• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳がわかりませを。教えてください。)


  • 全体の訳はなんとなくわかるのですが、ところどころわからないところがあります。
  • so for a very long time長い間というのは分かるのですが、soというのは、「とても」と訳せばいいのでしょうか?
  • cannot beというのは、どのように訳せばいいですか?will beのような形も見ます。このような場合beの後ろは補語をつければいいのでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

私の脳はこれまでと同様良いし、まだ長い間そう(良い)でしょう、しかし、私のエネルギー(活力)は、以前の様ではないし、そうなることもあり得ません、だから、それは、次第に低下して行くのでしょう。 so は、次の辞書の【副詞】2. c. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/so よって、so = good を指しています。






  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    I didn't run for a very long time because of the cold weather ... so it was very tough, but I'm so happy I ran 10km. Hahaha ... I'm glad your father likes the chocolates. And your mother? Maybe she likes the pancakes more? 1 week ago we had to say goodbye ... it was a very sad moment and made me realize that you mean so much for me. And in house everywhere I look I need to think back when you were here. But in 2 weeks we will be together again and this time for longer time. It will be so nice to see your beautiful smile again ... your beautiful eyes ... it will be so nice to be with you. Thank you for suggesting such a good location. I didn't realize it was so convenient for me. Are you sure it's not too far for you? 1 hour seems to be a long time. I feel a little bit guilty because you will be working and I will be on holiday. I wish I could help you ...

  • 6つの英文を訳してください

    この英文の意味が分かりません 訳していただだきたいです。 1)Dark as it was, I could find my way back. 2)Even if I leave now, it will be too late. 3)My room is very comfortable wvwn though it is small 4)As far as we could see,everything was white 5)You may brrow the book as long as you return it. 6)There is no doubt as to who will win です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    Deciding to share my journal entries was a decision I have thought about long and hard and have come to the conclusion that it is important for me to include my feeling and thoughts during my time in captivity. この文の中で、thought about long and hard や、and have come to ~  の主語は何でしょうか。 訳を宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします

    オークションでの質問できたのですが、わかりません(泣) Hello seller i have interest on your item for my son for is birthday gift that will be coming up in Africa so i will like to know the condition of the item and i will offer you US$ 4,500.00 for the item including the shipment by EMS so i will make the payment via bank to bank transfer to your account in cash so i will need your bank information for the payment pls get back to me with your personal email to my email(メールアドレスが書いてありましたので()の中はふせます) so that the deal can be very fast ok fast ok.

  • 細やかな日本語訳を、よろしくお願いいたします。

    学長から推薦を頂きました。 できるだけ美しい日本語で、細やかに、最大に誉めて翻訳して頂けますと、たいへん助かります。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 This is to certify that Ms ○○ is a regular student of the (学校名), where she just entered the 3 years long Bachelor program with piano as main discipline. Ms.○○passed a very demanding entrance examination with severe selection, and is now studying in one of the most wanted piano classes of our institution. I am confident she will be very successful in her studies and it is my pleasure to recommend her for a (機関).

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    I`m not sure of when I will finish school because there are alot of circumstances involved. First, I have just moved to a different state so I don`t want to go to school immediatly because my tuition would be very high (takai!!!). And then, I am also hoping to get a sponsor for my tuition when I begin my new school out here in California. There are hospitals which would sponsor my schooling but in return I have to work for that hospital for at least one year after graduating. It`s okay but I am very picky and can`t decide who I would rather work for. Another circumstance is that some of my completed courses will not transfer and so I will not receive credit for those classes. It is frustrating because either I will have to do those classes again or I will have to complete some similar classes to even get credit for my work. いつも御世話になっています(^_^)看護学校に通う子からのメールです。 (1)when I begin my new school out here in California. この部分のoutはどのように訳したらいいのでしょうか? (2)たびたびcreditとういう単語がでてくるのですがこれは信用と訳したほうがいいのでしょうか?? (3) It is frustrating because either I will have to do those classes again or I will have to complete some similar classes to even get credit for my work. の部分はどこで区切って訳したらいいのか全くわかりません。誰かお時間とれるかたお願いしますm(__)m

  • 長文です;  英訳していただけないでしょうか?

    上司に告白され、好きな人がいるので、あなたとは友達でいたいと言った返事なのですが、 英語が得意ではなく、全部を訳せません。 訳していただけないでしょうか。 Hi ○○ That is OK for me if we will be friends and not more. But as your friend, I really need to tell you some things about what`s called the “Laws of Attraction” First of all, it does not require a lot of time to know if you are attracted to a person or not. After meeting two or three times, for several hours, that is more than enough time to know. So if you think of me like a friend, I expect that will never change. So in this case it would be me that has got ‘unrequited love`. But the difference is, I know it will probably never change, so I will accept it and not lose time, and I will not lose other chances, while hoping my ‘unrequited love` will change to ‘requited love’. I know a love feeling is very unlikely to arrive in the future, if it is not there from the beginning. So as your friend, I just want to caution you to be careful and don’t lose precious time and opportunities while waiting for something that is very unlikely to arrive. And as my friend, I hope you will understand that my idea for Friday was more like a date. Since it seems to be not reality, can I ask that we make our next meeting day Monday evening instead? That way we can spend with mikako, and Tom. Like a ‘friends meet-up’ which is the way you are comfortable. Then I can still have a chance to find a special Christmas feeling another way. As my friend I think you would understand and encourage this course of action. And as your friend, I want to encourage you, even if it is not me, you need to find your happiness without losing precious time and opportunities because of an ‘unrequited love`. Because life is short. And your young life is really short! There is no time to waste. Thanks and hope to see you Monday! with MIKAKO! Yours, ○○

  • どなたか訳をお願いいたします!

    "Irrespective of the above, a note of caution is clearly emerging as the industry prepares for winter ... it is unlikely the combination of current benevolent factors will be repeated for some time to come," said Peacocke.

  • 訳をお願いいたします。

    よろしくお願いいたします。 彼はインド人なので文法や言い回しは少し違うかもしれません。 大体言いたい事はわかるのですが、相手がどう感じているのかを知りたいので正確な訳をお願い致します。 Good Afternoon ! I can understands the problem now.which is very genuine and it is very correct that you do not feel comfortable to work with him. i guess if you feel to change the guide you may do so. but you will have to teach the new guide everything again. which is time consuming for you. but since Mr. Arora knows your work he would have been more easy. This is something that you will have to decide as if you're not comfortable then it is very difficult. Kalimpong is a small town and it takes about 3 hours to reach by car and there are many hotels there to stay, it is a small nice town.

  • When the time is ripe, の訳

    When the time is ripe, be bold and go fore it! I'll stand by you. 訳が気が熟したら、大胆に突き進むんだ。僕がいつもそばにいる。 となっていますが、1文目も未来系でWhen the time will be ripe ではないでしょうか?

  • 初回起動時にネットワーク環境のない場所でPCを設定する方法
  • ネットワーク接続画面をスキップして初回起動を進める方法
  • Lenovoデスクトップでの初回起動時のネットワーク接続のスキップ方法