
  • 「ロッカーズ」とは、反抗的なアメリカの若者のアイドルのようなルックスを持ち、ジーンズ、Tシャツ、レザージャケットを着用していました。
  • 彼らの髪型は短くカットされるか、「アヒルの尾」のようなスタイルで、前髪をしっかりとグリースで梳き上げ、両側に梳かし戻すというスタイルでした。
  • さらに、彼らはスクーターではなく、パワフルなオートバイに乗ることを選びました。俳優のジェームズ・ディーンのように、彼らもパワフルなバイクに乗ることを選びました。
  • ベストアンサー


The "Rockers", on the other hand, adopted a look more like that of the idols of rebellious American youth in the 50s: jeans, T-shirts, and leather jackets. Their hair was either cut short or sometimes in a "duck-tail" style with hair well greased and combed out above the forehead; then combed back on each side, similar to the images of young rebels in the American film and music of the 50s. Like the actor, James Dean, "Rockers" chose to ride on powerful motorcycles rather than scooters. rebellious:反抗的な "duck-tail" style:アヒルの尾のような髪型(リーゼントに近似)

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー

一方の”ロッカーズ”が取り入れたのは、たとえばジーンズ、Tシャツ、革のジャケットなど、50年代の反抗的なアメリカの若者にとっての偶像のようなスタイルだった。 彼らのヘアスタイルは短髪か、”ダックテイル”スタイル(グリースを塗りたくり、前髪はおでこの上に、サイドは後ろ向きになるようにクシでとかした髪型)のどちらかだった。 50年代の音楽やアメリカ映画に登場するような、若い反抗者のイメージである。 俳優のジェームスディーンのように、”ロッカーズ”はパワフルなオートバイを選んだ、スクーターではなくて。 みたいな感じだと思います。 ご参考まで。



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  • 和訳お願いします

    Take the respective choices of fashion and style, for instance. The "Mods" took their name presumably from "modern". They preferred to wear their hair down to the collar and often with a "page-boy" cut with bangs over the forehead, not unlike the style one can see on the covers of early Beatles albums. They wore "stylish" clothes: collarless shirts, suits and sports jackets. Their preferred mode of travel was on motor scooters, which followed the trend among youth in continental Europe in those days. "page-boy" cut;ホテルのウェイター風の髪型 bang;切り下げの前髪

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分となります。 ここから、顔の比喩に入りますので、かなり抽象的な内容だと思われますが、 意訳でかまいませんので、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He is handsome with a forceful face, and a direct gaze. His hair is wonderfully thick sweeping in shape and with a flick at the ends. It is dark., well styled and comprised of dark chocolate shades of brown, some close to rusted ebony, some burnt umber. He has a look of wealthy refined man. It is a long face, with a heavy bone structure that gives powerful delicate features. He has a high tall handsome forehead, which is smooth skinned and makes him look refined and intellectual. It is soft beige in color with a trapezoid shape at the hair line and straight lower down by the eyes. It has a faint depression or hollowed in the middle above the eyes. No lines across the forehead until old age, and even then they are faint like the hair line crack in a plate.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Troops of the KAR launched a tentative attack on Mbombwe on 25 January but the engagement proved inconclusive. Chilembwe's forces held a strong defensive position along the Mbombwe river and could not be pushed back. Two African government soldiers were killed and three were wounded; Chilembwe's losses have been estimated as about 20. On 26 January, a group of rebels attacked a Catholic mission at Nguludi belonging to Father Swelsen. The mission was defended by four African armed guards, one of whom was killed, Father Swelsen was also wounded in the fighting and the church was burnt down. The military and militia forces assaulted Mbombwe again the same day but encountered no resistance. Many rebels, including Chilembwe, had fled the village disguised as civilians. Mbombwe's fall and the government troops' subsequent demolition of Chilembwe's church with dynamite ended the rebellion. Kaduya was captured and brought back to Magomero where he was publicly executed. After the defeat of the rebellion, most of the remaining insurgents attempted to escape eastwards across the Shire Highlands, towards Portuguese East Africa, from where they hoped to head north to German territory. Chilembwe was seen by a patrol of Nyasaland police and shot dead on 3 February near Mlanje. Many other rebels were captured; 300 were imprisoned following the rebellion and 40 were executed. Around 30 rebels evaded capture and settled in Portuguese territory near the Nyasaland border. The colonial authorities responded quickly to the uprising with as much force and as many troops, police and settler volunteers it could muster to hunt down and kill suspected rebels. There was no official death toll, but perhaps 50 of Chilembwe’s followers were killed in the fighting, when trying to escape after or summarily executed. Worrying that the rebellion might rapidly reignite and spread, the authorities instigated arbitrary reprisals against the local African population, including mass hut burnings. All weapons were confiscated and fines of 4 shillings per person were levied in the districts affected by the revolt, regardless of whether the people in question had been involved. As part of the repression, a series of courts were hastily convened which passed death sentences on Forty-six men for the offences of murder and high treason and 300 others were given prison sentences. Thirty-six were executed and, to increase the deterrent effect, some of the ringleaders were hanged in public on a main road close to the Magomero Estate where Europeans had been killed.

