ) the truth is found. アso long as イunless ウwhatever エwhether 4Alice was allowed to go swimming ( ) she kept near the lifeguards. アseeing that イin case ウso that エon condition that 5You can't eat tulips, ( ) they are beautiful to look at. アin spite of イthanks to ウeven if エdespite 6One basic question we have been trying to answer is ( ). アpeople behave イhow do people behave ウhow people behave エpeople behave how 7I wanted to see ( ) my friend looked when I visited him in the hospital.  アhow イwhat ウthat エwell 8Dark ( ) it was, the group managed to find its way to the hut. アbecause イas ウso エwhen 9We are not able to survive as human beings ( ) in close cooperation with one another. アif we live イif we lived ウunless we don't live エunless we live 10( ) the advancement of electronic means of communication such as international telephones, facsimiles and the Internet, Japanese people still seem to prefer face-to-face communication. アBecause イDespite ウFor エThough

  • 接続詞

    接続詞の記号問題です。 答えが分かっても、その根拠が良く分からないものもありました。できれば解説も含めてお願いします。 6に関しては訳例があると助かります。 1 Make sure ( ) you have all your belongings with you. アin case イas if ウwhat エthat 2 Did you ever know ( ) it is to be in deep trouble? アwhat イwhich ウthat エof which 3 The news ( ) her son surprised the accident surprised us all. アabout イof ウwhich エthat 4 ( ) is more interested in melody than in rhythm is apparent from his compositions. アThat Paul Simon イWhat Paul Simon ウBecause Paul Simon エWhen Paul Simon 5 Young men today are unlike our generation ( ) they express their likes and dislikes clearly. アin which イin what ウin that エin case 6 When kids were asked ( ) form of media they had wanted to have on a desert island, electronics of all sorts were chosen over books and magazines. アhow イthat ウwhich エwhose

  • 冠詞・形容詞・副詞の選択問題です。

    自分で、分かるところもありましたが、自信のない問題も少なくありませんでした。 同じ単語が使われているのにどうしてそうなるのかとか、答えはわかるけど、どうしてこの答えになるかの理由とかがいまいちよく分からないところもありました。 見直しのため、一つずつに訳と、少しでいいので解説をつけていただけたらと思います。 1 The children can watch only one television program().   アnight イa night ウduring night エin night 2 He caught me().   アby arm イby an arm ウby the arm エby my arm 3 I´d like to hire a baby-sitter().   アby hour イby an hour ウby the hour エby each hour 4 It was()that everybody burst out laughing.   アso a funny joke イa so funny joke ウsuch a funny joke エa such funny joke 5 Buses run to the stadium()ten minutes.   アany イeach ウevery エsome 6 You will be able to get out of the hospital in()two weeks.   アanother イother ウeach エeither 7 The population of this village is very().   アfew イlittle ウsmall エmuch 8 I decided not to buy that dress. The price was too().   アexpensive イhigh ウinexpensive エreasonable 9 She turned up at the party dressed in the().   アlast イfinal ウlatest エactual 10 The popularity of cell phones has led to()people writing letters these days.   アalmost イfewer ウhardly エleast 11 Our PE teacher, a()professional basketball player, is coaching the school team.   アprevious イlate ウonce エformer 12 The incident happened a long time ago―ten years to be().   アcorrect イexact ウright エtrue 13 These kinds of paintings are()little value.   アhaving イof ウwith エnot a 14 Susan is a()American girl.   アsixteen-years-old イsixteen-years ウsixteen-year-old エsixteen-old 15 I was()to complete the work.   アimpossible イimperfect ウincapable エunable 16 Don´t forget to drop in at my office when().   アyou are convenient イyou will be convenient ウit is your convenience エit is convenient for you 17 The good weather looks like it will last.I´ll take my umbrella,().   アyet イtherefore ウfurthermore エthough 18 ()students wear uniforms.   アMost of イAlmost of ウMost the エAlmost all the」 19 I can´t go abroad, I´m too busy. (), my passport is out of date.   アBesides イNevertheless ウBecause エAccordingly 20 No topic is()if you are not interested.   アinterest イinterested ウinteresting エinterestingly 21 Although my trip to Hokkaido was very(), I enjoyed it.   アexcited イexciting ウtired エtiring 22 He seemed so()with his new house.   アpleased イpleasant ウpleasing エpleasure 23 My father works very hard. It´s not()that he always looks tired.   アsurprised イsurprise ウsurprising エto surprising 24 Jill studied very hard, so she was()in the examination.   アsucceeded イsuccessive ウsuccessful エimaginative 25 A dragon is an()creature that has never existed.   アimagery イimaginable ウimaginary エimaginative 以上です。

