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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:添削をお願いします!)



  • ベストアンサー

まず、論文の論理的構成に問題があると思います。 文章のつながりから、 first of all の'all' が何を指しているのか明確ではありません。 しかしその段落でNASAの見解を引用していることから、 地球温暖化が真実であるということの権威づけをしたかったのでしょうか? だとしても、その次の段落で'secondaly'で続く内容が論理的に矛盾しています。 その2番目の抜粋文では、客観的なデータです。 そこからNASAは1番目の抜粋文をひとつの仮説として提案しているのです。 学校からの指示は、おそらく、2つの根拠を挙げて何か主張をしてください、 ということだと思います。 あなたの主張が「地球温暖化は事実だ」ということなら、地球温暖化を支持する独立した根拠を2つ挙げればいいと思います。 それとも、地球温暖化は既成の事実だという前提で、「地球温暖化の対策を進めよう」という提言であるなら、地球温暖化がもたらす可能性のある被害を2つ挙げればいいと思います。 英語の問題はそのつぎです。なるべくシンプルで論理が明確になるようなものがいいでしょう。ひとつの文章でいろんなことを言おうとしなくてもいいのですよ。



返事が遅くなりまして大変申し訳ございません。 回答ありがとうございました! もう一度貴方様の回答を参考にして書き直してみたいと思います!


  • エッセイの添削をお願いします!

    高校で資料を参考にして、エッセイを書く課題が出ました。 一度書いてみたので添削をお願いします! ※文章構成(firstly, secondly In conclusion と 最初のパラグラフと最後のパラグラフとの内容が被ること)に関しては学校からの指示なので、そのままでお願いします。 以下 People had better be concerned about climatic change for ecosystem. It is global warming that one of the things that are in question most and most influential. These days, the affect the impact of global warming has been serious in Arctic. If we took preventive measures against it thoroughly, the animals on the ice in Arctic, such as, polar bear and earless seal, would be threatened with extinction. Firstly, according to the report from Nasa in 2005, the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. In other words, this report says that the environment which they can live on is not what it used to be. Secondly, the report says that each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005. That is to say, it shows that the place which it is possible for them to live on has gradually decreasing. In the future, it and they may perfectly disappear. In conclusion, we had better think of what global warming affect them and need to immediately start working out solutions for this problem. Otherwise, they will really have died out by mankind. 以上 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ※念のために言いたいことを大まかに日本語で書いておきます※ ^------------------------------------- 人々はもっと生態系のためにも気候変動について気にかけるべきである。もっとも影響があり問題となっているのが地球温暖化だ。近年、北極での地球温暖化は深刻化してきている。もし私たちが徹底的に地球温暖化を防がなければ、ホッキョクグマやアザラシなどの北極で生活する動物たちが絶滅の危機に瀕することになるかもしれない。  第一に、NASAの2005年に調査によると、「資料抜粋:the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature.」言いかえれば、このレポートは彼ら(北極に住む動物)の住む環境が昔と変わってきていることを示している。 次に、この調査は「資料抜粋each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005.」ということを示しています。つまり、彼らが住むことができる場所が徐々に減ってきているということを示します。将来、その場所と彼らは完全に姿を消すかもしれません。 要するに、私たちはもっと地球温暖化とそれが与える動物への影響を考え、この問題について対策を練る必要があります。そうでなければ、彼らは人類によって本当に絶滅してしまうかもしれないのです。 ※※※ 学校からの指示としては、自分の意見を Scentists using satellites date have confirmed that the amount of sea ice that flats in the chilly arctic is much less than it used to be , and that's probably because of warmer Arctic temperatures. Earch year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005. という資料から二つ根拠をあげて述べろ という指示です。 長いですが添削をお願いします

  • 英作文の添削お願いします!

    英作文の添削をお願いします! About global warming One of the problem which is caused by grobal warming is sea level rise. This is a serious problem because the influence by sea level rise is predicted that Marshall Islands sinks in 80% of a country. One of the way to stop this is to discourage the use of cars. For example, limiting the use of private cars in big city such as Tokyo and Osaka,where public transportation is readily available, may be the first step. 自分は大学受験生です。私が受ける大学で自由英作文が課されるのですが回りに添削してくれる人がいないので困ってます。どんな些細なことでもいいので意見を下さればありがたいです。

  • いきなり失礼します。

    いきなり失礼します。 今度、初めてプレゼンをするので英語でスクリプトを書いたのですが、 はずかしながら自信がありません。 申し訳ないのですが、どなたか 変なところを直していただけませんか? よろしくお願いします。 Do you know global warming? The global warming is the average temperature and water temperature of sea are rising phenomenon. It is a center of environmental problems in the world. It’s since 1980. Many countries are doing measure for global warming. Because the global warming has a big influence on the entire earth. It can be said that global warming is a cause of various environmental problems, and result. Big cause of global warming is carbon dioxide as know to us. Then , how will carbon dioxide makes the global warming. It is because carbon dioxide has the characteristic of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases is a gas with working that confines heat on an atmospheric inside in the atmosphere. As for the earth, the atmosphere and sea are warmed by light from the sun. Heat by this sunlight is naturally cooled. But, the greenhouse gases stops this heat. The abatement of emission of carbon dioxide is done all over the world, as measures for controlling global warming for this characteristic. So, it can be said that the earth today is in the state wrapped in greenhouse. The problem of the global warming is not only rising of the temperature. It is that, the balance of the climate collapses.

