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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:シリア問題に関するタイムの記事を読んでいますこの部)



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Time を読むほどの方に、細かく訳してみせる必要はないでしょうから、ポイントだけ。文の構造を見れば、それほどむつかしい文でもないようです。 > The Obama Administration cited Iran's role in backing up Syria's bloody crackdown to declare Tehran’s involvement a "red line" for participating in the Geneva talks, and Annan presumably left out Saudi Arabia as a compensatory gesture to Russia which insists that those countries arming and funding Syria's rebels share major responsibility for escalating the conflict.  前半の構造は The Obama Administration cited A to declare B ということで、「オバマ政権はA を B であると決め付けた」 ということです。   後半は問題ないでしょう。 > But it's precisely because Iran and Saudi Arabia are playing out their preexisting regional and sectarian rivalries in the Syrian civil war that Annan wanted them at the table if there was to be any hope of achieving a solution without further bloodshed.  Because A (so) that B という構造。シリアの内戦に関してイランとサウジ・アラビアがそれぞれの影響力の維持のために関与しているという事実があり、アナン特使は彼らも和平のテーブルにつくことを望んでいる、という内容。 > Many in Washington, however, see the Syrian conflict through the same prism as Saudi Arabia does, seeking the ouster of Assad — Iran' s most important Arab ally — precisely in order to weaken Tehran.  ここは問題ないでしょう。 なお、ご自分の訳文をお示しになられたら、それに対して 「ここはこう訳した方がいい」 などのアドバイスを回答者の方々からいただくことが期待できると思います。





  • たった4行だけ訳して欲しいです!!!

    これを日本語にして欲しいです。 The Obama Administration cited Iran's role in backing up Syria's bloody crackdown to declare Tehran’s involvement a "red line" for participating in the Geneva talks. Many in Washington, however, see the Syrian conflict through the same prism as Saudi Arabia does, seeking the ouster of Assad — Iran' s most important Arab ally — precisely in order to weaken Tehran.

  • シリア問題に関して英字新聞のタイムの記事を読んでお

    英字新聞のタイムの記事を読んでおり、知りたいことがあります。 ”Annan's proposal”の内容を簡潔に教えて下さい。 Reuters has reported that Russia supports Annan's proposal to form a national unity government in Syria,but Annan's plan doesn't explicitly exclude Assad, which means Russia could still insist he stay in power.Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that Russia would not permit "a replication of the Libyan scenatio in Syria,"dismissing as "unrealistic" the Western demand that Assad stand down.Still,US officials insist that the Geneva meeting set clear guidelines for Assad stepping down as part of a political transition. "If Kofi Annan can get the proposed participants to agree on such a plan for political transition then there will be a meeting," a State Department official told reporters on Tuesday."But that's what we need to find out before we go to any meeting.There is no point in going just for the sake of it."

  • TIME誌 October 19, 2015

    Iran Could Be a Surprising American Ally as Chaos Grows in Syriaと題された文章なのですが、 So when assorted Republicans—including almost all the GOP presidential candidates—say that Vladimir Putin is “eating Obama’s lunch in Syria,” it is safe to assume they are wrong. Indeed, the President is probably right that Putin, the desperate presider over a collapsing economy, is wading into “a quagmire” there, a last-ditch attempt to save Bashar Assad’s regime that will inflame the Saudis and end disastrously. とあります。 ここで、Indeed, the President is probably right that Putin, the desperate presider over a collapsing economy, is wading into “a quagmire” there, における S is right that S V という構文が分かりません。辞書を引いても S is right to do や It is right of S to do はありますが、目的の構文は載っていません。ロイヤル英文法でも見当たりません。 どなたかご教授下さい。よろしくお願いします。 出来たらrightを使った他の例文と、同じ構文を取るright以外の形容詞を教えて頂けると助かります。

  • シリア問題に関するタイムの記事を読んでいます。この

    シリア問題に関するタイムの記事を読んでいます。この部分を訳してほしいです。 But the NATO response to the downing of an aircraft of one of its member states was indicative of the limited options available to Western countries: an incident that would surely have been used as a pretext for a major escalation in the standoff had Western powers been planning military intervention drew, instead, a relatively timid response.

