• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

• US politics? アメリカ政治? • US economy? アメリカ経済? • US military? アメリカ軍? • Family life in the US? アメリカでの家族生活? • Politics in Japan? 日本政治? • Economy in Japan? 日本経済? • The Japan Self-Defense Forces? 日本国自衛隊? • Family life in Japan? 日本での家族生活?


  • アメリカ在住の方に質問です

    「Self Defense Forces」と聞いてMilitaryだと思いますか? それともArmy、Militaryとは違う組織だと思いますか? また、「Defense Forces」はMilitaryだと思いますか? それともArmy、Militaryとは違う組織だと思いますか?

  • 自衛隊の英語訳について

    Self Defense ForcesとDefense ForcesってSelfが付いただけで英語圏では全く違った訳になってしまうんですか? ・Defense Forcesは防衛する軍。防衛するのは国。よって「国を防衛する軍」 ・Self Defense ForcesはSelf-Defenseというのが個人が自分自身を守るという訳。Forcesは軍。よって「個人を守る軍」? こんな感じのイメージに取られているのでしょうか? 実際は英語圏でSelf Defense Forcesというのはどんな印象で取られているのでしょうか? また、中国なんかでは自衛隊はなんて呼ばれているのですか?

  • 英語 長文の和訳を教えてください。

    At this time the united states was still the over-whelmingly dominant force in the relationship. japanese foreign policy was tired very closely to the Western bloc in the cold war. Not only was japanese security guaranteed by the american military, but the fledgling japanese economic miracle was dependent upon its ties to the american economy. The Amer-icanization of japan was becoming more evident every year. Major changes were bound to follow the steady increase in the strength of the japanese economy. the first japanese surplus in the balance of trade came in 1965. From that year until 1969 the U.S. and Japan maintained a relatively balanced trade. In 1969 Japan accumulated a surplus of almost one billion dollars and, with the exception of a few years in the middle of the 1970s, never looked back.The growing power of the japanese economy was forcing changes in the relationship.

  • 長文の和訳がうまくできません

    『FOREIGN AFFAIRS』の記事を訳す課題が出たのですが、 不自然な訳になってしまい困っています。 「日本とアメリカの軍隊はいい感じですよ」 「アメリカの軍隊は世界で5番目に大規模ですよ」 という感じの文の後に、 The Japanese Self-Defense Forces are also well equipped, with 1,000 tanks, a blue-water navy, and an air force that is scheduled to accept delivery this year of midair refueling tankers, an addition that will extend Japan\'s operational reach beyond self-defense. とあり、この訳がうまくできません。 精一杯訳した結果↓ 「日本の自衛隊もまた設備のよく整っている、1,000台の戦車と、青海原を航行する海軍、そして空軍、空中給油のタンカーによる配達を今年受け入れることを予定した、それに加えて日本の自己防衛の範囲を超えた軍事行動を延長するだろう。」 ちゃんと通じる日本語にしたいので、助けて下さい。 よろしくお願いします

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    Even the largest concentration of German troops in the continent in East Africa, was numerically unable to fight an aggressive war. The main objective for the German forces in East Africa, led by Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, was to force Allied governments to keep military forces and supplies in Africa, rather than send them to fight in Europe. By threatening the important British Uganda Railway, von Lettow hoped to force British troops to invade East Africa, where he could fight a defensive action. In 1912, the German government had formed a defence strategy for East Africa; the military would withdraw from the coast to the hinterland and fight a guerrilla campaign. For the Belgians, the German presence in East Africa was a threat to the security of Congo but some Belgian officials viewed the fighting in East Africa as an opportunity to expand Belgian territory. The Colonial Minister, Jules Renkin, favoured a policy of trading territory gained in East Africa with the Portuguese, to expand the western Congo coast in a post-war settlement. A successful campaign in Africa was also seen as a way for the De Broqueville government to avenge the German invasion of Belgium.

  • 和訳がわかりません

    よろしくお願いします。 Japan being Japan, some of the most powerful forces for uniformity in education flow naturally out of the culture. という文なのですが、 日本は日本なので、教育の一様性のもっとも力強い力は文化から自然と流れ出している。 と訳してみたものの、まったく意味がわかりません。もう少し分かりやすく訳していただけないでしょうか? わからないところは、 Japan being Japanの部分が何を言いたいのか? flow naturally out of the culture.はいったいどうなることなのか?

