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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:長文の和訳です)



  • ベストアンサー
  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

> At a particular stage of social progress they are invaluable expedients for overcoming the rigidity of law, and, indeed, without one of them, the Fiction of Adoption which permits the family tie to be artificially created, it is difficult to understand how society would ever have escaped from its swaddling clothes, and taken its first steps towards civilisation. --- 拙訳 --- 社会の進展の特定の段階で、それら(擬制)は、法の厳格さを克服するための非常に価値ある対処法である。だが、実際のところ、その内の1つーーー家族の絆を人工的に作ることを許可する養子縁組ーーーをのぞいて。社会が自身のおむつ「自由を束縛する枷(かせ)」を脱ぎ捨て、文明へ向かって初めての一歩を踏み出すのを、かつて(いつも)どのようにしてきたのか、理解することは困難である。 「法の厳格さを克服するための」とは、「法に融通性を持たせるための」と意訳してもいいと思います。 全体として、fictions は、価値があるとしながらも、the Fiction of Adoption だけ価値がないとしています。 「子どものことを愛したつもりの親」に育てられる子どもと、「社会のことを考えたつもりだけの法律」で進められる社会を重ねています。 「親の犠牲になる子ども」は、「擬制の犠牲にもなる」… ひとりごと。原文は、こんなにふざけてはいないですね。 --- keys --- At… progress =副詞句 they = S = fictions are = V invaluable = 「(ほめて)価値が測れないほど価値がある」valuable より強い意味。 one of them =the Fiction of Adoption… created it = S 仮主語 is = V difficult = C to understand… =真主語 how = 疑問副詞(関係副詞として考えれば、「… の方法」と訳すことができる) how… =間接疑問文 society = how節内の S would ever have escaped… and taken… would = 「過去の習慣/習性」 ever = 「かつて」 civilisation 英= civilization 米 「文明」 --- 原文で、civilisation となっていますね。 they の意味を確かめるために、元のサイトへ行ってきました。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★





  • 高校の課題の和訳です。かなり困ってます・・・

    Perhaps the most interesting thing about these contrasting approaches to speech-making is the light they shed on how extremely hard it is for anyone to break out of his own particular polite fiction. polite fiction という言葉は説明が長くなるので、英語のままでいいです。 よろしくお願いします!!

  • この文章の和訳を教えてください。

    In the preceding papar (Nakazawa et al., 1989a,referred to as Papar I), we have proposed that a framework of Hill’s equations (Hill, 1878) is of great advantages to find precisely the collisional rate between Keplerian particles over wide ranges of initial conditions. First, in Hill’s equations, the relative motion separates from the barycenter motion, and the equation of the barycenter motion can be integrated analytically (see also Henon and petit, 1986). Second, the equation of motion can be scaled by h and Ω; h is the reduced Hill radius and Ω is the Keplerian angular velocity. They are given by h=(m_p/3M_?)^(1/3) (4) and Ω={G(M_?+m_p)/a_0*^3}^(1/2), (5) Where a_0* is the reference heliocentric distance (which is usually taken to be equal to the semimajor axis of the protoplanet) and M_? is the solar mass. The first characteristic of Hill’s equations permits us to reduce the degree of freedom of particle motion and, hence, to reduce greatly the number of orbits to be pursued numerically. The second permits us to apply the result of an orbital calculation with particular m_p and a_0* to orbital motion with other arbitrary mass and heliocentric distance. 長文になりますが、どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Last year Marks & Spencer — Britain’s mainstay for products like underwear and shortbread — decided to go organic in its food business; it now sells only fair-trade coffee and teas, for example. Many executives regarded the shift as a foolish and risky decision, but the store found that sales jumped 12 percent. The store learned a lesson that executives think will apply to clothes. Part of the problem is that neither manufacturers nor customers understand much about how and when clothing purchases degrade the environment.Significant environmental impact occurs from the harvesting of cotton or the manufacturing of synthetic fibers ;the production , packaging and transportation of the clothes;clothes washing; and drying by the consumer , and disposal.

  • 和訳してください!

    和訳してください! Cleaning up Trav and I's house. its gotta be similar to a mother cleaning up for 2-year olds. Toys, clothes, Travs diapers. よろしくお願いします!

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    The ability to own and dispose of property under a rule of law, a notion spawned by the 18th century’s Enlightenment, spread through Europe and North America. It produced new ways to organize society’s pursuit of the industrial means required for people to the Enlightenment, people could barely improve upon their short and miserable lives. Indeed for generation after generation, people tilled the same of land. Material progress was marginal at best. Global life expectancy was 25 year, unchanged for a millennium.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下はインドの国防省についての文章ですが、よく意味が分かりません。よろしく Defence of lndia and, every part thereof, including preparation for defence and all such acts as may be conducive in times of war to its prosecution and after its termination to effective demobilization. なお主語、動詞の形ではありません。

  • 英語 長文の和訳を教えてください。

    the nixon shocks the presidency of richard nixon can be used as a convenient starting point to mark a difficult period of adjustment to the increased power of japan. nixon's 1968 presidential election campaign had depended on strong support from the textile-producing southern states. in order to get those votes he promised to take a hard stand in favor of protectionist barriers against japanese textile imports--a promise carried out after his election. acrimonious negotiatiations between japan and the nixon administration continued for over two years and created negative feelings on both sides of the pacific. the nixon administration was also responsible for the return of okinawa and the nixon doctrine (which reduced the number of u.s. troops in asia). these two policies were in many ways beneficial to japanese,but together created doubt in the minds of many jpanese as to america's commitment to the security of japan. these doubts were increased in the summer of 1971 by the nixon shocks.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    JOSEPHINE COPELAND and her 20-year-old daughter, Jo Jo, visited Primark at the Peacock Center mall here, in the London suburbs, to buy presents for friends, but ended up loaded with clothes for themselves: boots, a cardigan, a festive blouse, and a long silver coat with faux fur trim, which cost £12 but looks like a million bucks. “If it falls apart, you just toss it away!” said Jo Jo, proudly wearing her purchase. Environmentally, that is more and more of a problem. But clothes — and fast clothes in particular — are a large and worsening source of the carbon emissions that contribute to global warming, because of how they are both produced and cared for, concludes a new report from researchers at Cambridge University titled “Well Dressed?”

  • 和訳お願いします!

    どうしても和訳できないので 和訳お願いします。 We can count on delighted grandparents, close relatives, and friends to show our baby that he is indeed special and worthy of love. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳おねがいします!!!

    Scientific theories are said to 'carve nature at its joints'. Individual sciences, however, carve nature at different levels of analysis and explain different types of phenomena. To illustrate, imagine a situation in which a physicist, a biologist, and a psychologist all attend the same baseball game. During a particular inning, the pitcher throws a curve ball and strikes a batter out. If someone were to ask ' Why did he throw a curve ball?' the psychologist could provide a satisfactory answer to this question by making use of mainstream psychological consturucts such as knowledge and desires.