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "My belief is that we ought to dial down the rhetoric," he said. "We ought to make it clear that there is always a military option if Iran goes nuclear. But we ought to just speak more softly because these hot words that are coming out of the administration, this hot rhetoric plays right into the hands of fanatics in Iran." (1)後半のbecause these hot words that…のthatがよくわかりません。 このthatは何を表しているのでしょうか? becauseの後ろなのであると駄目だと思うのですが…。 Graham told Face the Nation that there is little stomach in some countries, such as Russia, for stepped up multi-lateral pressure on Tehran. (2)little stomachとはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 今回はlittle stomach以外にもcertain procurement といううまく頭にイメージされない名詞?がありました。 これは全然マシな方で金融関係の記事を読むと頭でイメージ出来ない名詞?のようなものがよくあります。 このような複数の単語でひとつの名詞を表しているような単語(専門用語?)を調べる何かいい方法はありませんでしょうか? お願いします。。。

  • TIMEの記事

    皆さん、こんにちは。 しばらく前のTIMEの記事なんですが、分からないところがあります。 in 2013, more people were added to the rolls of those on lifesaving treatment for HIV/AIDS than the number who were newly infected. That crossover of trend lines should mark the beginning of the end of AIDS. Say those last seven words out loud and wonder at them. How did we get to a position that, had it been suggested not long ago, would have been thought impossible? Because of brave, stubborn activists; brilliant scientists and their generous funders; dedicated doctors and nurses; patients who fought for a chance to live; and officials and politicians of all political stripes and none who devised programs that gave those patients hope. And just to be clear, those countless heroes and heroines came from all over the world. But when, at the National Institutes of Health in 2011, Hillary Clinton, then U.S. Secretary of State, said, “In the story of this fight, America’s name comes up time and time again … No institution in the world has done more than the United States government,” she was speaking not hyperbole but truth. For here is what seems like a secret but shouldn’t be: in the past decade, Americans and their Presidents have done a great thing.   2003年に、エイズの新しい感染者より、lifesaving treatment(エイズとの共存)を受けるものの人数が多くなった。・・・つい最近になって「エイズの終わりの始まり」がsuggestされるようになったとしたら、その不可能と思わえたpositionにどうやって到達出来たのか?・・・because of以下に、いろいろ理由が書いてあります。   質問(1)and officials and politicians of all political stripes and none who devised programs that gave those patients hope.のnoneの意味が掴めません。devisedの主語がnoneだと、意味的に変なのでallと関連してるのかと考えているのですが、分かりません。 ・・・エイズとの戦いでアメリカほど貢献している国はない。誇張でなく真実だ。 質問(2)For here is what seems like a secret but shouldn’t be.どう訳したらいいでしょう?Forの前に何か補うとうまく訳せそうですがどうでしょうか? 以上ご教授下さい。よろしくお願いいたします。(?_?)

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です The statement also recognizes Iran's right to develop, research, produce and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in line with its obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and adds that once the international community is convinced Iran's nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes it will be treated as any other country that is a party to the NPT. (1) peaceful purpose it willについて このitの前で一回文が切れていると思うのですが、ピリオドやtherefore,thenなどの単語は必要ではないのでしょうか? 実際は話し言葉なのでピリオドがあるかどうかはわからないと思いますが、こうして文に表す時、必要ならピリオドを書くと思うのですが何故何もないのでしょうか? U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is calling on Israeli and Palestinian leaders re-start peace talks immediately (2)re-startについて このre-startは動詞なのでしょうか?名詞なのでしょうか? どちらにしてもforかtoが必要だと思うのですが、誤植?なのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • TIMEの和訳

    どなたか以下の文章を訳していただけませんか? 自分は2文目の初めのitはthat以下をさすと思うのですがどうでしょうか? Because its regime is one of the most loathsome in the world,there is a temptation to see every political development in North Korea as a precursor to the sort of instability that might one day lead to real change. So it has been with the announcement that Kim Jong Un,thought to be 27,a son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il,had been promoted to general -a sign that he is likely to inherit his father's,and his grandfather's,mantle.

  • intent to doing?

    英語やり直し組です Saudi Arabia is a key U.S. ally and a power in the region. And it was no coincidence that as the president landed in Riyadh, the Bush administration formally notified the U.S. Congress of its intent to carrying out the first part of a $20 billion arms sale to the Saudi government. (1)intent to carrying outについて 何故このような形になるのでしょうか?intent carry out the…ではないのでしょうか?「サウジ政府に武器販売の最初の一部を行う意志を議会に通達した」のような意味になると思うのですが、これは誤植でしょうか? a Norwegian journalist are among the dead along with several hotel security guards. (2)along withについて 以前から気になっていたのですが上の文のような場合along withとwithだけではどのような違いがあるのでしょうか? digとdig upのような感じでより詳しい(リアル?)な表現のようなものであり意味はどちらでも通じる、という解釈でいいのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • wouldについて

    Tehran would have the right to challenge the request, and an arbitration board, composed of Iran and the six powers, would decide on the issue. この文で何故wouldが使われるのですか?