• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の分詞の問題です。)



  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

1 どう答えていいかわからず、私は黙っていました。   Not (knowing) what to say,I remained silent. 2 試験の結果から判断すると、彼は頭のよさそうな学生です。   (Judging) (from) the test result,he seems to be a amart student. ここから並び替えです。 1 彼は破損した車を悲しそうに眺め、修理にいくらかかるだろうと思った。   He looked sadly at the damaged car, wondering how much it  would cost to repair it. 2 それを贈答用に包装していただけますか。   Would it be possible to have it gift-wrapped for me? 3 サッカーの競技中に腕を折った。   I got my arm broken while playing soccer. 4 風で帽子を飛ばされた。   I had my hat blown off by the wind. 5 溺れる者は藁をもつかむ。   A drowning man will catch at a straw. 6 怪しい素振りの男が家の周りをうろついている。   A questionable man is hanging around looking the house. 7 この魅力的な砂浜は、マイアミの中心部から10分のところにあります。   This charming beach is located ten minutes from downtown Miami.





  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語、または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1. It's started raining. If it ( ) raining, we could go on a picnic. (1)is (2)isn't (3)was (4)weren't 2. If the weather were too hot or too cold, plants ( ) grow. (1)could (2)would not (3)had to (4)won't 3. We would have gone to see the movie last night of we ( ) it was so funny. (1)know (2)would know (3)had known (4)could know 4. If I had known about the good news earlier, I ( ) to congratulate you. (1)would call (2)must have called (3)would have called (4)should call 5. If my son had taken my advice, he ( ) successful now. (1)is (2)was (3)would be (4)would have been 6. I wish I ( ) back the clock and do it all over again. (1)can turn (2)could tuen (3)had turned (4)have turned 7. I wish ( ) much more when I was young. (1)study (2)studied (3)have studied (4)had studied 8. If ( ) he had told her the truth. (1)timely (2)only (3)plainry (4)suddenly 9. It's time Bill ( ) home. (1)go (2)will go (3)goes (4)went 10. ( ) his idleness, he would be a nice fellow. (1)If he would be (2)If he were not (3)If it were not for (4)If it was 11. ( ) for the examination, I could have gone shopping with my friends. (1)Without (2)If (3)But (4)With 12. ( ) for your support, we wouldn't be here. (1)Not were it (2)It were not (3)Were not it (4)Were it not 13. ( ) I known more about the man, I would have gone shopping with my friends. (1)If (2)As (3)Were (4)Had 14. ( ) anything happen to you, you can always call me on my mobile phone. (1)If (2)Should (3)Unless (4)Would 15. ( ) your help, we would have failed. (1)Were it not been for (2)Had it not been for (3)If it had been for (4)Without being 同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。また、(a)の文を訳しなさい。 1. (a) Because of the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. (b) If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. 2. (a) If he had helped us, we could have succeeded. (b) ( ) his help, we could have succeeded. 3. (a) If you heard him talk, you would think that he was a new student. (b) ( ) ( ) him talk, you would think that he was a new student. 4. (a) If he the university students had not started at once, they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. (b) The university students started at once; ( ) they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. 以上です。 お手数をおかけしますが、どうかよろしくお願いいたします。 ミスなどがありましたらお知らせください。

  • 英語です。適語を入れる問題です。得意な方

    2つの文が同じ意味になるように(--)の中に適語を入れなさい。 1.This is the reason why I came late.= This is the reason (--) (--) I came late. 2.I know an old man named Smith.= I know an old man (--) name is Smith. 3.May 5 is my birthday.= May 5 is the day (--) I was born. 4.I know a girl with brown eyes.= I know a girl (--) (--) brown eyes. 5.The building on the hill is a castle.= The building (--) (--) on the hill is a castle. 6.I didn't believe him.= I didn't believe (--) he said. 7.The road is full of cars, so it is the most dangerous place in the city.= The road, (--) is full of cars, is the most dangerous in the city. 8.I called on my aunt, but she was out then.= I called on my aunt, (--) was out then. 9.He had two sons,but both of them were killed in the war. = He had two sons, but both of (--) were killed in the war. 10.It was not the thing that I wanted to do now.= It was not (--) I want to do now. 11.Everyone longs for peace and security.= There is (--) one (--) longs for peace and security. 12.He came to the dinner because he admired her.= His admiration for her was the (--) (--) he came to the dinner. 13.His father was a barber. He loved his father deeply and lived in the same house for thirty-five years.= His father,(--) whom he was deeply attached and (--) whom he had lived thirty-five years,was a barber. 14.I am ready to do (--) service may be in my power.= I am ready to do (--) service (--) may be in my power. 長くなりましたが、できる方、お願い致します

