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  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

#4 です。 最後の文を訳し忘れました。(ウインドウの下に隠れてました) ごめんなさい。 ーーー 拙訳 ーーー 世間で人気のある手本を調べる調査人は、異常に背の高い人または背の低い人は二流の市民である、という結論は出さないだろう。 --- keys --- norms of height in a population は、a man of many talents や、a girl of fame の of の用法と同じ。 「ある人口の中で高い地位の手本」が直訳。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★


  • 英訳をお願いします。

    英訳をお願いします。 自分で訳出してみたものの、文章がいったい何を伝えたいのか理解できませんでした。 For a long time Kristin and I have been interested in how films tell stories. We are fascinated by the principles that govern different storytelling traditions. For the sake of simplicity, we have called the principles norms. The term implies a standard craft competence, along with a diminution of collective decistion-making. Norms are preferred alternatives within a tradition. A norm is not single and inflexible law; (#)it is best seen as a roughly bounded set of options. Within any cluster of norms, there are always different ways to do something. Film scholars occasionally object to the term norm. Doesn't the norm suggest that we want to celebrate the normal and consign the non- or abnormal to some sort of lower status? But we are not suggesting that. Both Kristin and i have studied and praised filmmakers who do things differently. As historians we are simply studying principles of storytelling, as they have crystallized in norms that shape certain filmmaking trends. A researcher who studies norms of height in a population isn't implying that unusually tall or short people are second-class citizens. 長い間、私とクリスティンはどのように映画が物語を伝えるのかということに興味を持っている。 私たちは異なる物語を語る様式(伝統)を支配する原則に魅了された。 簡略化のため、その原理を基準(標準)と呼びます。 共同の意思決定という側面を伴い、その表現は標準的な言語能力の手法という意味を含む。 様式(伝統)の中で、基準は代わるものを好む。 その基準は、単独で柔軟性のない規範ではない。つまり、おおまかな境界を持つ選択としてみられる。 いくつかの基準の中で、いつも何かをするために違う方法で行う。 映画学者は時々、normという表現に反対する。 normは、私たちが標準(普通)を祝いたい、低い地位へ普通ではないものを渡したいと提案していすか?そうではありません。 クリスティンと私は、異なる手法で映画制作者を勉強(研究)し、賞賛してきた。 歴史家として、私たちは物語を伝える原理を簡単に研究してきたし、彼らは映画の傾向を形作った基準を結晶化してきた。 集団の中の基準を研究している調査員は、普通でない高低がある人は2級市民であるという意味を含まないと言う。 normというのは、the principles that govern different storytelling traditionsということですか? (#)の部分の文法構造はどうなっているのかの説明もお願いします。

  • 訳出願い

    知恵をお貸しください。 I'd say if you were working with an organization and there's choice between the goal of that organization, or the particular program they are working on, and educating people, developing people, helping them grow, helping them become able to analyzeーif there's a choice, we'd sacrifice the goal of the organization for helping the people grow, because we think in the long run it is a bigger contribution. (1)文法構造が理解できません。i'd sayの後の「if」は名詞節という認識でいいのでしょうか?また、棒線の次の「if」は副詞節ととらえて問題のないでしょうか? (2)訳出お願いします。

  • 訳がわかりません。。。お願いします。

    訳の回答がなくてわかりません。簡単な訳でいいのでどなたかよろしくお願いします。 Stop for a moment and consider that we spend,on average,86% of our time communicating. For this reason,it is vitally important to have a full understanding of what communication is all about. This means understanding the basic principles that lead to good communication and the breakdown in communication that results when those basic principles are ignored.That is the aim of book. Communication occurs when people send and receive messages.A30-minute speech by a politician,a five-minute talk with a friend, a nod of the head or a wave of the hand are all examples of communication. We can communicate by speaking or by remaining silent. When we consider that communication plays such an extremely important part in our lives, it is perhaps surpring that our schools and colleges are unlikely to train us how to be better communicators. We learn about communication simply by doing it.大変長くてすいません。

  • 訳出願い 長文

    Comparative Historical Analysis, James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyerからの引用です。 下記の部分の和訳が上手くいきません。皆様の知恵をお貸しください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Comparative historical analysis has a long and distinguished history in the social sciences. Those whom we now regard as the founders of modern social science,from Adam Smith to Alexis de Tocqueville to Karl Marx, all pursued comparative historical analysis as a central mode of investigation. In doing so, they continued a tradition of research that had dominated social thought for centuries. Even when social science began to organize itself into separate disciplines in the early twentieth century, comparative and historical investigation maintained a leading position, figuring prominently in the research of such eminent scholars as Otto Hintze, Max Weber, and Marc Bloch. Only by the mid-twentieth century did other approaches to social knowledge partially eclipse comparative historical research, going so far as to threaten its permanent decline. After some period of neglect, however, recent decades have witnessed a dramatic reemergence of the comparative historical tradition. Although important problems of analytic procedure and methodology remain,this mode of investigation has reasserted itself at the center of today’s social sciences. These recent advances derived from earlier developments. By the late 1970s and early 1980s,it was already clear that comparative historical research was experiencing a revival across the social sciences. In her concluding chapter in Vision and Method in Historical Sociology,for example, Theda Skocpol (1984a) pointed out that this kind of research was well beyond its days as an isolated mode of analysis carried out by a few older scholars dedicated to the classical tradition. Now, almost two decades later, few observers would deny that comparative historical research is again a leading mode of analysis, widely used throughout the social sciences. This volume seeks to assess the achievements of comparative historical research over the last thirty years, discuss persistent problems, and explore agendas for the future. we begin that task by delineating the distinctive features of this mode of analysis. We suggest that comparative historical analysis is best considered part of a long-standing intellectual project oriented toward the explanation of substantively important outcomes. It is defined by a concern with causal analysis, an emphasis on processes over time, and the use of systematic and contextualized comparison. In offering this definition, we intentionally exclude other analytical and methodological traits that are often associated with comparative historical analysis but that we do not consider part of its core features. For example, although many comparative historical analyses offer explanations based on social and political structures and their change, the research tradition is not inherently committed to structural explanation or any other single theoretical orientation. Likewise, while most work in the field employs qualitative forms of data analysis, comparative historical analysis is not characterized by any single method of descriptive and causal inference.

