• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の記号問題ですが…)

English Symbol Problems: Difficult and Ambiguous

  • By the time the fire engine arrived, the house had already burned down.
  • You had better not read such a book, however interesting it may be.
  • After going over the plan, we decided to discuss finance.


  • ベストアンサー

7と8の英文は正しいのでしょうか?確認してください。 4 直訳 私は物音を全くたてない為に靴を脱いだ。   意訳 私は足音を少しも立てないようにするために靴を脱いだ。(not any=no noiseは不都合な音のこと) 13 horrorは恐れ・恐怖です。訳しづらいですが、~なので恐ろしかった。でよいでしょう。strangeはここでは奇妙なではなくて、見知らぬ人という意味。peepはやや難しい単語で、のぞくという意味。  訳 一人の見知らぬ人が窓から部屋をのぞいていたので、私は恐ろしかった。



改めてありがとうございます。 訳と解説、分かりやすかったです。 7と8の英文、その通りに書きましたが…


その他の回答 (1)


(1)ウ by the time ~の時には と限定しているので過去完了。 (2)イ had better not 原形 (助動詞の後なので原形が来る。not位置に注意。) (3)ウ desideはto不定詞しかとらない。discussは他動詞 ~について話し合う。go over~ ~を入念に調べる。 (4)エ so as not to do ~しないように=so that S (do) not ~  (5)ウ Upon(=on)~ing ~するとすぐに 分詞構文のようなものなのでleaveする主語はI。 (6)イ have O p.p. Oを~してもらう for free=for nothing =for love 無料で (7)ア?Just because he is taller than you it does not mean he is better at basketball. itが抜けてませんか?抜けてないならよく分かりませんね。 ~not ,because~  ~だからといって~ということにはならない。 (8)ウ?have→hasでは?アイは形容詞なので論外。 (9)ウby ,tillの違いに注意。till~は~までずっとすること。byは~までにするなど締切イメージ。 (10)エover a cup of tea お茶を飲みながら (11)イ~を加えて、入れての意味 (12)イ 特定するとonが付く。on the morning of 10thなど (13)エ to one's 感情を表す名詞 ~が~なことに(ex)to my surprise (私が)驚いたことに (14)エ enjoyは後ろはing talkは基本的に自動詞。 訳が分からなかったら言ってください。  



回答ありがとうございます。 訳すヒント(熟語など)を教えてくださったので、とても分かりやすかったです。 辞書に載っていないものもあったので… 4番と13番の訳を教えてください。



  • 英語の記号問題です。

    答えと、参考までに日本語訳をお願いします。特に、最後の問題なんかは苦手です。スペルミスがあったらすみません。 1 There are few mistakes,if(),in his composition.   アthere is イthere are ウsome エany 2 We cannot trust him.All he told us was()but a lie.   アanything イnothing ウsomething エeverything 3 He teaches us nothing.He is()but a good teacher.   アanything イnothing ウsimething エnone 4 “Is Chris popular?”“No,she has()friends”   アquite a few イmany ウnot a lot エhardly any 5 He cannot even sing children´s songs,()opera.   アmuch less イstill more ウstill better エmuch more 6 What he says is()from satisfactory to me.   アstill イaway ウfar エapart 7 These days you can´t wallk down the streets in Tokyo()bumping into someone using a cell phone.   アwithout イas if ウexcept エeven if 8 “Haven´t you been to Kyoto?”“()been there.”   アYes,I haven´t イNo,I haven´t ウYes,I have to エNo,I have 以上です

  • 英語の問題です。

    各問題に、訳と解答解説をつけてくださると助かります。 お願いします。 1 The air conditioner (), we had to take out our old fan from the closet.   アwas broken down イbroke down ウbeing broking down エhaving broken down 2 Wooden bridges are inferior () concrete bridges.   アfrom イto ウwith エin 3 There is no () in complaining any further.   アdoubt イpity ウpoint エpossibility 4 You´d better not work much ; () you won´t get over your fatigue.   アotherwise イunless ウso エtherefore 5 This is the () best book I´ve ever read.   アfar イmost ウmuch エvery 6 Mike goes fishing every Saturday () the weather is bad.   アexcept when イin spite of ウnevertheless エregardless of 7 He looked for a place ().   アfor how to sleep イin where to sleep ウin which to sleep エfor where to sleep 8 “Why are you so angry with him?”“He kept me waiting () two hours.”   アso long as イas long as ウvery long as エquite long as 9 This apple is not as delicious as () I bought yesterday.   アmuch as イsuch as ウit エthe one 10 I came () an old friend of mine at the station yesterday.    アover イup ウacross エat 11 I´ve run () of sugar. Will you give me some?    アfull イshort ウwant エlack 12 I was reading a book last night when Jane called ().    アme off イover me ウme up エat me 13 A fire broke () in my neighborhood last night.    アup イout ウover エinto 14 This country is so () that it takes no more than a day to drive around it.    アlarge イnarrow ウsmall エwide 15 “Is the tax () in the price?”“No. It will be added later.”    アexcluded イincluded ウconcluded エconnected