  • 英語の仮定法の問題の答えを教えてください

    英語の仮定法の問題の答えを教えてください。 1、カッコ内の動詞を適当な形に直しなさい。 (1)He is, as it (be), an eternal boy. (2)He talks as if he (see) a UFO. (3)How I wish my mother (be) still alive. (4)If you (be) to see a ghost, you would certainly be frightened. (5)If I (leave) home earlier, I would have caught the bus. (6)If I (know) his e-mail address, I would e-mail him. (7)It is high time you (stop) depending on your parents. 2、空所を適語で埋めよ。 (1)( ) I in your place, I would not do so. (2)( ) it not been for your rescue, he would have been drowned. (3)What ( ) you do if you had a million yen? (4)He talks ( ) if he knew everything. (5)He acted as my interpreter, as it ( ). 3、各文を仮定法を使って書き変えなさい。 (1)I am sorry I can't speak English well. (2)He treated me like a child.(like a childのみ) (3)As I am not busy, I can go with you. (4)To hear him speak, you would think him a young man.(To hear him speakのみ) (5)But for his advice, I would have met a traffic accident.(But for his adviceのみ) 4、各2文がほぼ同じ意味を成すように適語を入れなさい。 (1)If I were you, I would not do like that. →( ) I you, I would not do like that. (2)It is about time you should marry. →It is about time you ( ). (3)She died because the doctor came too late. →If the doctor ( ) ( ) come too late, she ( ) ( ) have died. (4)I am sorry I arrived too late. →I wish I ( ) ( ) in time. お願いします。

  • 英語の問題です!至急解答お願いします!

    以下の英語の問題の解答を教えてください! (1)同じ意味の文にし、日本語にしなさい。 a:It seems that our teacher is angry. →Our teacher ( ) ( ) ( ) angry. 訳:____________________________________________ b:It said that the man has a lot of old coins. →The man is ( ) ( ) ( ) a lot of old coins. 訳:____________________________________________ c:I'm too busy to read a book. →I'm ( ) ( ) ( ) I ( ) read a book. 訳:____________________________________________ (2)次の文を日本語にしなさい。 a:It is said that there are a lot of beautiful birds in the mountain. 訳:____________________________________________ b:Last evening I was too tired to go to see a movie. 訳:____________________________________________ c:My father always tells me to be kind to old people. 訳:____________________________________________ d:Roy studies science very hard in order to become a scientist. 訳:____________________________________________ e:Julia seems to be angry with me. 訳:____________________________________________ f:The man seems to have learned Chinese when he was young. 訳:______________________________________________ よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    【B】や【C】他、分かった問題もありましたが、調べてもよく分からなかったものもありました。 文法的になぜこの答えになるのか、解説や訳などを、少しでも結構ですので、つけていただけると助かります。お願いします。 【A】 1 Susie cannot () the news because she was away from home.   アhear イbe heared ウhave heared エbe able to hear 2 The child wanted to eat the cookie though he ().   アhad told not to イhad been told not to ウhad told to エhad been told to 3 The old man () cross‐legged over there is my glandfather.   アsitting イwho seated ウseating エsat down 4 () I to tell you all the story of my life, one week would not be enough.   アAm イAre ウHave エWere 5 I know nothing about Peggy () she lives next door.   アexcepted イexcepting ウexcept for エexcept that 6 It sometimes happens that a man () we think is mad makes a great invention.   アwho イwhose ウwhom エwhat 7 Bill said that he loved her () her faults.   アall the more because イno more with all ウnone the less for エno less than 8 They elected Mr.Johnson () of the city.   アmayor イa mayor ウthe mayor エfor mayor 9 The doctor, who did not remember () her before, prevented to know her.   アmeet イmeeting ウto meet エto have met 【B】 1 空が晴れて、富士山が見えてきました。   When the sky cleared, we caught () of Mt.Fuji. 2 彼は私のことをうそつきとまで言った。   He went so () as to call me a liar. 3 彼は最近太り気味だ。   He seems to be () on a little weight lately. 4 私は時々友達と一緒にいるよりも、一人でいたいと思う時がある。   I sometimes () being alone to being with my friends. 5 帰り道に彼の家に立ち寄りましょうか。   Shall we () in at his house on our way home? 【C】 1 The ball game was (called off) because of the bad weather. 2 My father (went through) a lot of hardships in his youth. 3 She could not (put up with) the headache any longer. 4 The rumor (turned out) to be false. 5 You must stop (giving in) to the desire for chocolates. アreject イexperience ウprove エcancel オyield カendure 【D】誤りの選択問題です。 1 I (haven´t) (attended to) a funeral (for) many (years). 2 You ought (to take) an ambrella (in) case it (will rain) (later). 3 He would have (picked up her) if he (had known) she (needed) (a ride). 4 She often tells her (17-years-old) son (not to) smoke (until) he (comes of) age. 【E】 1 One (well,know,as,may,not) a thing at all as know it but imperfectly. 2 (without,that,goes,saying,it) honesty is the best policy. 3 It seems that he cannot (which,read,book,decide,to). 4 There can be (but,faults,has,man,no,some). 5 (his,advice,had,taken,he,doctor´s), he might still be alive. 【F】 1 A:Dinner is ready!   B:Yes, I´m () right away.   アleaving イgoing ウcoming エhaving 2 A:Is it okey if I borrow these books?   B:(). I´m going to use them.   アSure イI think so ウNo problem エI´m afraid not 3 A:Hello, sir. The extention number for Mr.Suzuki is 3456. (). Hold on, please.   B:Thank you, operator.   アI´ll change the line イI´ll turn you up ウI´ll put you through エI´ll pick you up 以上です。

