
  • 英語の空所選択問題と文法訂正問題を解いてみましょう。
  • 問題の解答と訳を確認しながら、英語の理解を深めましょう。
  • 一緒に学習を楽しみながら、英語能力をアップさせましょう。
  • ベストアンサー


英文中の空所にはいる適切な語または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。 また、その英文を訳しなさい。 1. My mother complains of ( ) too lazy.  (1)my doing (2)my being (3)I doing (4)I being 2. He bitterly regretted ( ) into music.  (1)to having not gone (2)having gone not (3)to not having gone (4)not having gone 3. ( ) to the party hurt my feelings.  (1)Not to having invited (2)Having not invited (3)Not having been invited (4)Not inviting 4. There is no ( ) too much.  (1)point in worrying (2)point to worry (3)use about worrying (4)use to worry 5. I'm looking forward to ( ) you again in Tokyo.  (1)see (2)seeing (3)be seeing (4)have seen 6. Our teacher ( ) being criticized by his students.  (1)used (2)used to (3)is used (4)is used to 7. We object to a lot of cars ( ) around the college grounds.  (1)being parked (2)park (3)to be parked (4)to park 8. When it ( ), no one can equal Michael.  (1)comes to ski (2)comes to skiing (3)becomes to ski (4)becomes to skiing 9. What do you say ( ) abroad next year?  (1)traveling (2)to travel (3)to traveling (4)having taken 10. The committee had a lot of trouble ( ) a good investment advisor.  (1)selecting (2)selected (3)select (4)selection 11. She spends all her free time ( ) detective stories.  (1)to write (2)writing (3)written (4)being written 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所がある。その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 またその英文を訳しなさい。 12. After a long 【(1)stressful】 day, 【(2)relax】 in a 【(3)nice】 hot bath will calm you 【(4)down】. 13. There years 【(1)have passed】 since our family 【(2)moved】 to New Zealand, so we 【(3)are】 accustomed to 【(4)live】 in a foreign country. 14. John 【(1)should】 have written the letter 【(2)sooner】, but he was very busy 【(3)for】 meeting other 【(4)deadlines】. 次の日本文の意味になるように、( )内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 15. 自立することの大切さに気づいていない大学生がいる。  Some university ( being / don't / importance / of / realize / students / the ) independent. 16. 父は、僕たちが遅くまで起きてテレビを観ていると、必ず文句を言います。  My father always ( late / about / complains / up / staying / our ) and watching TV. 17. 彼を説得しようとしても無駄だ。  It ( him / persuade / trying / no / is / use / to ). 18. 明日は何が起こるかわからない。   There is ( happen / may / no / telling / what ) tomorrow. 以上です。 問題数が多くてご迷惑をおかけしますが、どうかよろしくお願いします。 間違いなどがあったら、お知らせください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数6


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. (2) my being 私の母は、私が怠け過ぎていると不平を言います。 2. (4) not having gone 彼は、音楽の世界に入らなかったことをひどく後悔しました。 3. (3) Not having been invited そのパーティに招かれなかったことが私の感情を傷つけました。 4. (1) point in worrying あまり心配し過ぎても仕方がありません。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=there+is+no+point+in&ref=sa 5. (2) seeing 東京であなたに再会することを楽しみにしています。 6. (4) is used to 私たちの先生は、生徒の批判を受けることに慣れています。 7. (1) being parked 私たちは多くの車が大学のグランドに駐車されることには反対です。 8. (2) comes to skiing スキーと言うことになると、マイケルにかなう人はいません。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=when+it+comes+to&ref=sa  9. (2) to traveling 来年海外旅行するのはどうですか? http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=what+do+you+say+to&ref=sa 10. (1) selecting 委員会は良い投資顧問を選ぶのにとても苦労しました。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=have+trouble 11. (2) writing 彼女は自由時間の全てを探偵小説を書くことに使います。 12. (2) relaxing 長いストレスのたまる一日の後、心地よい熱いお風呂でリラックスすることはあなたを落ち着かせるでしょう。 13. (4) living 私たちの家族がニュージーランドに移り住んで3年がたちました、それで、私たちは外国で暮らすことに慣れています。 ☆ There→Three? 14. (3) in ジョンはもっと早くその手紙を書くべきでしたが、他の締め切りに間に合わせるのに彼はとても忙しくしていました。 ☆次の辞書の【形容詞】1. d. in はなくても良い。 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/busy 15. Some university students don't realize the importance of being independent. 16. My father always complains about our staying up late and watching TV. 17. It is no use trying to persuade him. 18. There is no telling what may happen tomorrow. <参考> ☆Learning English / 動名詞の用法 http://eigogakusyu-web.com/grammar/044/



前回に引き続き、ご回答ありがとうございました! 分かりやすくて勉強になります。 よろしかったら次回もお願いします^^


  • 英語 並び替え問題

    次の英文を正しく並べ替えてください。和訳もお願いします。 1 Don`t (any/take/of/what/notice) he said. 2 Mary is not used (being/of/to/made/fun) in the presence of others. 3 The speaker was worried (about/would/how/the audience/react) to his speech. 4 I am (done/of/this/ashamed/having). 5 Everybody found (this/worthwhile/reading/it/book).

