• ベストアンサー


英語の占いを読んでいたら、次の様な一文に出会い、意味が分からず気になっています。どなたかお力を貸していただけませんか。 It is a bit like the clutch of fatality lessened its grip. ちなみに、その前の文章は、 「この時期、あなたをこれまで制限してきた事やイライラ、あなたの成功を妨げてきた障害物が減っていくでしょう。」というような内容でした。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    直訳すれば     「死がその握力を少し緩めたようなもの」     「まあ以前ほど死を気にしなくてもよくなった」「明日死ぬ、なんて心配は無くなったようですね」      みたいなことでしょう。



なるほど・・・ すっきりしました!!ありがとうございます。 gripはここでは握力なのですね・・・たくさんの意味があったのでよく分からなくて・・・。 感謝します!!


  • 英語訳お願いします。

    どなたか、英語が堪能な方お願いします。 (1) This is charcoal. I like barbeque very much. I often have barbeque party with my family and friends in summer. It is really fun and dish is very delicious. (2) This is an autographed ball. I was given an autograph by Mr.Yoshinobu Takahashi in Yomiuri Giants. It is genuine. I like baseball since long ago. My father watched Major League games on TV in the weekend and I came to like it affected by that. (3) These are vegetables. I am working as a part time worker at the grocery store. All worker are friendly and cheerful and I am happy to work. My job is easy. (lol) Good points to work there are that hourly pay is high and I can eat many fresh fruits. (4) This is a savings bank in the form of Jizo (a guardian deity of children). It has good touch and I like it. No money is in it. (lol) (5) This is a seal. I bought it when I went to the trip to Beijing, China. It was made of crystal and by craftsman’s hands. I like it very much but have never used. (lol) (6) This is a photo of Tenanmon. It was very cold on the day I took this photo. It was very wide and the building had sense of history. Here was also a location site of the movie "Last Emperor." (7) This is a ticket of the World Cup. I went to the World Cup 2006 in Germany. I saw the game between Japan and Brazil and was very excited. Dortmund in Germany had very beautiful street and very tasty baked sausage 長文すいません・・・

  • 英語の訳お願いします

    From the Great Lakes region northward, Indians made canoe of the bark of the most widespread birch in the world. It grows well in New England and covers the entire eastern part of Canada. From the use Indians and pioneers made of its bark it is known as canoe birch, though it has many other names, such as paper birch, silver birch, white birch.

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    Error motions. (1)Slight variations in the pitch of the spindle(pitch error) (2)A larger perturbation from rectilinearity that is periodic with its rotation(spindle error) it encourages cross-axis translational or pitch or yaw mouions. 分かる範囲でいいのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 訳について

    Considerations like these give additional strength to the assertion that Hobbes's political science stands on its own feet because it understands man as a being that has a character of its own by virtue of which it can oppose itself to nature as such and because the substance of what it teaches about man is conceived in an esprit de finesse rather than in an esprit de geometrie. という文章なのですが、特に、virtue以後の「of which」をどのように訳せばいいのか悩んでいます。自分ではそのへんを曖昧にして こうした考察は、それが人間を、自らをそのような自然と対比しうるところの美徳によって自身の特徴をもつ存在として理解していることと、人間について教えてくれる物質は幾何学の精神よりもむしろ繊細の精神において説明されるということから、ホッブズ政治科学が自立的なものであるという主張に更なる力を与える。 と訳してみたのですが、やはり上手くいきません。 この部分、また訳全体についてアドバイスをいただけないでしょうか。

  • 英語の訳について

    First of all, our nation cannot tolerate discrimination of any kind. That's why the Americans with Disabilities Act is so important and must be honored everywhere. It is a civil rights law that is tearing down barriers in both architecture and attitude.Its purpose is to give the disabled access not only to buildings but to every opportunity in society. I strongly believe our nation must give its full support to the caregivers who are helping people with disabilities live independent lives.の訳は下の文章であってますか??間違っていたら訂正よろしくお願いします!! まず第一に、我が国はいかなる種類の差別を大目に見ることができません。そういうわけで、障害者差別禁止法はとても重要で、至る所で守られなければなりません。それは、建築と態度においてバリアを取り壊している市民権法です。その目的は、建物だけでなく社会のあらゆる機会にも抑制されたアクセスを与えることになっています。私は、強く、我が国が身体の不自由な方々が独立した人生を送るのを手伝っている介護者にそのフルサポートを与えなければならないと思っています。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Walters is a man of few words. When asked by the press why he did it, he said: 'You can't just sit there.' When asked if he was scared, he answered:'Wonderfully so.' When asked if he would do it again, he said: 'No.' And asked if he was glad that he did it, he grinned said:'Oh,yes.' The human race sits in its chair.On the one hand is the message that says there's nothing left to do.And people like Larry Walters are busy tying balloons to their chairs, directed by dreams and imagination to realize them.

  • 訳をお願いします

    授業で訳さなきゃいけない文があるのですがどうも難しいのです。 皆さんの力を貸してください。 You「go into the market and claim your share」of the things produced. The more money income you get,the more output you can buy. In every modern economy the distribution question is「how much money income will each person get?」 Ofetn the question is stated as the question of income distribution . No matter how the question is answered you may be sure that nobody will be completely satisfied with the answer. If a society does a good job of choosing of sloving its constrained maximization problem it will maximize its progress toward its objectives. That is not an easy goal to achieve. 収入に関する話だとは思うのですがよくわかりません… よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    The human race sits in its chair.On the one hand is the message that the human situation ishopeless. And people like Larry Walters soar upward knowing anything is possible, sending back the message from eleven thousand feet: 'I really did it. I'm FLYING!' It's the spirit here that counts.The time may be long, the vehicle may be strange or unexpected. But if the dream is held close to the heart, and imagination is applied to what there is close at hand, everything is still possible.

  • 英語が堪能な方! 訳をお願いできますか?

    I wanna try a song about being blonde, blondes. I was trying to think okay what I have to say. Well, I'm a blonde and blondes are more fun. There is several against them. I decided to play with it and I get sick out of it at the same time. I am totally forgot 'o person and I know that. So it's like yeah, I'm blonde so I'm sorry and I get kind of quirky. But you know, I don't consider myself a domb person. So it was just like this is what I'm like as an individual. And yes, there is a label being blonde but it doesn't define me. I wanna try the song 'bout being blonde. They showed me this track and I really liked it and just kind of singging along to it, singging with it and the song just flew pretty quickly.

  • 英語の論文の訳がわかりません!

    英語のネットワーク関係の論文なのですが、ここの訳し方が全然分りません。 「ノードがノードの数を評価する(知る)方法の一つとして~」 というのは分るのですが、その後が訳せません。お願いします!↓ One possible way for a node to estimate the number of nodes independently is to derive the maximum number of nodes from its own degree d, (i.e., thenumber of neighboring nodes) and the maximum distanceTmax of nodes which it knows as d^Tmax .