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  • 自分自身(例:診察前の患者との以前の出会いを思い出すこと、疲れていること)や他人(例:杖をついて診察室に入ってくる患者に気づくこと)、そして状況(例:患者でいっぱいの待合室)について、現在起こっていることに気づくこと
  • 自己の内部で起こっている現在の状況に気づく(例:以前の患者との出会いを思い出すこと、疲れを感じること)と同時に、他者(例:杖をついて診察室に入ってくる患者に気づくこと)や状況(例:患者でいっぱいの待合室)にも気づくこと
  • 自分自身(例:以前の患者との出会いを思い出すこと、疲れを感じること)や他者(例:杖をついて診察室に入ってくる患者に気づくこと)、そして現在の状況(例:患者でいっぱいの待合室)に意識を向けること


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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#1.2.です。この様な短い文(行)であまり多くのことに想像をめぐらし過ぎるのは、よくないことだと思いますが、何か医師の心得か何かについての言及で、診察前に、「自分自身の心のうちに浮かんでいる思い(例:前回診察の時の患者との話で、カルテなどに書く内容ではないが、患者の日ごろの様子を思い出すこと、及び、自分がその日は疲れてる ― だから、勤めて苛立たないように心掛ける)、「その他(例:患者が杖をつきながら診察室に入って来たこと ― 病気でなくとも高齢になれば足腰が弱ってくる患者に対する気遣い)、「状況(例:待合室の込み具合 ― 医師としての自分が見なければならない患者の多さもさることながら、それほど込み合う待合室でおそらく患者が長い間待ったであろうことに対する思いやり)」その様なもろもろの事柄に意識を置いて、診療に当たるように、と言う戒めの部分ではないかと思いながら読みました。





その他の回答 (2)

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#1.です。私は、feeling tired の部分を、「(医師自身が)疲れていると感じること」と読みました。



有難うございます。私も迷っていたのです。;~ing の;が引っかかって・・・。

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

現在この瞬間に自分自信の心の内で起こっていること(例; これから入って来る患者との前の診察での出会いを思い出すこと; 疲労を感じること)ならびに、他の事(例; 患者が杖をついて診察室に入ってくることに気付くこと)、そして、状況(例; 患者でいっぱいの待合室)についての認識。 ☆文章にはなっていません。Awareness「認識」について、色々と説明の語句が、括弧内の例を交えながら、続いています。



有難うございます。;feeling tired がどこに掛かるか解らなくて・・・。結局、向こうからやってくる患者が疲れているな、と感じる事で良いんでしょうね。



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    Fig.2. The orbit of relative motion with b=1.920, e=0 and i=0. The particle enters the Hill sphere (denoted by a circle in a fine line) of the protoplanet at origin. But it escapes away from the Hill sphere without close encounter.

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    Fig. 8. Contours of minimum separation distance r_min in the second encounter for the case of (e, i, b)=(1.0, 0.5, 2.8). Dots have the same meanings as those in Fig. 7. Fig. 9. The “Differential” collisional rate <p(e, i, b)> (defined by Eq. (24)) is plotted as a function of b in the case of (e, i)=(1.0, 0.5). Fig. 8.↓ http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=4403322728.jpg Fig. 9.↓ http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=9905093670.jpg よろしくお願いします。

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    In Figs. 7b and 7c (b=2.8 and 3.1) we find that the τ values of close-encounter orbits are confined in a region near τ=0 and, further, its width decreases with an increase in b. In particular, when b=3.1 (i.e., b very close to b_max), the τ values of the close-encounter orbits localize in a narrow region around τ=0. This comes from the choice of φ=0 in the initial conditions: When b is relatively large and the mutual gravity is weak, then a particle continues approximately its original Keplerian motion. When the guiding center of the particle comes across the x-axis (i.e., when t=0), its position is given by (see Eq. (7) with φ=0) x=b-cosτ, y=-2esinτ, (23) z=-isinω. The distance from the origin becomes minimum when τ<<π. Thus only particles with τ<<π can be disturbed drastically by the gravity of the protoplanet and have the possibility of encountering the two-body sphere. The fact that the width of τ in the finely dotted region (i.e., the τ of close-encounter orbits) decreases with an increase in b is also observed in other e and i, as long as b>e. This behavior is very useful to systematically find collision orbits. If we can once find an appropriate restricted region of close-encounter orbit, e.g., τ_1≦τ≦τ_2, for some b_1 (b_1>e), then for b>b_1 it is sufficient to search close-encounter orbits in the limited region between τ_1 and τ_2. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。(長いです。)

