
  • 1663年、ニューフランスの男女比は6対1でしたが、フランス王ルイ14世は850人の若いフランス女性に寡婦のための持参金を与え、彼女たちをニューフランスに送り込んで夫を見つけさせました。彼女たちは伝統的なフレンチ料理の知識を持ち込み、現地の食材を使って『クロトン』や『セパイ』などの料理を創作しました。
  • これらのフランス女性による料理の影響はニューフランスに限らず、世界中に広まりました。彼女たちの料理の知識と経験は現地の食材や文化と融合し、新たな料理文化を生み出しました。
  • 現代のフランス料理は、このフランス女性たちの知識と経験が継承され、進化してきたものです。フランス料理は世界中で高く評価されており、その素晴らしい味わいと技術は多くの人々に愛されています。
  • ベストアンサー


難しくて・・・ お願いします!! It is probably the only cuisine the world underwritten by a king.In 1663,thd ratio of men to women in New France was 6 to 1.To rectify this imbalance,Louis XlV bestowed 850 young French women with a modest domwry and shipped them to New France to find husbands.With these young women came their knowledge of traditional French cooking.They applied their culinary wisdom to native foods and created such dishes as ‘cretons,’a pork pate.And ‘ce pie’is a rare meat pie prepared with wild game and smothered in a bordelaise sauce.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

  これは恐らく王様の金で出来た、ただ一つの料理であろう。1663年、ニューフランスの男女比は6対1だった。この不均衡を是正するために、ルイ14世は、850名の若いフランス女性になにがしかの持参金を与えて、夫を捜すべくニューフランスに送った。この女性たちと一緒にやってきたのが伝統的なフランス料理の知識だ。彼女たちは、土地の食料に、フランス料理の知恵を生かし「cretons」という豚肉のパテなどを創作した。そして「ce pie」は、野生の(動物の)肉に、たっぷりボルドレーズソースを使った、ミートパイの珍味である。



助かりました!!>< ありがとうございます!!

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    #1です。余計なことです。   cretons の写真をお探しでしたら、下記をご覧ください。     http://www.google.com/search?q=cretons&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=TN9&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvnse&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=KtLwT7nYA8q5rQGb8OSOAg&ved=0CF4QsAQ&biw=1515&bih=803     ce pie の方は、ありませんでした。


  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    In much of the world, authority is not challenged, either out of respect or out of fear, and, sometimes because a hierarchy of rank has been fixed for so long that people have been trained for generations never to challenge it. In such countries children are not expected to question their teachers in school, and brilliant young scholars or inventive industrial geniuses are hampered in technical research because they hesitate to disagree with their "superiors." Clever researchers may be considered too young to have any right to present findings that contradict the knowledge and wisdom of their elders. The American is trained from childhood to question, analyze, search. "Go and look it up for yourself;’’ a child will be told. In many schools tasks are designed to stimulate the use of a wide range of materials. An assignment to "Write a paper on the world's supply of sugar," for example, will send even a young child in search of completely unfamiliar ideas. Even in the primary grades children are taught to use libraries and to search for new ideas. By the time they are 14, 15, or 16, many young scholars are making original and valuable contributions in all fields of science. Industry is so aware of this untouched resource that each year, through national competitions, it offers awards to teenagers in order to seek out (and later employ) young people with brilliant, inquiring minds.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Chemin des Dames ridge had been quarried for stone for centuries, leaving a warren of caves and tunnels which were used as shelters by German troops to escape the French bombardment. The offensive met massed German machine-gun and artillery fire, which inflicted many casualties and repulsed the French infantry at many points. The French still achieved some substantial tactical successes and took c. 29,000 prisoners in their attacks on the Chemin des Dames and in Champagne but failed to achieve their strategic objective of a decisive defeat over the Germans. The failure had a traumatic effect on the morale of the French army and many divisions mutinied. Nivelle was superseded by General Philippe Pétain, who adopted a strategy of "healing and defence"; on 19 May Pétain issued Directive No 1 for limited offensives, intended to resume the wearing-out of the German Army while conserving French infantry. The new French strategy was not one of passive defence. In June and July the Fourth, Sixth and Tenth Armies managed to conduct several limited attacks and the First Army was sent to Flanders to participate in the Third Battle of Ypres.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    Under the terms of the Chantilly Agreement of December 1915 Russia, France, Great Britain and Italy were committed to simultaneous attacks against the Central Powers in the summer of 1916. Russia felt the need to lend troops to fight in France and Salonika (against her own wishes), and to attack on the Eastern Front, in the hope of obtaining munitions from Britain and France. The Lake Naroch Offensive was launched at the request of France, in the hope that the Germans would transfer more units to the East after their attack on Verdun. Nicholas II acceded to the French request, choosing the Lake Narach area in what is now the Republic of Belarus because there the Imperial Russian Army had a significant numerical superiority over the German forces under the command of General Eichhorn.