  • 英語の記号選択問題です。

    呼応・倒置・強調・省略・話法の5つのポイントが入っている記号問題ですが、問題に解答がついていないため、回答をお願いします。ひとつひとつの問題で、どんな問題文でどれを使えばいいか後で見ても分かるように、日本語の訳も付けていただけると助かります。お手間をおかけしますがお願いいたします。スペルミス等あったらすみません。 1 Not words but action()now.   アare needed イis needed ウneed エneeds 2 Not only my daughter but some of her classmates()that they saw the criminal.   アsays イhas said ウis said エsay 3 He as well as his children()soccer.   アare fond of イlike ウloves エprefer 4 I hope that either you or your brother()to the dinner.   アare coming イhave come ウis coming エare attending 5 Neither he nor I()the right person for the president of the company.   アam イdo ウbe エis 6 There()to be some mistakes in this composition.   アseem イlook ウseems エwas 7 The number of students in my reading class()limited to twenty-five.   アis イare ウhave エhas 8 I am not rich,()to be.   アnor I do wish イnor do I wish ウnor I wish エnor wish I 9 I usually go shopping on Sundays.().   アSo does Mary イMary does so ウMary does エSo Mary does 10 My wife never drinks coffee before going to bed,and().   アeither I do イeither do I ウneither I do エneither do I 11 ()that my dream would come true.   アLittle I did expect イLittle expected I ウLittle did I except エLittle I expected 12 Not only()all our money,but we also came close to losing our lives.   アwe lost イwe did lose ウlost we エdid we lose 13 What is it()he wants to do first of all?   アthat イwhat ウwhen エwhy 14 The old saying“When in Rome,do as the Romans do”is never more true()at the dinner table.   アas where イas when ウthan when エthan which 15 I would help you if I could,but I´m afraid I().   アcan´t イwon´t ウshouldn´t エwouldn´t 16 ()of their father´s plans,the twins looked at each other in disbelief.   アIf to tell イTold as ウWhen told エWith telling 17 His condition is serious,()fatal.   アas if イas well as ウeven if エif not 18 “Is he coming to our party?”“I´m afraid().”   アno イnot him ウhis not coming エnot 19 I()and always will enjoy the thrills of the game.   アhaven´t イhave been ウ have never エhave enjoyed 20 The discovery that coal could be burned()the kind of industrial society in which we live.   アenabled イmade possible ウcaused エcame into being

  • 英語の問題です

    解答解説、お願いします。 1 I´ll have read through this book by the time I () you again.   アsee イwill see ウsaw エwould see 2 Mike was seen () a book in the library yesterday.   アread イreading ウhave read エat reading 3 He wants something () ; any pen or pencil will do.   アto write イto write with ウfor writing エto write on 4 He was ashamed of () make his point.   アbeing not able to イnot being able to ウbeing impossible to エbeing incapable to 5 Another mistake, () he will be fired.   アand イelse ウfor エotherwise 6 This is the hottest summer () 30 years.   アin イsince ウduring エamong 7 () in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage.   アIt being イIt was ウWhen it is エWhen it was 8 () present at the conference included the president and his wife.   アThis イThat ウThese エThose 9 The workers and paid () the hour at the store.   アfor イwith ウby エat 10 Mother has not been feeling well ().    アlate イlately ウlater エlatter 11 You shouldn´t speak () your mouth full at table.    アas イin ウwith エon 1 This medicine will make you feel much better.   This medicine will () you a great deal of good. 2 The sharp curved road caused many accidents.   Many accidents resulted () the sharp curved road. 3 She couldn´t help crying when she heard the news.   She had no choice () to cry when she heard the news. 4 Work hard, or you will fail.   () you work hard, you will fail. 

  • 比較の問題

    比較についての問題です。大体は分かったのですが、2や34など、theを付けるか付けないかとか比較級か最上級かで多少迷ったものもありました。解説等お願いします。 1They used to be good friends, but they aren't ( ). アno longer イmoreover ウanymore エso long 2Poor Nancy! I bought the identical dress for $20 ( ). アfew イfewer ウless エlittle 3George and Michael are brothers. Michael is ( ) of the two. アbigger イthe bigger ウbiggest エthe biggest 4I ( ) to play tennis on a hot day without drinking water frequently. アhad better than イhad more than ウknow better than エknow more than 5Hiroko has seen as many foreign movies ( ) in her dress. アas anybody イas nobody ウso anybody エthan anybody 6You are ( ) to gain weight in summer than in winter because you tend to lose your appetite when it's hot. アless likely イless unlikely ウvery likely エvery unlikely 7At a distance, peacefully eating, the elephant looked ( ) more dangerous than a cow. アlittle イnot ウno エever

  • 英語の質問です!!

