• 締切済み


Essayを書きましたので、添削をお願いします。 特に、文の構成などにアドバイスをいただけるとうれしいです。 テーマは「エネルギー問題について」です Through the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident of Fukushima NO1 nuclear power plant, public opinions are tending to not to use nuclear power anymore. Thus, the natural power such as, water, wind and solar are attracted by many people gradually. However, the government is not fully agree with abolishing nuclear power. From my point of view, Japan shouldn't rely on nuclear power anymore. Because of the high energy, nuclear power is too hard to control, and once have a trouble with power plant, it leads to the large amount of people death and illness. What's more, the wastes from nuclear power plant can't throw away everywhere, otherwise those wastes pollute the environment. On the contrary, opponents say, if the nuclear power plant will be abolished, whole Japan will be lack of energy. Therefore, the capital of Japan, Tokyo have to carry out scheduled blackout like last summer. Because The main system in many ways like government and economy are all in Tokyo, so blackout leads to Japan's confusion. As far as I am concerned, Japan use too much energy, and you should save them. Everyone's economy is enough to making up the lack of energy. Besides, you can hope Japanese technology of using natural power. Although the large number of technologies are still not in use now, Japanese technician will discover successful way definitely.



ざっと不適切な部分を。 「世論」は public opinion(単数・不可算的) さらに,これだと use の主語が「世論」になります。 まとまり, such as 具体例です。コンマの位置がおかしい。 attract の使い方が受身にすると逆。 agree は一般動詞なので is not ではない。 once の後は SV lead to を SVOO のように使っている。 lead 人 to ものとする。 wastes が主語なら can’t be thrown away と受身にする。 otherwise の使い方がおかしい。 if の中で will は不要。 be lack of ~で「~が不足する」とはならない。 Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has to … enough to の後は原形。 make up for ~ hope の後は that 節か for 名詞か to 不定詞。 technology は普通,不可算。 way, technician は可算なので無冠詞単数にはならない。






  • #Nuclear Wastewater What

    #Nuclear Wastewater What is the discharge of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan this time? It is heavily polluted nuclear wastewater. What is nuclear wastewater? Simply put, nuclear wastewater is water used for cooling nuclear reactors in nuclear power plants. This water also contains radioactive isotopes, but the content is low and the half-life is short. It can be discharged after being treated up to the standard. The coolant that normally touches the nuclear fuel rods has been recycled in the nuclear reactor. Japan’s discharge of nuclear contaminated water this time is because the reactors of the Fukushima nuclear power plant were damaged before, and a large amount of cooling water in the nuclear reactors flowed out to pollute the cooling water outside. This nuclear wastewater contains a large number of radioactive elements with strong radioactivity and a very long half-life. , Random discharge will have an impact on the entire earth's ecology.

  • 英語エッセイ添削お願いします。

    Biodiversityの重要性と、その社会への影響を200語程度にまとめよと出題され、以下のように書きました。 Biodiversity is important in two respects.. First, biodiversity prevents sudden food crisis. Diversity of a species means that it is strong enough to survive. Suppose that we grow genetically same crops made by the clone technology. If one crop gets ill, the other crops will also get ill because they are genetically the same. This may lead to extinction of the whole species and we will face a world-wide food crisis. Second, biodiversity will leave us the possibility of curing for some serious diseases. Scientists have only succeeded in studying less than one percent of species of plants, animals and insects living on the earth though there are more than 10 million of them. The diversity is so great. But they are on the verge of extinction. We must preserve them because there are possibilities that we will find new kinds of medicine among these unknown species with which we will be able to treat incurable diseases such as cancer, AIDS and so on. We have to prevent these living matters from dying out before we find them. なんか締まらない感じなんですがどうすればいいでしょう?