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(7)

    お願いします。  The first real breakthrough came from an Englishman named Thomas Young. By the time Young was 2, he was reading. By the time he was 7, he was fluent in 3 languages. By the time he was 14, he was fluent in 12 languages. Young was sure he would be the first to crack the code. He discovered that the hieroglyphs for the 13-year-old Pharaoh Ptolemy's name were repeated six times inside little ovals that the French called cartouches, because they looked like the paper rolls, or cartouches, that the French stored their gunpowder in for their muskets. Young worked on the demotic lines and was able to figure out many words, but the hieroglyphs stumped him. It took another young genius, building on Young's work―a man named Jean Francois Champollion―to finally translate the entire Rosetta Stone.  A simple thank-you note written by grateful priests turned out to be the key that opened the Egyptian past for modern scholars. No longer would scholars have to settle for the Greek, Roman, or Hebrew version of Egypt's history. Egypt's own stories could now come to life. Maybe there is magic in the written word after all. To be on the safe side, let's not write the word for that hairy, scary thing that rhymes with "feast.

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    以下の英文の日本語訳で困っています。誰か教えてください。 (1)Of the 12 men who have walked on the moon, Harrison Schmitt, is the only one with scientific training in geology. (2)Schmitt's work on the Moon in 1972 ranks as one of the most exciting and productive episodes in the history of exploration. (3)His new book, Return to the Moon, is structured as a legal document, in which Schmitt argues for returning to the moon to mine the isotope helium-3. (4)He claims that because fossil fuels are limited in supply and because their extraction and use harm the environment, our world requires new sources of energy. (5)The ultimate solution, he suggests, is the generation of power by nuclear fusion-not of deuterium and tritium, as is usually proposed, but of deuterium and helium-3.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The Zaian War was fought between France and the Zaian confederation of Berber tribes in Morocco between 1914 and 1921. Morocco had become a French protectorate in 1912 and the French army extended French influence eastwards through the Middle Atlas mountains towards French Algeria. The Zaians, led by Mouha ou Hammou Zayani quickly lost the towns of Taza and Khénifra but managed to inflict many casualties on the French, who responded by establishing groupes mobiles, combined arms formations that mixed regular and irregular infantry, cavalry and artillery. By 1914 the French had 80,000 troops in Morocco. Two thirds of the French troops were withdrawn from 1914–1915 for service in France and more than 600 French soldiers were killed at the Battle of El Herri on 13 November 1914. Lyautey the French governor, reorganised his forces and pursued a forward policy rather than passive defence. The French retained most of their territory despite intelligence and financial support provided by the Central Powers to the Zaian Confederation and raids which caused losses to the French when already short of manpower.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (7) A wax cone on your head wasn't the only "must have" party accessory. Men and women showed up at banquets with their cosmetic chests, keeping them nearby to touch up their makeup. The chests, themselves were works of art with inlaid jewels and painted scenes. Inside, the Egyptians kept a mirror called a "see-face" made from polished copper―or if you were really rich, silver. Wealthy women carried their see-face in a mirror bag over their shoulders. You might pack your cosmetic chest with bronze tweezers to pluck your eyebrows and hairpins made of ivory. You would definitely include a flat stone palette to crush black and green rocks into powder for eyeliner. Everyone wore heavy eyeliner. Men and women were already wearing eye makeup by the time the pyramids were built. As a popular New Kingdom love poem says, "I wish to paint my eyes, so if I see you my eyes will sparkle." So much for the natural look. Chemists from modern cosmetic companies have found that ancient Egyptians used the same proportion of fat as they do