• ベストアンサー


Next research will concern new thesis work on PGT, developing "sociology of knowledge" aspect, as the follow-up to the thesis presented by him. この時のdevelopingとasがどこにかかっているかわかりません。 ご教授お願いいたします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

英文の順番に訳してみました。 「次なる研究はPGTに関する新しい(以前の論文ではない)論文作成作業(研究)に関連するものであろう。つまりそれは知識の社会学の側面を発展させるものである。(どのようなものかと言えば以前に)彼により提示された論文の補足としてである。」 同じ形態と考えるとdevelopingが何に係るのかはっきりすると思います。例として、 I am heading to a park, walking with my dog. 犬を伴って歩きながら、私はある公園に向かっています。 上の形を利用すれば「知識の社会学の一面を(次の研究は)発展させながら」、とでも訳せると思います。 ここのasは I sent a card, as a new year's card.と同じ形と思います。送ったカードの説明となります。つまり彼が以前に提示した論文の補足として、知識の社会学の側面を発展させながら、とでも訳せると思います。 この文章がわかりにくい理由は新しい論文とここには登場しませんが、the thesisと呼ばれる古い論文があるので、訳すときにその存在を明確にしないと意味が混乱するところにあるように思います。またsociologyがsociologicalでないことも日本語に置き換えにくいものにしています。実際の意図はsociological aspect of knowledgeなのかもしれません。 日本語的にわかりやすく訳せば以下のとおりと思います。 「次なる研究はPGTに関するもので、彼により以前に提示された論文を補足するものとして、知識の社会学の側面を発展させながら、新しい論文の作成(研究)に関連するものとなるだろう。」


その他の回答 (1)


命題へのフォローアップが彼によって現れたので、次の研究は、「知識の社会学」面を開発して、PGTの新しい命題研究に関します。 通訳するサイトではこうでました



  • 英語訳で困っています! 省略箇所や簡単な解説もお願いしたいです。

    英語訳で困っています! 省略箇所や簡単な解説もお願いしたいです。 以下の文です。 Just as narrowing your theme to a thesis helped to clarify the kind of research you had to do, stating your thesis at the very beginning of your paper will help youe notes and to organize your writing as well. (If your instructor does not require a formal thesis statement, then begin your paper with a description of the specific points about your theme that you will making.) 長々とすみませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳してください(>_<)

    As an ancient proverb says, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Several new types of programs based on this idea have been getting attention these days. For example, in a "technology transfer" program, people in developing nations are taught skills to farm better or to make better equipment, roads or buildings. These skills then help them find work, earn money and feed their families. When people have the right tools and knowledge, they will be able to find their own way to escape from poverty.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a man in my 60s. I'm writing out of concern for my friend. "Will" and I are the same age; in fact, we share a birthday. He and I became well-acquainted in childhood and were very attached to each other. But then, in my early teens, our relationship took on a new and unanticipated aspect. We found that we shared an interest in girls, and as we grew through our teens and into our early 20s, we had many adventures together. When I married, Will was there and always supportive. It wouldn't have been the same without him, and I'm sure my wife would agree. I never minded in the least the interest he showed in her. But now, Will seems to have lost much of his get-up-and-go. He no longer shows much interest in my wife or in any other woman. I've tried to get him to be more spontaneous, telling him stories and showing him pictures that he used to like, but I barely get a rise out of him. I've tried to get himはI've tried getting himではなくそのような形なのはなぜでしょうか?あと、ここでのget a rise out ofはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英訳助けてください><お願いします★

    There are some big problems with this type of approach to studying adulthood. One of them is that it is very culturally specific━it is probably fine for describing the lives of middle-class white North Americanmen, but things may be rather different for people of different backgrounds, where the normal course ofliving takes different forms . Another is that it doesn't account for individial differences. Some people don'tleave home until much later in life;some people don't experience a lengthy period of independence but marryfrom their family home ;and some come across these transitions at very different ages. So it would be difficult to say how the model applied to them. Insight We will all experience several life- transitions , but they will be different for each of us. It is more useful to try to explore the psychological processes involved as we tackle our life-transitions,than to try to predict categorically what those life-transitions will be. If there are so many problems with this type of model, why should we bother with it at all? Well, mainly because it's a start. By identifying the kinds of things that are missing from a model like this, we can move towards developing better theories. Psychology doesn't have all the answers: it is continually changing, and trying to improve its theories and ideas. When a new area is first opened up, the initial theories are often quite liited;but they provide a useful basis for further research which can help us to develop a deeper understanding.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I found the videos from STP's Weenie Roast performance impressive as well, it's nice to see the STP classics performed as their normal tempo again. I really hope this is a wake up call for Scott Weiland. All of his fans are rooting for him to get healthy and be the best performer he can be, hopefully this competition makes him step up his game. I think STP choosing Bennington as their new singer will hurt his live nostalgia act significantly.