  • 「軍隊」の英語訳

    「軍隊」の英語訳がわからないので、どなたか教えていただけないでしょう? 日本の「自衛隊」を英訳する時は、「Japan Self Defense Force」 と訳し、陸海空それぞれに分ける場合は 陸上=Japan Ground Defense Force 海上=Japan Maritime Defense Force 航空=Japan Air Defense Force となっていると思います。 あるいは対外的には普通の軍隊の様に、 陸軍=Japan Army 海軍=Japan Navy 空軍=Japan Airfoce となるのだということは、調べていて一応 わかったのですが、自衛隊を「Japan Self Defense Force」 と訳したように、いわゆる陸海空すべて含めた概念としての 「軍隊」はどのような訳になるのでしょうか?

  • 和訳お願いします

    Consider establishing SDF garrison on Senkaku isles: LDP's Ishihara Washington AFP-JIJI Japan should consider deploying Self-Defense Forces units to islands it controls but claimed by China to counter Beijing's growing assertiveness, a liberal Democratic Party leader said while on a visit to the United States. Nobuteru Ishihara, sometimes seen as a future prime minister if the LDP returns to power, said Monday that Tokyo should also look more broadly at stepping up defense spending in the face of a rising China. Japan officially regards the Senkaku Islands as under the jurisdiction of Okinawa. Beijing claims the islets, which are known in China as Diaoyu. Last year a run-in involving a Chinese trawler and Japan Coast Guard boats trying to shoo the vessel away from the area led to a further souring of relations. Ishihara, secretary general of the conservative party, said Japan should move "quickly" to put the islands under public Ishihara, of the conservative party, said Japan should move "quickly" to put the islands under public control. Tokyo considers most of the area to be privately owned by Japanese citizens. "Following this change, a port should be developed where fishing boats may take refuge," Ishihara said at the Hudson Institute, a Washington think tank. "I further believe that we must seriously begin contemplating the establishment of a permanent post for the Self-Defense Forces in this area" he said. Japan said in 2008 that it had reached kn agreement with China for joint drilling of potentially lucrative gas fields near the disputed islands. But the deal has gone nowhere, with China saying its stance has not changed. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's Democratic Party of Japan has mostly sought smooth ties with China, which says its growing military spending is for peaceful purposes. Noda asked Chinese President HC Jintao for progress on the 2008 deal during talks last month on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific summit in Hawaii, although Japanese officials said Hu was noncommittal. But Ishihara said China has become "assertive, one may even say aggressive" in recent years and pointed to its actions in separate maritime disputes with the Philippines, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations, "Emboldened by its new economic weight and growing military might, China's proclamations of its 'peaceful rise' appear more and more at odds with the emerging reality," he said. Ishiara, leading a delegation from his party, was in Washing- ton partly to ease concerns over the opposition's stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership free- trade pact championed by President Barack Obama. Noda announced last month that Japan will enter the TPP talks but has faced strong opposition from farmers worried about foreign competition and threats of strong resistance by LDP lawmakers who consider the farm industry as a key political base. Ishihara said discussions on the TPP are "at the starting line" and the government must do all it can to address public concerns and ensure food security. "We would like to understand what the US. wants to get out of the TPP. If it's an effective tool to establish a free-trade zone for the Pacific that benefits both the US. and Japan, that would be reason to pursue it," he said. "But if we can't identify enough merit for Japan and the US., then maybe we should pursue another way to establish a free-trade zone."

  • 和訳お願いします

    Consider establishing SDF garrison on Senkaku isles: LDP's Ishihara Washington AFP-JIJI Japan should consider deploying Self-Defense Forces units to islands it controls but claimed by China to counter Beijing's growing assertiveness, a liberal Democratic Party leader said while on a visit to the United States. Nobuteru Ishihara, sometimes seen as a future prime minister if the LDP returns to power, said Monday that Tokyo should also look more broadly at stepping up defense spending in the face of a rising China. Japan officially regards the Senkaku Islands as under the jurisdiction of Okinawa. Beijing claims the islets, which are known in China as Diaoyu. Last year a run-in involving a Chinese trawler and Japan Coast Guard boats trying to shoo the vessel away from the area led to a further souring of relations. Ishihara, secretary general of the conservative party, said Japan should move "quickly" to put the islands under public Ishihara, of the conservative party, said Japan should move "quickly" to put the islands under public control. Tokyo considers most of the area to be privately owned by Japanese citizens.

  • NHKWOLRD 日米地位協定

    Currently, when a soldier or civilian employee of US forces in Japan drives after drinking at an official ceremony, the person is regarded as being on duty. Primary jurisdiction for court cases falls based on the US military based on the Status of Forces Agreement. Primary jurisdiction 以下についてお尋ねします。 (1)動詞はfallsですか? (2)その場合、訳は   1次裁判権は、日米地位協定に基づきアメリカ軍・・・   どうなりますか? よろしくお願いします。