    和訳でわからない文がいくつかあるので、よければ和訳を手伝ってください☆ (1)Patten also said he saw merit in some form of Japan's student examination system as a means of raising educational standards in British schools, especially for the early detection of problems among the disadvantaged. →the disadvantagedの意味がよくわかりません。 (2)The comments come as the government is poised to publish a report on education, and as fierce political debate and growing national dissatisfaction have been generated by the state of British education. →二回でてくるasの訳し方がよくわかりません。

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    Figure 8 shows r_min in the second encounter for b=2.8. In this case, there are four zones of close-encounter orbit in the τ-ω diagram. Comparing Fig.8 with Fig. 7b, the total area occupied by the recurrent close-encounter orbits (the dotted regions in Fig. 8) is smaller than that in the first encounter but not small enough to be neglected. Collision orbits belong necessarily to close-encounter orbits. Consequently, to find collision orbits, we subdivided the τ-ω phase space of close-encounter orbits (i.e., the finely dotted regions in Fig.7) more densely (mesh width being as small as 0.002π in τ) and pursued orbits for each set of τ and ω. Furthermore, as the phase volume of τ and ω occupied by collision orbits, we evaluated a “differential” collisional rate <p(e, i, b)> given by <p(e, i, b)>=(1/(2π)^2)∫p_col (e, i, b, τ, ω)dτdω.      (24) Here, we calculated <p(e, i, b)> separately for 1-, 2-, and more recurrent orbits. The results are shown in Fig. 9, from which we can see that 2-recurrent collision orbits exist for relatively large b, and n-current (n≧3) ones exist only for b≒b_max. That is, the recurrent collision orbits appear only in cases of relatively low energy. From Eq. (10), we have <P(e, i)>=∫【-∞→∞】(3/2)|b|<p(e, i, b)>db.         (25) Using evaluated values of <p(e, i, b)> for various b, we finally obtain <P(e, i)>=0.114 for (e, i)=(1.0, 0.5); the contribution of 2-recurrent orbits is 5%, and that of 3- and more-recurrent orbits is less than 1%. For this case (e=1.0 and i=0.5), we observed 874 collision orbits. The statistical error in evaluating <P(e, i)> is therefore presumed to be of the order of 4%. Since the contribution of 3- and more-recurrent orbits is within the statistical fluctuation, it can be neglected. よろしくお願いします。

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    At first sight, from these figures, a symmetric pattern with respect to b_i~=0 holds approximately and a large scattering occurs in the region 1.5≦|b_i~|≦6. This is because a particle of which |b_i~| lies between 1.5 and 6 enters the Hill sphere and, hence, is scattered heavily. When |b_i~| is less than about 1.0, the feature of the scattering takes a new aspect. The gyrocenter of a particle comes slowly close to the planet whereas the particle rotates rapidly around the gyrocenter. When the distance between the planet and the gyrocenter is several times as short as the Hill radius, the gyrocenter of the particle gradually turns back to the opposite side of the y-axis, as if it were reflected by a mirror. The feature of the scattering is the same as that for the case e_i~=0. For the final impact parameter, b_f~, and the eccentricity, e_f~, we have again the relations b_f~=-b_i~ and e_f~=e_i~. (3・10) よろしくお願いします。