  • 英語の記号選択問題です。

    呼応・倒置・強調・省略・話法の5つのポイントが入っている記号問題ですが、問題に解答がついていないため、回答をお願いします。ひとつひとつの問題で、どんな問題文でどれを使えばいいか後で見ても分かるように、日本語の訳も付けていただけると助かります。お手間をおかけしますがお願いいたします。スペルミス等あったらすみません。 1 Not words but action()now.   アare needed イis needed ウneed エneeds 2 Not only my daughter but some of her classmates()that they saw the criminal.   アsays イhas said ウis said エsay 3 He as well as his children()soccer.   アare fond of イlike ウloves エprefer 4 I hope that either you or your brother()to the dinner.   アare coming イhave come ウis coming エare attending 5 Neither he nor I()the right person for the president of the company.   アam イdo ウbe エis 6 There()to be some mistakes in this composition.   アseem イlook ウseems エwas 7 The number of students in my reading class()limited to twenty-five.   アis イare ウhave エhas 8 I am not rich,()to be.   アnor I do wish イnor do I wish ウnor I wish エnor wish I 9 I usually go shopping on Sundays.().   アSo does Mary イMary does so ウMary does エSo Mary does 10 My wife never drinks coffee before going to bed,and().   アeither I do イeither do I ウneither I do エneither do I 11 ()that my dream would come true.   アLittle I did expect イLittle expected I ウLittle did I except エLittle I expected 12 Not only()all our money,but we also came close to losing our lives.   アwe lost イwe did lose ウlost we エdid we lose 13 What is it()he wants to do first of all?   アthat イwhat ウwhen エwhy 14 The old saying“When in Rome,do as the Romans do”is never more true()at the dinner table.   アas where イas when ウthan when エthan which 15 I would help you if I could,but I´m afraid I().   アcan´t イwon´t ウshouldn´t エwouldn´t 16 ()of their father´s plans,the twins looked at each other in disbelief.   アIf to tell イTold as ウWhen told エWith telling 17 His condition is serious,()fatal.   アas if イas well as ウeven if エif not 18 “Is he coming to our party?”“I´m afraid().”   アno イnot him ウhis not coming エnot 19 I()and always will enjoy the thrills of the game.   アhaven´t イhave been ウ have never エhave enjoyed 20 The discovery that coal could be burned()the kind of industrial society in which we live.   アenabled イmade possible ウcaused エcame into being

  • 英語 選択問題 解答を教えてください。

    (1)We thought it odd ( ) the man who came here last month was chosen the new manager. アthan イthat ウwhat エwhether (2)I found ( ) difficult to believe his story. アthat イit ウthis エwhich (3)Tom, ( ) was useal with him, was late for school. アit イas ウwhat エwho オwhich (4)We went to the place ( ) in her talk. アwhere she spoke of イwhich she spoke of ウthat she spoke エof that she spoke (5)I found ( ) impossible to finish this work for two days. アtoo イso ウit エthat 上記問題の解答と日本語訳を教えて頂けますか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の記号問題ですが…

