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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:不審なメール)




英語で困ったら、まずはエキサイト翻訳。 http://www.excite.co.jp/world/text/  #つぅか。やってみたけど、和訳がダメダメですねん。。。。  要するに、単なる詐欺メールの類でしょう。  無視したらどうでしょか。



今までに翻訳サイトは何度も試しました. 結果がいつもアテにならないので,ここで質問として挙げさせて頂きました.


  • 英文を日本語訳してください、お願いします。

    外国の方にムービーカメラを売って、代金の振込操作をしてもらった段階です。 Hello. Thanks for the bank information provided for the payment of your money to your account i want you to know that i have made the transfer of money to your account through Reserve Bank Of Australia online bank to bank transfer and i hope you will have got the payment approval confirmation mail in your box so i want you to get the item packed and make the shipment to my address given to you and send the shipment details to the bank for the verification of the transfer to your account and immediately the bank confirm the shipment details from you such as Shipment tracking number and the hipment scan receipt the bank will now activate you account with the remittance and you will get the money in your account So i want you to go and make the shipment of the item By EMS and Don't forget the BATTERY of the ●●● you will remove it because of LITHIUM BATTERY, And send the shipment details to the bank fast. Am waiting to hear back from you as soon as possible. Thanks

  • 英語のなぞのメールが来てこまってます。

    先ほどメールボックスを確認したら英語の名前の人から以下のような メールが届いていました。これは迷惑メールというか間違いメールですか?でも間違えてgoomailに送りますか? 簡単に言うと「マレーシアで自分の顧客が死んだので同じ名前のあなたに報酬を与えるから協力してほしい」ということですよね。 これはどうしたらよいでしょうか? あとこのメール文をこのページに載せたのはまずかったですか?  I apologized, If my business proposition offends your moral and ethic values, My name is Mr. Kamal Harun, I am a legal practitioner with Kamal Harun Chambers in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. I saw your contact and profile I decided that you could cooperate with me in this proposition. I have a client who was deceased in November, 2001, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am contacting you because you have the same surname as my deceased client and I felt that you could help me in the distribution of fund that were left in my deceased client's bank account. This fund is closed to be declared UN-serviceable by the bank as there were no indicated next of kin or next beneficiary of the fund in the bank account. The total amount of cash in the bank account of my deceased client is US$21.5 Million (Say, Twenty One Million, Five Hundred Thousand US$), only. The bank had issued to me a notification to contact the next of kin of my deceased client for either to re-activate the bank account or to make claim of beneficiary, of the fund in the bank account, with a month surcharge of 6% to be deducted as an Escrow safe keeping fee of the bank account, so as to avoid the indefinite closure of the bank account. My proposition to you is to seek your consent, and to present your kind self as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my deceased client, since you have the same last name with him. This means that the proceeds of his bank account would be paid to you as his next of kin or the legitimate beneficiary. When the proceeds in his bank account are paid to you, we will share the proceeds on a mutually agreed-upon percentage of 60% to me and 40% to your kind self. All the legal documents to back up your claim as my client's next-of-kin would be provided by me. The most important thing I would need is your honest cooperation in this proposition. This will be done under a legitimate arrangement that would protect you from any breach of the law. If this business proposition offends your moral and ethic values, do accept my sincere apology. Please contact me at once if you?re interested by replying the mail and ignore it if you are not.

  • ファイナンス(英語)の問題

    You are planning your retirement in 30 years. You currently have $25,000 in bonds and $50,000 in shares. You plan to add $5,000 per year at the end of each of the next 30 years to your bond account. The stock account will earn an 11.5% return and the bond account will earn a 7.5% return. When you retire, you plan to withdraw an equal amount for each of the next 25 years at the end of each year and have nothing left. Additionally, when you retire you will transfer your money to an account that earns 6.75%. How much can you withdraw each year? これを解けなくて困ってます。分かる方がいたら教えていただきたいです。

  • こんなメールが来ました。教えてください。

    先日海外からこんなメール来ました。経験ある人いますか? Abidjan,Cote d'ivoire Please my dear, After going through your profile i decided to write you.My name is Mr Jean Michael,19 year old,the only Son of late Chief and Mr Alfred Michael, Please i want to relocate to your country where i can settled down happily,and I wish to request for your assistance in a transaction that will benefit you and i. The money in question is $6.500.000USD(Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Usa Dollars). And I wish to invest the money in Manufacturing and real estate management in your country under your care and guidance.and I will require for your assistance in receiving the funds in your personal/ account for investment, I will be gladly to give you 10% of the total sum for your assistance. God bless you a

  • 口座を作ってくれという海外メール?