  • エッセーの添削おねがいします。

    文法だけでなくここはこう言ったほうがいいんじゃない?みたいなのもありました、どうぞ教えてください。 Education System of Two Countries It is the common objective of educational system in any countries to foster its citizens to become productive members of its society. Every country has its own education system. Two countries United States and Japan have also their own education systems. After World War II, the Japanese education system was built based on American's education system, so the education system in the United States and Japan have a lot in common fundamentally. American and Japanese educational principle is similar; however, the entrance processes are quite different. At first glance, pursuing university education of American and Japanese universities appears to be straightforward. The basic system seems to be identical. Both countries have two-year university, four-year university and technical school. Students enter college after they have graduated from high school, or simply demonstrate their ability to get higher education. Students can take any classes that they wish to take and they are free to devote most of their time to education. Both countries put from 6 years to 15 years old children under an obligation to be taken education. Even though American and Japanese university basic system seems to be identical, the entrance processes are vary significantly. In America, compared with Japanese university, it is easy to enter university. Students do not have to take the admission examination for entrance, but all students need is just submit the required documents like high school transcript. So students need to get good grade in high school. When students enter university, they are not required the good academic skills. However, it is difficult to get units and graduate from university, because they have to show their good skills in the class, so not a few students who can’t get the units and it take much time to graduate. In short, students who want to enter American university need to study hard after entering university. On the other hand, at Japanese university, it is difficult to enter university. Students have to take admission examination instead of submitting the required documents to enter. For Japanese universities, it differs from American universities in that you need to take an entrance exam for the specific university. If you pass the exam then your high school grades don’t matter at all. In short, contrary to American university, students who wish to enter Japanese university need to study hard before entering university. To conclude, while basically, American and Japanese education system are similar, the entrance processes to enter university are poles apart.

  • エッセイの添削をお願いします

    エッセイを書きました、添削をお願いします。 With the development of information technology, more and more people get easier ways to access valuable information than before. TV, radio, newspaper and Internet are main tools that you can get Information in every seconds and minutes. However, the increasing of information quantity bring about the increasing of fake information. Internet is often thought by people as a mother of fake news, and what TV or radio broadcasting is truth. But, because of TV and radio didn't fully broadcast the truth witch Tokyo electric power company had made last year, people have hesitated eyes to watch the TV news recently. What's more, newspaper also have problems. For example, an article about interviews, under the limited of latter number, it ofter cut the interviewee's words. Therefore, people are easier to misunderstand what the article indicating. From my point of view, every information senders should change their behavior. On the one hand, they mustn't send information with someone's private opinion. On the other hand, each senders have to choose information which people are really desiring.

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。Fukushi2

    1 Lands exposed to high radiation levels will be inhabitable. And terrorism targeting nuclear power plants is always a possibility. On the other hand, some say technological advancements can make nuclear power almost accident-free. can make nuclear power almost~の部分はnuclear power plantsとする方が文意が合うように考えるのですがいかがお考えでしょうか? 2 Nuclear power produces highly poisonous radioactive wastes, which require tens of thousands of years of storage. In Japan a deep geological repository is planned, which is a receptacle buried deep underground. However, nobody wants to have such thing in their community. That is why a deep geological repository is still not available in Japan. Right now, for the time being, radioactive wastes are stored in a village called Rokkasho, Aomori. which is a receptacle buried deep underground. の部分ですが,修飾関係はa receptacle+過去分詞+副詞+副詞であると考えるのですが、文意が「これは、地中深くに廃棄物を埋めよう、というものです。/それは、地中の深い場所を埋蔵場所とするものです」と解するのがまごついています。 直訳的には「それは貯蔵場所である/埋められた/地中深くに」となるのですがこの直訳から上の日本文を導き出すのに無理があるのかと考えてしまいますが私の解釈がおかしいのでしょうか?わかりやすく説明して頂ければ幸いです。 また、nobody wants to have such thing in their communityの部分ですがsuch a or the thing in their communitiesとすべきではないのでしょうか? 解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳の添削と構文の解説をお願いします。

    次の英文を和訳しました。 Tepco didn't include what are expected to be massive compensation payments to people and companies harmed by the accident at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant.  「東京電力は、福島第一原発事故で損害を受けた人々と会社に対する巨額の賠償金がいくらと予想されるかを算入しなかった。」 what are expected to ~の元になる構文がよくわかりません。 ご教示下さい。