  • 英文和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 抽象的シリーズが続きますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His complexion is mixed in tone, it has a smooth background of yellow and pink tones like antique or old yellowing ivory, a yellow paleness, like a handsome parchment. And undertones of warm pink. He has short dark neat tidy eyebrows, the same deep shade as the hair. They follow the line of the eye socket in a rounded sort of shape. The face is long the cheekbones are high and there is just some hint of russet or obscure soft pink ruddiness like the faint bloom on a apple, or bloom on a pomegranate lighting the upper cheek and cheek bone area of the face. The rest of the complexion has obscure oily looking brown tones. The over all picture tending to appear more light brownish and parchment like blended together, rather than fair or light skinned. He has Bright smart looks, no dullness in the hair or complexion or eyes. Just a vivid quality that makes him look smart and outstanding in a crowd.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The mid-war years were momentous times. Governing politicians in Paris and London were under great pressure from the press, the people and their parliaments to bring the war to a victorious close. The casualties from the battles of Gallipoli, the Somme and Verdun had been high and there was little prospect of victory in sight. The British prime minister, H. H. Asquith, resigned in early December 1916 and was succeeded by the "Welsh wizard", David Lloyd George. In France, premier Aristide Briand, along with General (later Marshal) Hubert Lyautey as Minister of Defence, were politically diminished and resigned in March 1917. The United States was close to declaring war on Germany; American public opinion was growing increasingly incensed by a long succession of high-profile U-boat attacks upon civilian shipping, starting with the sinking of RMS Lusitania in 1915 and culminating in the torpedoing of seven American merchantmen in early 1917. The United States Congress finally declared war on Imperial Germany on 6 April 1917, but it would be more than a year before a suitable army could be raised, trained, and transported to France.

  • この文章を和訳してくださいませんか?

    この文章を和訳してくださいませんか? コレです↓ Do you like doing funky kinds of hair styles? - Question by bjdog98 Jess: I guess with hairstyles, I’m probably the more adventurous one with hair colors. I do tend to, because I have extensions, cut my hair on the road. So I’ll have it really long at the start and by the end of the tour I’ll have super short hair, like I do right now. As two months have gone on, I’ve had really long extensions and then every night I was like “I want it shorter” and I’d cut it. So yeah, I guess we do. あと、自動翻訳機はできるだけ 使わないでもらえると嬉しいです^^;

  • 英文和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方のみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 多分難解ではなさそうです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 When will you meet?; Your own spirit always knows the answer, it knows what’s ahead, like a memory but in reverse. So much of one’s spirit is below the surface, like a lake, where you cannot see the depth and all is smooth an unchanged like a mirror as though ages slip by and nothing alters, all is still. The world of love un-flickering and remote from your every day life, but underneath everything is felt, echoed magnified, the waiting heart yearns and cries in silence, the soul reaches out in advance of time to clasp the moment of being together. The boundaries of time are like ice on water or like the skin on a jug of hot milk, dividing the two worlds, spirit and material, dream and reality, emptiness and love, liquid and solid.

  • 和訳をお願いします。難しくて困ってます;

    Given these circumstances and aiming to diminish their vulnerability to an unpredictable and uncontrollable foreign market, Latin American economic thinkers and political leaders took an urgent interest in a more autonomous development. Foreign and local investors in many Latin American countries had already installed textile mills, food processing and other light industries, some dating back to the later nineteenth century. But the crisis of the 1930s led the state, in partnership with a segment of the entrepreneurial class, into a more active role to promote industrial development. A decade later, in 1948, the United Nation’s newly formed Economic Commission for Latin America(or CEPAL, in its Spanish acronym) provided the theoretical underpinnings and the statistical data for the new policies. CEPAL – or more precisely , its foremost spokesman , the Argentine economist, Raul Prebisch – endeavored to demonstrate that the theory and practice of comparative advantage favored the industrial “center” of Europe and the United States and worked against the interests of the Latin American “periphery”. This, Prebisch and his followers believed, was because greater efficiency in the production of industrial products in the “center” did not read to lower prices for these goods in Santiago or Buenos Aires but rather to higher wages for organized and demanding workers in Detroit. On the other hand, improved agricultural production in Latin America did drive its commodity prices down on the world market in part, the theory held, because of an overabundant and consequently inexpensive, still precapitalist, rural work force, not in a position to demand higher wages. This explained why the terms of trade – the number of sacks of coffee, say, necessary to buy a Singer sewing machine – had for the previous half century moved in favor of the exporters of industrial products and against those of raw material or agricultural producers.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? においについて?みたいな感じです・・。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Every one has a distinctive individual odour, but it is often so subtle that we do not smell it. It is harder still to describe in words. Your soul mate washes frequently, and his odious and fragrance will not be strong, but the subtle nuances of them are a warmth, like cloth. He smells of shampoo, and faintly fragrant and like hair styling products, and there is a subtle undertone of oiliness, cooking oils and toasted and fried things. soap, faintly of burnt things, and tomatoes and cheese or pizza, There is a fragrance of mingled things,. These odours are so faint you hardly smell them, you more feel it, you know when he is there, like the difference between him and an empty space, but the subtle difference in air is uniquely his own. The strongest parts for detecting this smell are the region of his hair and collar.. The cloth and cooking smell is the undertone, the lower note or less pleasant background of his perfume. and the shampoo and hair styling products, stronger like a cloaking smell but they are both so fine and subtle that it is hard to detect these things

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    On very dark colors like 1B and 1 that have black in them, dye after is where they will ventilate with a lighter color and then dye the hair after so that the knots are in a color that can be bleached. 上記の和訳が分かりません。 分かる方がおりましたら、回答頂けるとありがたいです。 1Bと1は、髪のカラーの番号、dye after は、1つの単語みたいです。