    こんにちは。 このごろ、妙なメールが舞い込みます。差出人は今回はスイスの人ですが、アフリカからの時もあります。 共通しているのは、大量の金があり、(自分にとっての)国外の銀行に口座をつくってくれる人を探している、ということらしいのです。お金は、死んだ夫、または父などの遺産だったり、また、イラクの廃屋で拾った大金、ということもあります。国外に持ち出せなくて?困っているように書いてあります。。 きっとこういうメール受け取っている人もおられると思います。いったいこれはなんなのじゃ?文面通りのことなのか、他意があるのか、、、なにか御存知の方、どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 I am just back from Iraq where in the cause of performing our duties we found in a box a large amount of money in cash in an abandoned house, I reached an agreement with the members of my team whom are UN officials(two in number)and we agreed to keep this money to ourselves and they moved the box out of Iraq to Europe(with their immunity as UN officials they are not searched at borders or airports) Now, I am in need of a reliable and trustworthy person or company overseas whom I can confidently work with. My work does not permit me to own a foreign bank account or any personal business until retirement. I have the honor to confide this information in you and to request for your pleasure to assist to receive and secure the money in your account, pending our retirement from service.

  • 英文メールがわかりません

    youtubeに津波動画を投稿したら下記のメールが来ました。 意味というか意図がイマイチわかりません。 また、私はどんな返事をすればいいのでしょうか? 返信の例文もできればお願いします。 I hope this email finds you safe and well. Im a documentary producer for Siskel/Jacobs Productions in Chicago. I am producing a special program for the National Geographic Channel detailing the horrific earthquake and tsunami on March 11. I saw some of the footage that you posted on youtube and thought it was extremely powerful and an honest account of what it was like to live through that. I would love to discuss the possibility of using some of this for our documentary. This program will use a mix of raw news footage, radio broadcasts, and amateur video to stitch together a unique and thoughtful account of what transpired in Japan on March 11. This program will follow the same structure as Siskel/Jacobs' Emmy award-winning documentary "102 Minutes That Changed America" -- which reconstructed the events of 9/11 in New York City, using only sound and video from that morning. While there are many challenges with a program of this nature, we have an added challenge in that this program is slated to air April 13. Thank you, in advance, for any assistance you can provide. I am available, at your convenience, to discuss the program in further detail and answer any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

  • この英文、通訳できますか?

    こんばんは。ちょっと私では通訳できない英文があったので、誰か通訳できませんか? 「hello seller am dr alison king from canada i am inneed of an urgent purchase of your item pasted on yahoo auction. i want them for my clients as a new year gift in africa and am willing to offer you the sum of $4,000usd for 5 set of the item. and more so i will like to do this in a very timely manner and i will pay you via BANK TO BANK DIRECT TRANSFER OR PAYPAL.」

  • 翻訳なのですが

    Hello, I want you to know that i have made the transfer of money to your account through National Australia Bank online bank to bank transfer and i hope you will have got the payment approval confirmation mail in your inbox or Spam box, so i want you to get the item packed and make the shipment to my address given to you and send the shipment details to the bank Make sure you pack the Item well and make the shipment after you finish the shipment you will send the shipment receipt to the National Australia Bank Before they will Activate the money to your Account. Am waiting to hear back from you as soon as you finish the shipment. Thank You を翻訳サイトで訳してみたのですが、さっぱりわかりません。。。 単語単語ででてきてなにがなんやら、、、 もしどなたか訳せる方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください、お願いします。 オークションの取引の最中のメールです。

  • 変な質問

    ヤフーのオークションに出品中の商品に以下の変な質問が来ました。 Hello, Am Mrs Deborah Marley from USA .i came across your item on yahoo auction.i will like to order this item for my son in Nigeria.and i will be making the payment with Bank To Bank Transfer. they will transfer your money to your account as soon as the payment is made .i will offer you $1,000.00 USD Including the shipment VIA EMS SPEED POST to my son address in Nigeria. i will like to know condition of this item and how many you have for sale and i want you to send me your bank details .you can E-mail me to my E-mail (・・・・@yahoo.com) . Thanks 翻訳できる方翻訳してください。 恐らくいたずらとは思いますが、なんか気持ち悪いので・・・ よろしくお願いします。

  • アメリカの銀行とEメール!英文を確認できる方!1

    アメリカの銀行に口座があるのですが、しばらく使っていません。 そこで預金を日本の口座に移そうと思い、アメリカの銀行へメールを打とうと思うのですが、英語がからきしだめなので、訂正をお願いします。 私の名前は名無しのゴンベイです。日本人です。 私は6年前、2007年に御社の銀行でアカウントを作りました。今もそのアカウントがあり、お金も残っています。 しかし私はすでに帰国しており、アメリカの銀行の口座を持っている必要がありません。 なので、以下のことを望みます。 ・口座に残っているお金を、私の日本の口座に移すこと ・口座の廃止 ・明細書の送付の停止 上記の三つの事を行うために何が必要か、私に教えて下さい。 私のバンクナンバーは、000000000000です。明細書が送付されるている住所は、・・・・です。 また私は英語が話せません。もし可能ならば、日本語ができるスタッフに、日本語で対応してもらいたく思います。検討よろしくお願いします。 Hallo. It's nice to meet you. My name is Gonbei Nanashi, I'm Japanese. In six years ago, I opened a bank account of Bank of America. Now, this account still alive and have money. But I すでに back to japan and not need an account of bank in America. So I want 下記のこと. 1. Transfer My money in your bank to my account in japan. 2. Close my account. 3. Stop to send bill. Please teach me how to 上記のこと. And my account number is 0000 0000 0000. And address that is sent bill is ・・・・. And I can’t speak English. So if you can, you 準備する a staff who can speak Japanese. Regards. Nanashi