  • エッセーの添削をお願いいたします。

    エッセーを書いてみたのですが、自分だとなかなか添削はできないので、どなたか文法、スペル、意味が通っていないなどの間違いがありましたら添削よろしくおねがいします。あともしエッセーのい構成で、ここはこうしたほうが良いんじゃない?みたいなのがありましたら遠慮なくおっしゃってください。  People usually watch TV, internet or magazine commercials without paying a lot of attention to what strategies are used. Logos has been used in advertisements across two centuries to make the content of the advertisement persuasive and to convince consumers that the product is reliable, honest and credible. 1960 DHC and 2006 Clearasil Skin Care Lotion advertisements both used the same marketing strategy- logos; however, the changing attitude about fantasy over the few decades is evident in those two commercials.  In the two advertisements, both used similar strategies. First, they used logic part of logos to make the advertisement persuasive and whip up audience’s interest or emotion by showing subconscious and concrete data. In the DHC advertisement, two women say, “This is a No.1 sales product in the world!” and introduce some voices of successful users. Also, in the Clearasil advertisement, slogans such as “This is 100% natural!” and “10million people are using this!” are heard. Second, they used attractive male or female models. In the DHC advertisement, two women who have nice skin appeared, and in the Clearasil advertisement, attractive man was acting.  Although both advertisements used same marketing strategy, they used different way to advertise their products. In the DHC advertisement, they narrowed down the target group to just women who want beautiful and clear skin. Also, they do not use fantasy in a comic book or video game mode. Just two real women appeared in the advertisement.  Different from the DHC advertisement, Clearasil advertisement narrowed down the target group to men. Also, the man who appeared in the advertisement not only represent concrete data but also explain scientific reasons why the product is extremely effective for the skin. Most different thing is using fantasy. In the Clearasil advertisement, one real man and one unreal woman like anime character appeared and advertised their product.  To conclude, from old to current advertisements, they used same strategy- logos, but the way of advertising has been changed. Why uses fantasy like anime or game character in advertisement? That is because using anime character in advertisements can make more close to people, and the character has the deep impression in people's mind. Also, it is easily make people associate the character with the products in advertisements. On the whole, it is a trick of advertisements and it seems to be called Image spokesman.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    They also urged the state to create a system to enable the conclusion of a safety treaty between power plant operators and municipilities located with in 100km of nuclear plants. 文章構造とかは大丈夫ですが、具体的にどのような訳がぴったりなのかを見てみたいです。 とくにenable(enable A to Bでない)の訳し方とかpower plant opetatorの訳とかです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • エッセイの添削をお願いします!

    高校で資料を参考にして、エッセイを書く課題が出ました。 一度書いてみたので添削をお願いします! ※文章構成(firstly, secondly In conclusion と 最初のパラグラフと最後のパラグラフとの内容が被ること)に関しては学校からの指示なので、そのままでお願いします。 以下 People had better be concerned about climatic change for ecosystem. It is global warming that one of the things that are in question most and most influential. These days, the affect the impact of global warming has been serious in Arctic. If we took preventive measures against it thoroughly, the animals on the ice in Arctic, such as, polar bear and earless seal, would be threatened with extinction. Firstly, according to the report from Nasa in 2005, the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. In other words, this report says that the environment which they can live on is not what it used to be. Secondly, the report says that each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005. That is to say, it shows that the place which it is possible for them to live on has gradually decreasing. In the future, it and they may perfectly disappear. In conclusion, we had better think of what global warming affect them and need to immediately start working out solutions for this problem. Otherwise, they will really have died out by mankind. 以上 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ※念のために言いたいことを大まかに日本語で書いておきます※ ^------------------------------------- 人々はもっと生態系のためにも気候変動について気にかけるべきである。もっとも影響があり問題となっているのが地球温暖化だ。近年、北極での地球温暖化は深刻化してきている。もし私たちが徹底的に地球温暖化を防がなければ、ホッキョクグマやアザラシなどの北極で生活する動物たちが絶滅の危機に瀕することになるかもしれない。  第一に、NASAの2005年に調査によると、「資料抜粋:the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature.」言いかえれば、このレポートは彼ら(北極に住む動物)の住む環境が昔と変わってきていることを示している。 次に、この調査は「資料抜粋each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005.」ということを示しています。つまり、彼らが住むことができる場所が徐々に減ってきているということを示します。将来、その場所と彼らは完全に姿を消すかもしれません。 要するに、私たちはもっと地球温暖化とそれが与える動物への影響を考え、この問題について対策を練る必要があります。そうでなければ、彼らは人類によって本当に絶滅してしまうかもしれないのです。 ※※※ 学校からの指示としては、自分の意見を Scentists using satellites date have confirmed that the amount of sea ice that flats in the chilly arctic is much less than it used to be , and that's probably because of warmer Arctic temperatures. Earch year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005. という資料から二つ根拠をあげて述べろ という指示です。 長いですが添削をお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 But the Olympics will heighten global scrutiny of Japan’s containment and cleanup efforts at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, about 155 miles north of Tokyo. Recent revelations of leaks of contaminated water from the site had cast a pall on Tokyo’s bid in its final weeks.

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