    文法項目別ではなく、問題形式別だったので、難しく感じました。 解いてはみたものの、自信がないです。時制や前置詞など曖昧なものもありました。 一言で結構ですので、解答とあわせて、訳や解説を何かつけていただけないでしょうか。 お願いします。 1 By the time the fire engine arrived,the house().   アalready burned down イhas already burned down ウhad already burned down エ     would already burned down 2 You ()such a book,however interesting it may be.   アhad better not to read イhad better not read ウhad better not reading エdidn´t    have better read 3 After going over the plan,we decided()finance.   アdiscussing イdiscussing about ウto discuss エto discuss about 4 I took off my shoes()make any noise.   アbecause I イin case I ウso that エso as not to 5 Upon returning from class,().   アthe mailbox had a letter in it イa letter was found in the mail box   ウI found a letter in the mailbox エa letter would be in the mailbox 6 If you keep the warranty of this DVD player, you can have it()for free.   アfixing イfixed ウto fix エto be fixed 7 Just()he is taller than you does not mean he is better at basketball.   アbecause イso ウas エlike 8 ()of my friends have been to Japan this year.   アNumerous イSeveral ウEach エEither 9 I will have finished the work()this time tomorrow.   アtill イsince ウby エuntill 10 We were waiting for him()a cup of coffee.    アto イon ウat エover 11 There were three other people at the meeting()Mr.Smith.    アbut イbesides ウalso エas well 12 Mary is expecting her uncle to arrive()September 15th.    アof イon ウat エin 13 ()my horror,a stranger peeped into the room through the window.    アFor イWith ウBecause of エTo 14 My father often enjoys()his colleagues after work.    アtalks イto talk ウtalking エtalking with 以上です。 

  • 会話表現の問題です。

    分かっていそうな問題もありましたが、念のため、全問載せました。丸つけをしてみたいと思います。 各問題で、ポイントや、解答のカギとなるものがありましたら、一言でも結構ですのでつけていただけると、見直しに助かります。そして【B】の問題だけ、訳がほしいです。 特に知りたい問題は、【A】の5、6のような問題です。この見極めかたを知りたいです。どれか迷ってしまいます。 【A】 1 “I´ve caught a bad cold.”“That´s()bad.”   アvery イtoo ウa little エhardly 2 ()come and see me this evening?   アWhy don´t we イWhy don´t you ウLet´s エHow about 3 “Passport,please.”“()it is.”   アThere イYes ウHere エCertainly 4 “I like traveling alone.”“(),too.”   アSo イMe ウYes エMine 5 “Didn´t you go there?”“()”   アYes,I did. イYes,I didn´t. ウNo,I did. エNo,I didn´t. 6 “I met him yesterday.”“Oh,()?”   アare you イdon´t you ウdid you エdidn´t you 7 Please()yourself at home.   アmake イlet ウget エease 8 ()yourself to the cake,please.   アEat イGet ウHelp エTake 9 “May I take your order?”“()…I´d like the special lunch.”   アLet´s take it イLet´s not ウLet me see エLet you decide 10 I´ll()you very much when you are gone.   アremember イmiss ウsee エhit 11 There´s no need to be upset.Take it().   アsimple イcomfortable ウeasy エrelaxing 12 Who´s(),please?   アyou イtelephone ウname エcalling 13 The line is().   アtalking イfull ウbusy エcrowded 【B】 1 A:I wonder if the typhoon is coming.Will it stop raining soon?   B:()   アI´m afraid not. イI don´t think that. ウNo,I´m not. エYes,I have. 2 A:Takeshi,you have a phone call.   B:()   アGoing! イComing! ウGive me your number,please. エThank you,I will. 3 A:Excuse me.Do you have the time?   B:()   アNo,I´m free. イIt´s 3:45. ウTime is money. エSorry,I don´t have much time. 4 A:I´m nervous.I have a job interview tomorrow.   B:()   アGood job! イGood work! ウGood word! エGood luck! 5 A:Would you mind my opening the window?   B:(),not at all.   アCertainly イYes ウDo エNo 6 A:How come you are here?   B:()   アI come here on time. イI come here by train. ウI worked because the bus was    crowded. エBecause I am supposed to be here. 【C】 1 誰かに何かを言われたが、よく分からないので聞き返すとき。   アSame to you. イI beg your pardon? ウHow are things? エBless you! 2 友人のパーティーを楽しんだ後、おいとまするとき。   アThank you,I´ve had a great time. イThis party was very funny,thank you.    ウI´m sorry that I didn´t stay longer. エExcuse me for missing the party. 以上です。