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    Fig. 3a and b. An example of recurrent non-collision orbits. The orbit with b=2.4784, e=0, and i=0 is illustrated. To see the orbital behavior near the protoplanet, the central region is enlarged in b; the circle shows the sphere of the two-body approximation and the small one the protoplanet. Fig. 4a and b. Same as Fig. 3 but b=2.341, e=0, and i=0. This is an example of recurrent collision orbits. Fig.5. Minimum separation distance r_min between the protoplanet and a planetesimal in the case of (e, i)=(0, 0). By solid curves, r_min in the first encounter is illustrated as a function of b. The level of protoplanetary radius is shown by a thin dashed line. The collision band in the second encounter orbits around b=2.34 is also shown by dashed curves. Fig. 6. Minimum distance r_min in the chaotic zone near b=1.93 for the case of (e, i)=(0, 0); it changes violently with b. Fig. 7a-c. Contours of minimum separation distance r_min in the first encounter for the case of (e, i)=(1.0, 0.5); b=2.3(a), 2.8(b), and 3.1 (c). Contours are drawn in terms of log_10 (r_min) and the contour interval is 0.5. Regions where r_min>1 are marked by coarse dots. Particles in these regions cannot enter the Hill sphere of the protoplanet. Fine dots denotes regions where r_min is smaller than the radius r_cr of the sphere of the two-body approximation (r_cr=0.03; log_10(r_cr)=-1.52). Fig. 3a and b. および Fig. 4a and b. ↓ http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=3994206860.jpg Fig.5. および Fig. 7a-c.  ↓ http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=2041732569.jpg Fig. 6. ↓ http://www.fastpic.jp/images.php?file=2217998690.jpg お手数ですが、よろしくお願いします。

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      We will add some comments on the choice of the initial conditions. It should be noticed that we need not survey every set of phase parameters, ε_i and δ_i, when the semi-major axis and the eccentricity of the particle orbit are once fixed. This is due to the fact that there are numberless same orbits with different sets of ε_i and δ_i. Therefore, noticing that δ_i has a 2π-modulous, we can represent, practically, all of the possible phase of the Keplerian orbits by ε_i=constant and -π≦δ≦π. Secondly, we will transform a_i and e_i to b_i~ and e_i~, respectively, according to                       a_i=1+b_i~h (2・9) and                       e_i=e_i~h. (2・10) Here h is the radius of the sphere within which the gravity of the planet overcomes the solar gravity, i.e., the radius of the Hill sphere, and is defined in the units adopted here as                 h=(μ/3)^(1/3)=2.15×10^(-3), (2・11) where the planetary mass M is chosen to be 5.977×10^25g, i.e., one-hundredth of the present terrestrial mass. As shown by Hayashi et al, there exists an approximate similarity law between solutions to the plane circular RTB problem as long as μ≦10^-4, which is well scaled by the above transformations and, hence, the results obtained for the special choice of μ (or M) can apply extensively to the problem with different value of μ. 長い文章ですが、ご教授いただけると助かります。

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    In order to obtain the total collisional rate <Γ(e_1, i_1)>, we have to find <P(e,i)> numerically by computing orbits of relative motion between the protoplanet and the planetesimal. Since <P(e,i)> should be provided for wide ranges of e and i with a sufficient accuracy, we are obliged to compute a very large number of orbits. In practice, it is an important problem to find an efficient method for numerical computation. In the second paper (Nakazawa et al., 1989b, referred to as Paper II), we have studied the validity of the two-body approximation and found that within the sphere of the two-body approximation (hereafter referred to as the two-body sphere), the relative motion can be well described by a solution to the two-body problem: the sphere radius has been found to be r_cr=0.03(a_0*/1AU)^(-1/4)(ε/0.01)^(1/2). ・・・・・(13) Within the sphere, the nearest distance can be predicted with an accuracy εby the well-known formula of the two-body encounter. We can expect the above result to be useful to reduce computation time for obtaining <P(e,i)> numerically. よろしくお願いします。

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    When |b_i~| is relatively large (e.g., |b_i~|≧5), a particle passes through the region far from the Hill sphere of the planet without a significant influence of the gravity of the planet. As seen from Figs. 1(a) and (b), both the impact parameter, b_f~, and the eccentricity, e_f~, at the final stage are not so much different from those at the initial, i.e., a particle is hardly scattered in this case. When 3≦|b_i~|≦5, as seen from Fig. 1(a) and (b), a particle is scattered a little by the gravity of the planet and both |⊿b~| and |⊿e~| increase gradually with the decrease in |b_i~|, where ⊿b~=b_f~-b_i~ (3・1) and ⊿e~=e_f~-e_i~.     (3・2) よろしくお願いします。

  • 減圧弁の1次側に炭酸ガスボンベ5Kを付けて2次側に0.4MPaに減圧してガスを流すと凍ってしまう原因について教えてください。
  • また、ガスボンベを5Kから10Kに変えただけでも、減圧弁が凍ってしまった理由についても教えてください。
  • 減圧弁の作用に変化がある場合、押し圧力や炭酸ガスの流速が関係しているのでしょうか?