  • 添削してください

    またタバコの煙に含まれるダイオキシン濃度により環境汚染を汚染したり、タバコの製造に大量の木材が伐採されている。これは環境問題にかけている金額にも関わってくるのではないかと思う。このことに関して色々な意見があるが、実際に採用する価値はあるように思える。 Furthermore, pollution of the environment is caused by dioxin contained in cigarette smoke, and a large amount of woods is cut down to manufacture tobaccos. I think that this will also be related to the amount of money on environmental problem. There are various opinions about this, but it seems to be worth adopting it in fact. * cigaretteを使ったりtobaccoを使ったりしていますが、統一したほうがいいでしょうか? こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 地球温暖化を防ぐためにはCO2の量を削減しなければ

    地球温暖化を防ぐためにはCO2の量を削減しなければならない。 の英文は、 We have to reduce the amount of CO2 so that will be prevented global warming. で正しいですか?

  • 訳してください。お願いします。

    Many researchers believe that health of polar bears parallels directly with the health of the environment. Scientists are concerned that despite the constant cold in Northern Manitoba, it may not be staying cold long enough to keep the environment stable. In other words, global warming may be affecting the ice patterns, which are critical for the survival of the polar bear. Cam Elliot explains what the situation means for the continued existence of the polar bear. “Over the last 25 years, research conducted by the Canadian Wildlife Service has found about a two-week advancement in spring weather and ice melt,” he reports. “Polar bears are a creature of the sea ice. When they are out on the ice,they are hunting seals. Anything in the global climate that would affect the stability or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the Arctic weters is going to have immediate impact on polar bears.”To state the issues simply and clearly:polar bears need ice, and global warming may be taking it away from them.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    Systems theory is a fascinating new discipline. By looking at each part of a system and determining the effect it has on other parts, a map of the process can be made. This analysis helps make it clear how changes in one part of the system affect other parts and the system as a whole. A common example now is the melting of ice in the Arctic. If the summer temperature stays under a particular point, the amount of melted ice stays small. However, if the average temperature of the air in the summer is too high, the system might enter a state where all the ice melts. This happens because of a feedback loop: since ice reflects a lot of sunlight away from the Arctic, if there is less ice than usual, then more water will absorb sunlight and warm up. With more warm water present, more ice melts, and more water gets warmed up; this cycle continues, and accelerates. Soon, there is no more ice left. As for the mercury cycle, the ocean methylation process is not completely understood, so we are not yet able to figure out how to prevent mercury from methylating and entering the food chain. Once the process is understood, we hope to be able to control the amount of methylation so as to protect our marine food supply.

  • 英文訳をお願い致します

    北極の海氷についての英文です。 STOCKHOLM (AP) — Arctic ice is melting faster than expected and could raise the average global sea level by as much as five feet this century, an authoritative new report suggests. The study by the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, or AMAP, is one of the most comprehensive updates on climate change in the Arctic, and builds on a similar assessment in 2005. The full report will be delivered to foreign ministers of the eight Arctic nations next week, but an executive summary including the key findings was obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday. It says that Arctic temperatures in the past six years were the highest since measurements began in 1880, and that feedback mechanisms believed to accelerate warming in the climate system have now started kicking in. One mechanism involves the ocean absorbing more heat when it's not covered by ice, which reflects the sun's energy. That effect has been anticipated by scientists "but clear evidence for it has only been observed in the Arctic in the past five years," AMAP said. The report also shatters some of the forecasts made in 2007 by the U.N.'s expert panel on climate change. The cover of sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, for example, is shrinking faster than projected by the U.N. panel. The level of summer ice coverage has been at or near record lows every year since 2001, AMAP said, predicting that the Arctic Ocean will be nearly ice free in summer within 30-40 years. 以上です。 自分でも一通り訳してはみたのですが、どなたかが訳してくださったものも参考にして、さらによい訳を作りたいと思っています。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 添削お願いいたします!

    トルコアイスについての説明を英語ですることになったのですが、英語にはちょっと自信がないので… 詳しい方、添削をお願いします。  This is Dondurma.  The Turkish ice sold in Japan is called Dondurma.    Dondurma is made of sugar and sheep milk and salep , and the taste has vanilla , milk , coffee , chocolate .  When I eat Dondurma, the Turk prepares the water by all means .  This is because it prevents that Dondurma is clogged up by water.  Powder of Dondurma is sold in Turkey and can make Dondurma easily at home.  It may be said that Dondrums is ice loved by the Turkish nation  How if I eat , everybody ?

  • 英語 添削をお願いします

    ちょっとした、ジョークを考えなくてはいけません。文法もですがおかしいところを直して教えていただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。 One day an old woman came and spoke to me in French. I said to her in French with confidence. 『Je'ne parle pas de Francais』 She smiled and told to me in French more and more. This time, I got good luck and bad luck. Good luck is this. She understood my French. Bad luck is this. She didn't understand my feeling. Because the meaning of that sentence is I cannot speak French.