  • 英訳のチェックをお願いいたします。

    以下の日本語を英文にしたいのですが、チェックしていただけますでしょうか。 彼女は希死念慮にて一年近く心理療法を受けていた。 彼女は「私はこの国(母国)を出て、好きな国に行く。そしてお金が尽きたら死ぬ」と告げる。 医師は「せめてそれまで心理療法を続けたい」といった。 彼女は医師が死ぬのを思いとどまるように言わず、ただ続けたいと言ったことに引っかかっていた。 医師は後の診察で、「あの時はあなたの死への強さに圧倒された。無力感を感じたの事実」と答えた。しかし「あの時は圧倒されたのは事実だが、もう一度あなたの治療を続けたい。」といった。 彼女は彼が一度は彼女の自殺の意思を認めたという思いが消えない。 医師は、今は違うという、という。 です。 She has a suicidal thought and she has been having a psychotherapy for nearly one year. One day she said "I am going to leave my country and go to my favourite country. When my money has gone, I will commit suicide." Her Dr. told her "Can I see you just until your leaving." but didn't say Please stop. I would like to help or I am here for you. Next consultation, Dr. told her " Actually I to was overpowered your power to death. I felt powerless. however I really want to continue the session. " She tried to understand him but she is having a thought as he didn't stop her suicide and he accept her leave. How can I trust him again? He gave up me once. が私の文章です。 どうぞよろしくおねがいします

  • またしても英語が分かりません。

    次の各文の( )のうち、誤っているものを1つ選んで正して下さい。 (一) (1)(These days,)scientists are sometimes(2)(predict)the severity of(3)(earthquakes) and other forms of natural(4)(disaster.) 誤り(    ) 正す(     ) (二) I(1)(haven't seen) Tom(2)(for a long time.) When(3)(have you seen) him(4)(last?) 誤り(    ) 正す(     ) (三)(1)(Have you)(2)(already been)(3)(to Canada)(4)(in for life?) 誤り(    ) 正す(     ) (四)(1)(He has been)(2)(doing research)(3)(in Oxford,)(4)(and by the end of this year)(5)(he will stay there)(6)(for as many as ten years.) 誤り(    ) 正す(     ) (一)、(二)、(三)、(四)、は一つの問題文です。 分かりにくかったら、すみません><

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半と2段落の計3段落あります。 途中からで中途半端ですが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The knowledge of the workings of stars and their meaning has been handed down to me, by those who walked this path before me, some of which is very ancient knowledge, and I have tried to ensure that no method is lost in the up dating, Some as I explained before is modern and some the result of my own extensive research. This Soulmate may not be the only love you will ever have, but it will be the most important. The greatest, the deepest, the transforming loves. I will begin with your ascendant. And work my way methodically round all the celestial houses of your chart, some will be void and empty, a space that reveals nothing, others may have interesting star formations and planet aspects. but lets begin with your ascendant.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The element of Fire being strong on your seventh. House means that you will feel yourself warm towards him emotionally, as though he were indeed a fire on a cold day. Your first impressions would be instant, and of warmth, pleasure, and feeling inspired by him. As though your whole life received a sudden lift or speeded up, quickened towards something better. He will have made an instant impression, he will also grow slowly on your senses. And the feeling would intensify. As you’ll try to keep your feet on the ground. The fire elements also has shades about it of being in love for the first time, even if it is the thousandth time, you have been in love, it will feel like the first. A specializes and newness, about it, and the promise of a new beginning in life, these will be all the impressions, fast fleeting but powerful. It will feel like life has begun again.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    New nutrition labels proposed in the U.S. will also require food manufacturers to list any added sugars, plus a more prominent calorie count. Earlier this week, Britain's chief medical officer, Dr. Sally Davies, said she thought sugar might be addictive and that the government should consider introducing a sugar tax to curb bulging waistlines. The U.K. has one of the fattest populations in Western Europe. "We have a generation of children who, because they're overweight … may not live as long as my generation," she told a health committee. "They will be the first generation that lives less and that is of great concern."

  • X1 Tablet Gen2を2台入手し、Lenovo Vantageを使ってアップデートを行っています。
  • アップデートを開始してからすでに36時間が経過していますが、まだアップデートが終わりません。
  • 画面には「Performing update. Do not turn off machine」という表示があり、進捗を示すドットも画面の半分ほどまで進んでいます。このまま待っていても問題ないでしょうか?