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いいたします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1.( ) you live long and die happy!  (1)Should (2)Would (3)Can (4)May 2.Democracy ( ) without freedom of speech.  (1)cannot surviving (2)not can survive (3)cannot survive (4)can't be survive 3.According to the law, you ( ) be 18 years old or over to obtain a driver's license in Japan.  (1)can't (2)must (3)might (4)may not 4.My father ( ) quit school when he was fourteen because of his poor health.  (1)had to (2)must (3)ought to (4)should 5.Our son's soccer uniform is still in good shape. We ( ) buy a new one for him yet.  (1)have to (2)must (3)don't have to (4)should 6.My Japanese teacher says everybody ( ) sutdy at least one foregin language.  (1)ought (2)should (3)may be (4)have to 7.I'd rather ( ) by taxi.  (1)having gone (2)going (3)to go (4)go 8.Since I'm very tired, I ( ) join the party tonigt.  (1)had not rather (2)would not rather (3) would rather not (4) had better not to 9.You had better ( ) your homwork soon.  (1)to finish (2)finishing (3)be finished (4)finish 10.We ( ) tell anymore about this just yet.  (1)didn't have better (2)had better not (3)had not better (4)haven't better 11.When he was a newcomer, he ( ) read several different newspapers every morning.  (1)used to (2) was used to (3)got used to (4)is used to 12.I ( ) this movie before, but I'm not sure.  (1)must see (2)might see (3) should see (4)may have seen 13.Katherine lost her purse yesterday. She ( ) it on the bus.  (1)must drop (2)must be dropping (3)must have dropped (4)must have been dropping 14.He ( ) have introduced you to his sister yesterday because she died three years ago.  (1)cannot (2)must (3)ought to (4) shouldn't 15.We've just missed the train. We ( ) left our office a little ealier.  (1)should (2)should out (3)should have (4)should not have 16.George and I had a great time at the party last night. You ( ) come.  (1)had to (2)might have (3)must have (4)ought to have 17.Mary couldn't help ( ) when she heard the news about the championship.  (1)to smiling (2)smile (3)smiling (4)to smile 18."Your apartment is really compact." "You may ( ) think this is small, but it's actually larger than average."  (1)good (2)well (3)better (4)best 19.There's no bus for two hours, so we ( ) as well take a taxi.  (1)might (2)must (3)would (4)should 量が多いかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。 スペルミスなどありましたらお知らせください。

  • ( )内から適切な語を選ぶ問題です。宿題

    ( )内から適切な語を選ぶ問題です。 (1)There (used to/would) be a movie theater around here. (2)My father (used to/would) have a record Player. (3)My sister (is used to/used to) getting up early. (4)He (is used to/used to) be a professional soccer player. (5)He (cannot/may/ought) have studied abroad. His English is perfect. (6)You (ought to/shouldn't/cannot) have bought the tickets. I already had some. (7)You (need not/ought not/might not) have come so early. (8)Aさん.I'm sorry you couldn't come to the concert last night. Bさん.I heard it was great. I (might/must/should) have gone with you. ご回答宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    この問題を解いて下さい。英文の意味もお願いします。 以下の文が答えになるような疑問文を作りなさい。 例 No,he isn't. (My brother is not a student.) →Is your brother a student? 問題 No,he isn't. (Bob isn't here.)