    Hadly (  ) gone to bed when the phone rang. ア I have イ I had ウ have I エ had I The latest information technology has made Japan ( ) it is today. ア what イ which ウ who エ whom You will ( ) yourself a lot of time if you take a taxi. ア create イ find ウ help エ save Jane did her best, otherwise she ( ) the test. ア did not pass イ will not pass ウ would not pass エ would not have passed 次の1~3の英文には、それぞれ一箇所だけ文法・語法上明らかに誤っている箇所がある。誤りを含む下線部をそれぞれ下のア~エのうちからひとつずつ選び、記号で答えよ。 1 The welcome party is ア(about to) start. Cathy and Paul will イ(be enjoying themselves) by the time Hiroki ウ(will get) there エ(after a delay of half an hour). 2 When I enterd the office, I found my boss had already left for Tokyo. イ(leaving) lots of ウ(works) to do. She later エ(apologized to me) by e-mail. 3 Ann ア(told us) she イ(had been looking) forward ウ(to seeing) us again and wanted to go sightseeing エ(to) Kyoto together. C 1 The child came (eyes/in her/into/tears/the room/with). 2To my disappointment, (there/left/much/money/so/wasn‘t) in my purse. 3All we could do was (a/come/for/party/rescue/to/wait).

  • 英語 選択問題 解答を教えてください3

    (1)I left home early ( ) I could catch the first train.
 アso that イin case ウfor fear エunless

 (2)I know a girl ( ) first and last names are the same as my daughter's.
 アwhich イwhat ウwho エwhose (3)( ) nothing more to discuss,we had to make a decision.
 アThere had イBeing ウHaving there エThere being
 (4)My sister looked ( ) with the present from Ken.
 アpleasing イpleased ウto please エplease (5)Do you know the number of students ( ) to the welcome party?
 アcomes イcame ウwill come エcoming 上記問題の解答と日本語訳を教えて頂けますか? 

  • 助動詞の問題です。

    各文のかっこ内から適語を選んでください。 (1)He is a man of few words; but when he (アwill イshall ウdoes) speak, he is very eloquent. (2)Are you all right? You (アmust イcan ウought エdo) look pale. (3)How (アneed イdare ウwill エmay) you come here again? 次の文に誤りがあれば直してください。 (4)He has to be an old man, because he was born in 1901. (5)You had better not to go there alone. この問題を解いてみると、 (1)ア (2)ア (3)ウ (4)has to be→had to be (5)訂正なし になったのですが 先生に間違っていると言われたのどこが間違っているのか教えてもらえませんか? 訂正まで書いてあると助かります。

  • 英語

    1It's already ten. It's high time you ( ) in bed. アare イhave been ウwere エwill be 2If it were not for the rain, we ( ) hiking today. アcan go イwould go ウmay well go エwere able to go 3( ) greenhouse effect, the climate on the earth would be much colder. アAgainst イWithout ウUnless エNot 4( ) for the doctor's great skill in the operation, he wouldn't be alive now. アWithout イUnless ウBut エNot 5But for the medicine, the patient ( ). アhas been dead イhad been dead ウmay have been dead エmight have been dead 6Had I known you were coming to Tokyo, I ( ) to the station to meet you. アwent イwould have gone うhad gone エ would go 7I could tell who he was from his accent; ( ) I wouldn't have known it was him. アhowever イtherefore ウfor エotherwise 8Jack had a skiing accident yesterday, but he's all right. He is lucky, because he ( ) hurt himself badly. アcould have イmight ウshould エwill have 9I'm sorry to hear about your problem. But if you had taken my advice, you ( ) in such a trouble now. アhaven't イwould be ウwould havd been エwouldn't be 3,4辺りが良く分かりませんでした。

  • 英語

    1 When I told Meg the news, she seemed (). アsurprising イto have surprised ウto surprise エsurprised 2 Although my trip to Okinawa was very (), I enjoyed it. アexcited イexciting ウtired エtiring 3 Tell me a word () with A. アbegin イbegins ウbegan エbeginning 4 You will find the word “psychology” () under “P” in your dictionary. アhave listed イlist ウlisted エlisting 5 Tom must be made () reality. アface イfacing ウto face エto facing 6 Mariko had her bag () and lost all her money. アsteal イstole ウstealing エstolen 7 The girl had her mother () her favorite book when she went to sleep. アread イreads ウto read エreading 8 This is so good product that I got my husband () it. アuse イusing ウto use エshould use 9 “Haven't we met somewhere before?” “Yes, I remember () you at the party last week.” アmeeting イof meeting ウto meet エto meeting 10 This letter is important and it must reach him as soon as possible. Please don't forget () it tomorrow morning. アmail イmailing ウto mail エmailed I (the book,chapters,had,when,read,the first few,hardly,of) I became tired of reading it. I was happy (had given,him,I,interested in,the book,the boy,to find). Shakespeare (as,still looked,that England,the greatest poets,is,has,one,of,upon) ever produced. 以上です。解説等、お願い致します。

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