today to give their eye makeup that luxurious creamy texture. (8) What would our ancient fashion magazine say about hair? It would probably advise us to get rid of it. Men and women either shaved their heads or kept their hair cropped very short. In a climate where fleas and head lice thrived,this was practical hair-care practice. Archaeologists found a wig workshop at Deir el-Bahri along with several wigs. Like clothing, the quality of the wig depended on your station in life. The best wigs were shoulder length, made from as many as 120,000 human hairs woven into a mesh cap and fixed in place with beeswax. Some were ironed straight, others curled into ringlets, and for the really wealthy, braided with beads and jewels. If you weren't able to afford a good wig, yours might be made from palm fronds.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    Before 1906, when the Senussi became involved in resistance against the French, they had been a "relatively peaceful religious sect of the Sahara Desert, opposed to fanaticism". When the Italians invaded Libya in 1911, occupying the coast, the Senussi resisted the Italians from the interior of the country. During their resistance against the Italians, the Senussi maintained generally friendly relations with the British in Egypt. The region had been annexed by Italy in 1911 after the Italo-Turkish War and by France in 1912 and control had not been consolidated by the Italians when the war began in Europe. After the loss of the province of Trablusgarp to Italy in the war of 1911–1912, the local Sanusi people continued with their resistance against the Italians. Fighting was conducted by Sanusi militia under the leadership of Ahmad al-Sharif, whose followers in Fezzan (southwest Libya) and southern Tripolitania prevented Italian consolidation their hold on these regions. The Ottoman government never ceased to provide assistance to the local tribesmen in the region.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (20) Akhenaten's new capital was lined with office building after office building: the palace, the House of the Correspondence of Pharaoh, where the Amarna Letters were found; the police station, with a full staff of policemen who rode around in chariots; and a university, where priests of the new order were educated. Now that the old myths were no longer taught, Akhenaten had to write new ones. The Great Hymn to the Aten shows us Akhenaten's poetic side. He writes that even "Birds fly up to their nests, their wings extended in praise of your ka [spirit]." The hymn teaches that the Aten created not just Egypt, but the entire world and everything in it:  You create the earth as you wish, when you were by yourself,...all beings on land, who fare upon their feet, and all beings in the air, who fly with their wings. The lands of Khor [Syro-Palestine] and Kush [Nubia] and the land of Egypt.... Tongues are separate in speech, and their characters as well; their skins are different, for you differentiate the foreigners. The hymn also makes it clear to the priests that they will not be the ones who represent the Aten on Earth, "There is no other who knows you except for your son [Akhenaten], for you have apprised him of your designs and your power." (21) Then Akhenaten took a fatal step. He denied Egyptians the afterlife. He doomed his new religion to failure. He gad rankled the people by taking away the old gods and the old traditions, and now he took away their hopes for eternal life.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The unanticipated duration of the offensive made Verdun a matter of German prestige as much as it was for the French and Falkenhayn became dependent on a British relief offensive and a German counter-offensive to end the stalemate. When it came, the collapse of the southern front in Russia and the power of the Anglo-French attack on the Somme reduced the German armies to holding their positions as best they could. On 29 August, Falkenhayn was sacked and replaced by Hindenburg and Ludendorff, who ended the German offensive at Verdun on 2 September. In 1980, Terraine gave c. 750,000 Franco-German casualties in 299 days of battle; Dupuy and Dupuy gave 542,000 French casualties in 1993. Heer and Naumann calculated 377,231 French and 337,000 German casualties, a monthly average of 70,000 casualties in 2000.