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1. The few remaining river dolphins ( ) in the Ganges river are protected by the Indian goverment. (1)survival (2)survive (3)suevives (4)surviving 2. What is the language ( ) in mexico? (1)speak (2)spoken (3)of speaking (4)speaking 3. You should remain ( ) until the concert is completely finished. (1)to seat (2)seat (3)seating (4)seated 4. I'm sorry to have kept you ( ). (1)wait (2)to wait (3)waited (4)waiting 5. Don't leave the door ( ). (1)unlock (2)to unlock (3)unlocked (4)unlocking 6. I saw a kindergarten teacher ( ) by many kids. (1)be surrounded (2)surround (3)surrounded (4)surroundeding 7. He could not make himiself ( ) in English. (1)to have understood (2)to understand (3)understanding (4)understood 8. ( ) sick, I decided to take the day off from work and stay in bed. (1)Feel (2)Felt (3)Feeling (4)Being felt 9. Nobody ( ) anything more to say, the meeting was closed. (1)had (2)have had (3)has (4)having 10. Not ( ) which way to take, I stopped at a gas station to get directions. (1)known (2)to know (3)knowing (4)being known 11. ( ) well the night before, I felt much better. (1)Having slept (2)Slept (3)To have slept (4)To sleep 12. ( ) from here, the cars look like small matchboxes. (1)Seeing (2)Seen (3)Having seen (4)To seen 13. Few men are working in the factory, most of the work ( ) by robots. (1)is to do (2)being done (3)is doing (4)having been doing 14. The dog sat there with his tongue ( ) out. (1)to hang (2)hanging (3)hanged (4)hang 15. She was listening to the music ( ) her eyes closed. (1)on (2)in (3)with (4)by 16. Frankly ( ), I perfer Francis' work. (1)told (2)spoken (3)telling (4)speaking 17. ( ), we are going to have a picnic in the park tomorrow. (1)Permitted weather (2)Permitting weather (3)Weather permits (4)Weather permitting 18. I'm not surprised that Alice got the highest score in class, ( ) how much she studied. (1)considering (2)consideration (3)in considering (4)in consideration 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所が一箇所ある。その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 またその英文を訳しなさい。 19. In 1913, the 【(1)stealing】 Mona Lisa was 【(2)discovered】 【(3)at】 a hotel 【(4)in】 Florence. 20. 【(1)Judget】 from the 【(2)setting sun】, it 【(3)will】 be 【(4)fine】 tomorrow. 次の日本文の意味になるように、( )内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 21. 向こうで車を洗っている人は、君のお父さんですか?  Is ( a car / washing / man / over / the ) there your father? 22. 痛みは神経系で引き起こされる感覚である。  Pain is a ( system / feeling / triggered / nervous / in / the ). 23. この携帯電話の広告をどこへ行っても見るだろう。  You ( advertised / everywhere / go / see / this mobile phone / will / you ). 以上です。 問題数が多いですが、どうかよろしくお願いします。 間違いなどがありましたらお知らせください。

  • 英語の問題です

    英語の問題です! 5問あるので余裕のある方おねがいします! 空所に適当な選択肢の語句を入れてください。 1.I tried to take our dog out of our house, but he () go out. (1)had to (2)might not (3)were to (4)would not 2.I would rather () here. (1)not tobe (2)not (3)not being to (4)not be 3.Since you have a fever, you () go to the hospital. (1)heve better (2)should heve (3)might have (4)had better 4.He () to the museum, but now he hardly ever goes. (1)used to going (2)used to go (3)would used to go (4)is used to go 日本語に合うように()内の語句を並べ替えてください。 5.もし気分がすぐれないのなら、仕事に行かない方がよい。 If you don't feel well,(better/ go/ had/ not/ to/ work/ you). 以上の5問です! おねがいします!

  • 文法問題

    ( )に入る番号を教えて下さい! (1)( )his term paper in haste,Mike made a lot of mistakes. (1)Do (2)Done (3)Having done (4)Does (2)My mother ( )shck, I cooked dinner. (1)be (2)being (3)been (4)to be (3)My sister worked hard,( )into the university at last. (1)get (2)gets (3)getting (4)gotten (4)( )at the sight,I could not move. (1)Shock (2)Shocked (3)shocking (4)To shock (5)( ) (1)To talk of sports,I like tennis best. (2)Talked of sports,I like tennis best. (3)Talking of sports ,I like tennis best. (6)( ) (1)Strictly speaking,he is not a novelist. (2)To be strict speaking,he is not a novelist. (3)Speak strict,he is not a novelist. (7)( ) (1)There was no bus,I had to walk there. (2)There being no bus,I had to walk there. (3)Being no bus, I had to walk there. (8)If you had helped me,I ( )my work. (1)cannot finish (2)could not have finished (3)could not be finished (4)can have finished (9)If I ( )Keiko's address,I would write to her. (1)know (2)am knowing (3)would know (4)knew

  • 英語の問題です。

    沢山すみません。以下の問題が分かりません。 一問だけでもいいのでよろしくお願いします。 問題文 あんなに有名な俳優が、こんなに謙虚だとは驚いてしまう (should /is /surprising/ a famous actor/ modest/ that /it/ such /be /so) 問題文 私は結婚披露宴に50人招待したが、全員が来たわけではなかった (I /not /my wedding reception party/ all of them /invited /came /fifty people/ to/ but) 問題文 かつてここにはあのビルと同じくらいの高さの木があった (be/that building/here/a tree/tall/there/was/which/used to /as/as) 問題文 君のことが知っているという妹がいる男性に会いましたよ   whose を使って和訳

  • 英語の問題教えて下さい!

    what(are,is,matters,to,if,willing,you)take part in the project. She is no longer(used, what,to,be,she). my(me,uncle,I,today, has,am,what,made) この並びえを教えて下さい。

  • 英語の問題がわかりません。

    一応考えた答えは1が(1)か(3),2が(2),3が(1)です。 わかる方がいたら教えて下さい。お願いします。 1 We were surprised at his ( ) to our proposal.  (1)willing to agree (2)willingness of his agreeing (3)willingness to agree (4)willingness in agreeing 2 The car isn't here today because Jane ( ) it. She generally uses the bus, but the drivers are on strike.  (1)uses (2)is using (3)used (4)was using 3 I could not bear to think of ( ) to that cruel woman.  (1)my dog being sold (2)my dog selling (3)my dog to sell (4)my dog's to be sold