• ベストアンサー


I began to rely on drugs more and more to help me cope with the downsides of fame. Not knowing how to deal with it meant any articles making reference to my size really got to me. スターになって、マスコミにデブと言われてクスリを始めた女の子の自伝より。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • inopy7426
  • ベストアンサー率57% (143/247)

・私は人気の下降に対処する一助となるよう、ますますドラッグに依存するようになった。対処方法が分からなかったため、私の体のサイズについて触れている記事には本当に参った。 ・downsides→downside ではないでしょうか。it=the downside だと思います ・A mean(that)B で AがBとなる(A result in B)の意味で因果関係(Aが原因、Bが結果)を表していると思います。 The cool weather means autumn is here. 涼しくなると秋である ・Not knowing how to deal with it が meant の主語。know how to=can なので結局、人気の下降に対処出来なかったということ



回答ありがとうございます。原文ではdownsidesとなっておりますが。 原因・結果ですね。勉強になりました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

「『Not knowing how to deal with it』は『any articles making reference to my size really got to me』を意味した」ですが。 さっきから宿題? お仕事?





  • 英語の翻訳

    以下、イギリス人とebyでやり取りの中です、google翻訳で何言ってるかわかりませんでした。 翻訳できる方お願いします。 What world do you live in where a buyer can dictate to a seller how much he can sell his good for ? I think it best if you found someone else to buy these parts from. Peculiar that you now know how to write in English. I find it very difficult to deal with fools who think they can tell me what they think and expect me to go along with it, I prefer not to deal with these people as is the case here.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。m(_ _)m

    You misunderstand my question. I wish you to advise me of the additional costs that you will charge me for shipping the item to me in the UK. Knowing the cost of the item plus shipping, I will then be able to calculate the additional taxes I will be required to pay to HMRC on its arrival in the UK. Please supply me with the shipping costs that I will pay to you when I place an order for the item.

  • 文法的にわかりません。。

    ある薬と他の薬のinteraction(相互作用)に関する英文を読んでいるのですが↓の2つの文で文法的にわからないことがあります。 When physicians use several drugs concurrently, they face the problem of knowing whether a specific combination in a given patient has the potential to result in an interaction, and, if so, how to take advantage of the interaction if it lead to improvement in therapy or how to avoid the consequences of an interaction if they are adverse. Estimates of the incidence of clinical drug-drug interactions range (A)3 to 5% in patients taking a few drugs to 20% in patients who are receiving 10 to 20 drugs. まず1つ目の文で「how to take advantage of」と「how to avoid」の2つのhow toがきていますが、それぞれ「~を利用する方法」「~を避ける方法」と訳すと文が成り立たなくなってしまいます。一体このhow toの文法的な役割は何なのでしょうか? 次に2つ目の文で、この文はおそらくrange from A to Bで「AからBへ及んでいる」の形になっていると思うのですが「A to B」のtoが文中ではどのtoに相当するのかがわかりません。10 to 20はこれだけで「10~20」という意味なのでしょうか?(なお、文中の(A)には何か前置詞が入りますが、このように考えた場合fromだということになります・・・) 考えてもどうしてもわからないのでわかる方がおられましたら教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • お手数ですが翻訳をお願いいたします

    ebayに出品し、万年筆が落札されました。その後下記のようなメールが届きました。 Vanishig ponit penは、万年筆の名前です。 お手数ですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 I won this auction and will be paying you with Paypal. Before I do, I would like to ask will you sell me more Vanishing Point pens and combine ship them with this one? If yes, how many pens can you ship me for $13? I look forward to your answer and to doing good business with you. Thank you in advance for sharing a great ebay transaction with me.

  • 英語翻訳をお願いします

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 I have bad experience with paypal. my card has limited because paypal. My bank suggest me to pay with my master card or visa card, since this two card is always accepted anywhere in the world, specially for a big company and I don't have to pay extra fees for the transaction. do you have creditcard machine? or merchant to process my card? Let me know if we can continue this deal.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Q:Are contributions tax-deductible? A:Most contributions are not tax-deductible. Campaigns may offer tax deductions on contributions only if they are marked with a “Verified Nonprofit Campaign” badge. For more information on how to set up your campaign to offer tax deductions, see our article: How to Raise Funds for a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit.

  • 日本語に翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    Hey yuna, please don’t get mad at me for bringing her up but my ex wants to make a deal with you. She says she will never try to date me and that she won’t ever do anything with me. And in return she wants to be friends with you and me. Is that something you would be interested in or do you still want me just to block her? Anyways don’t get mad at me I’m just a messenger here Anyways I want to get over with that. I just want to start talking about you. So message me when you are free because I miss you I really want to talk about meeting you

  • 翻訳してくれませんか?!

    翻訳してくれませんか?! 外国人の友達からメールで言われた言葉なんですが、曖昧な理解しかできなく 困ってます>< 翻訳してくれますでしょうか? I'm sorry to tell you but I'm seeing someone. Its difficult to wait for you and someone is very interested in me now. She is very nice and sweet. Ive asked you to be more sweet with me but I understand you never met me before. I guess we can just be friends. Hope you understand that I need to kiss, hold and make love to woman and it's been too long. I understand you cant promise me anything so I'm being honest with you that I'm seeing someone else.

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    This concept might not be a big deal for you if you grew up in Japan, but it was a big deal for me when I first arrived here. Let me tell you why. When I was growing up, we only morning – for one hour each! If I didn’t get up before them, I sometimes had to wait more than an hour just to use the toilet. Later, when I was a college student, I had the same problem. There were four of us sharing a house. We shared a house. We shared everything: the kitchen, the living room, and, of course, the bathroom. With so many people sharing one bathroom, the wait to use the toilet could get quite long. This is usually not a problem in Japan. Another reason I like Japanese – style showers/bath is that they are designed to get wet. You never have to worry about getting the floor or walls wet because they are supposed to have water on them! And you don’t have to wipe them down afterwards to prevent mold – as my mother always made me do. 訳すのに注意しなければいけないところや、意訳で難しいところも教えてくれると嬉しいです!

  • 翻訳希望

    途中からですが、翻訳していただけるかた お願いできますでしょうか? よろしくお願いします He may be good at figures, and have a good memory a desire for success,, but mercury also means he sometimes tells lies, You can help him to climb the mountains of his life and reach success. He fears failure, and thinks life is full of harsh lessons that he cannot always learn. This is the sign often has to do with writing, with key board skills, piano playing, or typing, computing and learning, it can also mean pain in the knee joints or wrists, frayed nerves. Though him you become more talkative to others, as if knowing him helps you to open up and talk more even about serious matters that you would have kept to yourself before this relationship began. In time it can also bring something of a divide in your life to do with environment or class, or culture, A feeling of not quite belonging with your past any more, the past environment, community friends life style you had lived in and knew before you met him. A feeling of having moved away or on from that life mentally, but of not quite belonging in his world either. Mercury puts a divide between the past and future, the old and the new, so that sometimes in this relationship you feel that you are in a long period of transition, not knowing whether you want to go back or go forwards