  • 再び構文把握の問題です

    教えてください。本当にすみませんが、自分なりに頑張っても分からないので再投稿させていただきました。先ほどと違う文章です。 強調構文の考え方です。It is~thatと言う文章でこれらを省略しても文章が成り立っているのなら強調構文である。と書いてありました。 It is a fact that he wants to know.→a fact he wants to know→He wants to know a fact.となり、たとえば、It is a fact that he has won the game.は同じようにやるとa factの役割が不明になり、前とは違って成り立たない。よってこれは強調構文ではない。ここまでは理解できます。 しかしこの考え方が次の文章では分かりません。この文章ではどうやって上のような考え方を当てはめればいいのでしょうか。 It ewasn't until mysuitcases and I were piled into a little Fait and the man in dark glasses was telephoning to his mamma that he would be late for supper, that the voice of my mamma could be heard above my desperation. この文章は「It ewasn't until」と「that the voice of 」の「that」が呼応してます。

  • 助動詞の問題です。

    (1)それは黙っておいたほうがいいですよ。 You may ( ) ( ) leave it ( ). (2)彼女は昔よりずっとスリムだ。 She is much thinner ( ) she ( ) ( ) ( ). (3)がんばってみたが、どうしてもエンジンがかからなかった。 I tried very hard, but the engine ( ) ( ) start. (4)彼は約束を守る男だ。途中で事故にあったのかもしれない。 He is a man of ( ) ( ). He ( ) ( ) ( ) with an accident on the way. (5)私はメアリーはバスに乗り遅れたのかもしれないと思った。そうでなければ彼女はもう来ているはずだ。 ( ) occurred to me ( ) Mary ( ) ( ) ( ) the bus, ( ) she ( ) be here by now. 次の文に誤りがあれば直してください。 (6)He has to be an old man, because he was born in 1901. この問題を解いてみると、 (1)You may (as ) (well ) leave it (there ). (2)She is much thinner (than ) she (used ) (to ) (be ). (3)I tried very hard, but the engine (would ) (not ) start. (4)He is a man of (honest ) (stamp ). He (might ) (have ) (met ) with an accident on the way. (5)(It ) occurred to me (that ) Mary (might ) (have ) (missed ) the bus, (otherwise ) she (must ) be here by now. (6)have to→must 間違っているところがあったら教えていただけませんか。 できれば、間違っているところを訂正していただけると助かります。

  • 高校英語の和訳教えてください

    高校英語の和訳教えてください 1 Owing to the high cost of living , his wife could not make both ends meet. 2 My mother did not try to have me read anything I didn't like. 3 The truth is that a sick dog can have a wet nose, and a healthy dog a dry one. 4 The fact is that spiders are far from becing insects 5 The truth is that most students spend as many hours in class or at their studies as workers do at their jobs. 6 We had no idea what it would be like to live in a foreign county. 7 My father didn't want me dating anyone who wasn't Irish. If the man was Irish, it was all right ; it didn't matter he was like. 8 My husband got so angry at me that he almost struck me on the cheek よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    問題 文章を下記の語句から選択し文章を成立させ, 🔲に入る語句を答えなさい。 ※一語だけ当てはまらない語句があります。 1 Hello my I speak to mr yamano? she ( )( )̻🔲( )( ) I am afraid. (1)any(2)work(3)doesn,t(4)longer(5)still(6)here 2 there were ( )( )̻🔲( )( )enough text books.   we needs to order some more. (1)many(2)and(3)students(4)not(5)for(6)too 3 Do ( )( )🔲( )( )Bob? He is his new supervison. (1)talking(2)you(3)is(4)The man(5)to(6)know 4 The man ( )( )🔲( )( )talked all time. (1)next to (2)sitting(3)the bus (4)while(5)me(6)on 5 Do ( )( )🔲( )( )? yes they defintely do. (1)need(2)think(3)my shoes (4)washing(5)you(6)to be 6 Mark ( )( )🔲( )( ). (1)years(2)my(3)five(4)is(5)by(6)junior 7 I see Mr jenkins. every day in class. I have ( )( )🔲( )( ). (1)spoken(2)to(3)though(4)him(5)never(6)be 宜しくお願いします。

  • [英語]並び替え問題を教えて下さい><

    1. Had () () () () () () her father was once the president of the company, she would never have been employed. (1) it (2) the fact (3) been (4) for (5) not (6) that 2. It was () () () () () () I discovered how important it is to be able to speak English. (1) I (2) not (3) to work (4) that (5) until (6) began 3. I heard a rumor that the man was very dangerous and that on () () () () () () child alone. (1) account (2) leave (3) you (4) no (5) must (6) your