  • 訳してください。

    there are memories for boyh of us,of course, but i've learned that memories can have a physical,almost living presence,and this,Savannah and i are different as well. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    To clarify the dynamics depending on k, we have reported a bifurcation diagram in Fig. 4. It shows different values of quantity for different values of k, particularly between 0.15 and 0.29. It is easily illustrated that we move from stability through a sequence of a period doubling bifurcations to chaos.

  • 遠距離恋愛の彼からのメールの和訳

    アメリカに住んでいる彼からのメールの和訳をお願いできますでしょうか。 特に、Inadvertentlyの部分や、a remote ideaのあたりの意味がよくわかりません… 長い離婚調停で傷ついた後のメールです… また、このメールの前に私から、「離婚で傷付いているのに、結婚に憧れているとか、 無神経でごめんね。でもそれは重要ではないから」というような主旨のメールを送っています。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Good to see that you completely understand what is happening between us. Indeed, it was a very bad timing and some things happen inadvertently. I realize that you have a deep admiration of institute of marriage. (中略) With all my heart I hate marriage and even a remote idea of doing it again scars and turns me down completely. I am a bad choice for you. We are very different from each other and have different ideas of being happy and live the rest of our lives. You deserve better boyfriend and husband because you are a great lady!

  • 英語 訳出願い

    自分で訳したものの、すっきり読めないので、訳出願います。 よろしくお願いします。 ’UNDERSTANDING REALITY TELEVISION’の一部です。 As we embark upon a new century of broadcasting, It is clear that no genre form or type of programing has been as actively marketed by producers, or more enthusiastically embraced by viewers, than reality-based TV. This quote seems a pertinent way in which to open a book that seeks to 'understand Reality TV'. It emphasizes how the formats, images, and convention of Reality TV have stitched themselves into the very fabric of television, its economic structures, schedules and viewing cultures. Reality TV has rapidly come to occupy a place at the forefront of contemporary television culture – a position from which it seems to 'speak' particular clearly to the ways in which broadcasters are seeking to attract audiences in the multichannel landscape, the ways in which television is harnessing its aesthetic and cultural power and, as an increasingly multimedia experience, the ways in which it resonates so extensively in the cultural sphere. This collection seeks to respond to the complex, contested and often controversial terrain of 'popular factual programming' (CORNER,2001) with the broad aim of considering its economic, aesthetic, political and cultural implications for understanding contemporary 'television' as an object of study. It is certainly the case that this terrain continued to evolve, shift and change in the process of producing this collection, which thus offers an investigation of the field at a particular point in time (television’s rhetoric of the perpetual present of course always renders stopping the 'flow' an impossibility). At the same time, however, this book also seeks to contribute to the longer-term project of understanding and studying what CORNER has described as television's 'greatly expanded range of popular images of the real'.

  • 至急和訳お願い致します!内容が難しく理解に苦しんでおります。分かる範囲

    至急和訳お願い致します!内容が難しく理解に苦しんでおります。分かる範囲で結構です、よろしくお願いします。 A theory of grammar which posits that grammatical operations are constrained by innate principles of UG offers the important advantage that it minimizes the burden of grammatical learning imposed on the child (in the sense that children do not have to learn, for example, that auxiliary inversion affects the first auxiliary in a sentence, or that wh-movement likewise affects the first wh-expression ). This is an important consideration, since we saw earlier that learnability is a criterion of adequacy for any theory of grammar ? i.e. any adequate theory of grammar must be able to explain how children come to learn the grammar of their native language(s) in such a rapid and uniform fashion. The UG theory developed by Chomsky provides a straightforward account of the rapidity of the childs grammatical development , since it posits that there are a universal set of innately endowed grammatical principles which determine how grammatical operations apply in natural language grammars. Since UG principles which are innately endowed are wired into the language faculty and so do not have to be learned by the child, this minimizes the learning load placed on the child, and thereby maximises the learnability of natural language grammars

  • 英語の訳お願いします!

    Have you ever seen the fossils of dinosaurs in a museum?Some are gigantic and horrible and some are small and pretty.If dinosaurs ( (1)) today, the world would get into a total panic.Of course we know that they disappeard from the Earth about 65 million years ago.But wouldn`t you be surprised to hear that their descendants still exist today?Dinosaurs are reptiles that existed in ancient times.Today,reptiles can be found all over the world.For example,lizards,snakes,alligators and turtles are all reptiles.So, are these animals the direct descendants of dinosaurs?Some scientists say it`s actually birds that are the descendants of dinosaurs.This may seem unbelievable, because birds have feathers,wings and most of them can fly.These characteristics seem completely different from those of dinosaurs. But if you have seen the fossil of an ancient bird called the archaeopteryx , you may have noticed some similarities in form between the archaeopteryx and some dinosaurs.Recently,dinosaur fossils which share many properties with birds have been found(another/after/one). Some of them are said to have had feathers on thier body, In view of this evidence, more and more scientists have come to think that birds have evolved from dinosaurs of some kind. If dinosaurs hadn`t existed, there wouldn`t be any birds today. It`s a real surprise that two animals that look so different are so closely related to each other.