  • 関係詞、疑問詞、否定の記号問題ですが・・・

    答えと、参考までに日本語訳をお願いします。答えがついていないもので、困っています・・・特に、最後の問題なんかは苦手です。スペルミスがあったらすみません。お願いします。 1 There are few mistakes,if(),in his composition.   アthere is イthere are ウsome エany 2 We cannot trust him.All he told us was()but a lie.   アanything イnothing ウsomething エeverything 3 He teaches us nothing.He is()but a good teacher.   アanything イnothing ウsimething エnone 4 “Is Chris popular?”“No,she has()friends”   アquite a few イmany ウnot a lot エhardly any 5 He cannot even sing children´s songs,()opera.   アmuch less イstill more ウstill better エmuch more 6 What he says is()from satisfactory to me.   アstill イaway ウfar エapart 7 These days you can´t wallk down the streets in Tokyo()bumping into someone using a cell phone.   アwithout イas if ウexcept エeven if 8 “Haven´t you been to Kyoto?”“()been there.”   アYes,I haven´t イNo,I haven´t ウYes,I have to エNo,I have

  • 英語の問題です

    解答解説、お願いします。 1 I´ll have read through this book by the time I () you again.   アsee イwill see ウsaw エwould see 2 Mike was seen () a book in the library yesterday.   アread イreading ウhave read エat reading 3 He wants something () ; any pen or pencil will do.   アto write イto write with ウfor writing エto write on 4 He was ashamed of () make his point.   アbeing not able to イnot being able to ウbeing impossible to エbeing incapable to 5 Another mistake, () he will be fired.   アand イelse ウfor エotherwise 6 This is the hottest summer () 30 years.   アin イsince ウduring エamong 7 () in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage.   アIt being イIt was ウWhen it is エWhen it was 8 () present at the conference included the president and his wife.   アThis イThat ウThese エThose 9 The workers and paid () the hour at the store.   アfor イwith ウby エat 10 Mother has not been feeling well ().    アlate イlately ウlater エlatter 11 You shouldn´t speak () your mouth full at table.    アas イin ウwith エon 1 This medicine will make you feel much better.   This medicine will () you a great deal of good. 2 The sharp curved road caused many accidents.   Many accidents resulted () the sharp curved road. 3 She couldn´t help crying when she heard the news.   She had no choice () to cry when she heard the news. 4 Work hard, or you will fail.   () you work hard, you will fail. 

  • 英語

    1 I'll return Jane's book to her the next time I () her. アwill see イsaw ウsee エhave seen 2 These flowers () lovely. アsmell イare smell エare being smelt 3 “Mr.Green?… Well, if I remember correctly, he's a bit taller than average, and his hair is white, and he () glasses.” アis putting イis wearing ウputs on エwears 4 “Have you ever seen that movie?” “Yes, when I was in Tokyo, I () it three times.” アhad seen イhave seen ウsaw エwould see 5 “She looks so sad. () I go and talk to her?” “No, You had better leave her alone.” アWill イWould ウOught エShall 6 () it be true that 70% of Americans believe in angels? アCan イMust ウDoes エMay 7 I heard you're planning to build a new house. Do you know how much () ? アcost it will be イit cost ウit will cost エwill it cost 8 “Have you seen Mary recently?” “No, but () dinner with her on Sunday.” アI'm having イI'd been having ウI'd have エI've had 9 I don't think I can meet you at six tomorrow night because we have a lot of extra work this month. Probably, (). アI'll still be working イI'll still work ウI'm still at work エI'm still working 10 “That famous cherry tree () because of pollution.” “Yes, we have to do something to save it.” アhas death イhas died ウis dead エis dying 解説、解説等お願い致します。

  • ぷららプライベートホームページに接続できない問題が発生
  • FFFTPを使用して接続を試みるも成功せず
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